Wen Shutong pursed his mouth and said, "I have money."

That said: "Huo Yan Lin has no facial expression."

On hearing this, Wen Yueqi and Huo Xingfei immediately looked up at her. Wen Shutong bit his teeth and took the purse in humiliation. He took the child away without saying hello.

Huo Yanlin chuckled and shook his head. He continued to play with the barbecue and studied how to use it.

"Wow, there are a lot of things here in the afternoon." Wen Yueqi excitedly said, "before in Denmark, we did not often come out to play, have never seen."

Huo Xinghui nodded: "Dad did not take me out before."

Wen Shutong touched his nose with a guilty heart, and then said, "when I was a child, no one took me out to play."

Wenyue Qili said quickly: "now Dad took us three out to play."

Wen Shutong instantly felt that he had become a spring outing of children, chirping.

There are still concrete roads on both sides of the bridge, so the whole road is selling things. It looks very busy.

Wen Shutong went to the old woman who sold balloons and asked, "Auntie, how do you sell balloons?"

The eldest mother looked up at Wen Shutong and said, "21, how many do you want?"

Wen Shutong hesitated and said, "two Three. "

"We only have two children," Huo asked suspiciously

Wen Shutong glared and said, "no one has ever bought a balloon for me."

Huo Xinghui stopped talking immediately. Anyway, this is Dad's wallet.

Wen Shutong happily picked up a Pink Unicorn balloon and wrapped it around his wrist.

Wen Yueqi chooses a balloon similar to the armored warrior. Wen Shutong can't understand it. He only thinks that this is completely in line with Wen Yueqi's dream of a great hero every day.

Huo Xinghui chose a normal one, a big dolphin balloon.

Wen Shutong happily took out Huo Yanlin's wallet and handed it a hundred: "Auntie, business is booming."

"Well, thank you."

After finding the money, Wen Shutong wrapped the balloon around the two children's wrists, holding one in each hand, and decided to look around and go back.

"You should hold on to me. There are so many people here. If someone takes me away, I can't catch up. What's more, the balloon is so powerful that I can't pull you down in case you are carried to the sky by the balloon. " Wen Shutong said as he led the child to the grandfather who sold sugar gourd.

"Three." Wen Shutong said.

Wen Yueqi looked up and asked, "don't you buy one for Dad?"

Wen Shutong hesitated for a moment: "want, want?"

Wen Yueqi asked, "no? What if Dad sees that we have all three of us, but he doesn't, what should he do if he is upset? "

Wen Shutong turned his eyes and said, "that's OK."

The bridge was crowded with people. Wen Shutong bent down to protect the two children in front of his legs when he took out his wallet.

But it was this bending action that exposed her purse in the back pocket of her skirt, and a pickpocket who had been following her was waiting for an opportunity to steal the purse out.

Wen Shutong was aware of the change of the wallet for the first time, but because there were still children, he only had time to shout that someone had stolen the wallet, but he did not dare to go after him.

Although Huo Yanlin's wallet is not enough, it also has a lot of money, and there are many bank cards and certificates in it.

Wen Yue and Qilian thrust Huo Xinghui's wrist into Wen Shutong's hand and chased the thief away.

Although there are several people around to chase, but because we do not want to cause trouble, just make way for a small road.

Wen Shutong was afraid of what would happen to Wen Yueqi, so he squatted down and picked up Huo Xinghui and chased him.

So, when Huo Yanlin looked up at the bridge, he found that there were three high and low hydrogen balloons in the crowd on the bridge.

He intuitively thought that it was Wen Shutong, who didn't even care about his barbecue and ran over there.

Although Wen Shutong was wearing sneakers, he was still holding a child, and he was struggling to catch up with him. Fortunately, Wen Yueqi's balloon had been in the air all the time, the height had not changed, but the speed had been accelerating and it was easy to identify.

When Qi Yuetong was in front of the crowd, he was beaten by the crowd.

Wen Yueqi is small, but explosive and flexible. A child who has been trained cruelly and systematically stands up to a pickpocket who can only steal and run away.

after running up for a period of time not far away, he directly steps on the other party's back, and his legs wrap around his neck.

The man immediately fell on the ground in the scream of the surrounding crowd, and Wen Yueqi was not hurt because there was someone under him to cushion him.

“Moon。” Wen Shutong saw Wen Yueqi fighting in the crowd, his face was scared white.Next to an aunt patted her arm and said, "don't worry, your brother can fight."

Wen Shutong was stunned for a moment and then said, "he is not my brother, this is my son."

Another woman watching the party said, "how do you educate your children? To learn Taekwondo since childhood? This is too powerful. Beating an adult man is actually a crushing type of beating. Several young men nearby are afraid of being hurt by mistake if they want to help. You don't have to worry about children. "

Wen Shutong gaped and said: "moon, you can't start. You hit him on the back, turn over and hit the face. Don't kill people."

Huo Yanlin ran from a distance and heard Wen Shutong's words. He almost fell over. How did he educate his children?

Because Huo Yanlin's arrival, ended Wen Yueqi's beating activity ahead of time.

He wiped a handful of sweat, stood beside and watched others call the police to arrest him. He had nothing to do with him. He immediately flattened his mouth and rubbed it against Wen Shutong's leg.

He said pitifully, "Mommy, when I fight, they don't help me. My fist hurts."

Wen Shutong took a cold look and said, "it hurts. Don't you know what time to stop?"

"But what if he runs away?" Wen Yueqi said wrongly.

"There are so many adults around you that you are not supposed to be a child. In case you are taken away by human traffickers, what do you want me to do?" Wen Shutong eyes red, squatting down to Wen Yueqi said.

The men around them immediately lowered their heads in shame. Just now they were busy watching children fighting with a balloon. They thought it was exciting and magical, but they forgot that it was just a little over five years old.

The thief was taken away by the police, and his wallet came back. Huo Yanlin came back with his wallet and knocked on wenyueqi's dejected head.

"Moon, today is very brave. Your mother is just too worried about you, but she is still proud of you."

Wen Yueqi blinked his eyes and raised his head. He said miserably, "can I ride on dad's neck?"

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