She didn't expect that an ordinary security guard would dare to talk to her like this, and she didn't know who gave him courage.

The security guard continued to say: "Miss mu, don't worry. If we delay your delivery of documents, we will take all the responsibilities."

"But we also have to be responsible for the safety of the company, so please wait here."

"You're doing your part, too, I understand." She has a simple smile on her lips and speaks slowly.

Wen Shutong seems to be calm sitting on one side, hands up the mobile phone.

The security didn't stop her from playing with her mobile phone. A group of people stood beside her as if they were protecting her.

However, only Wen Shutong knows that this is not protection, it is life-threatening.

The interface of her mobile phone stays on the contact, and the selected name is mu Huayu.

The worst result was that she asked Mu Huayu to come to the rescue site, and then explained to him why she didn't tell him in advance.

Just as Wen Shutong thought to himself, the stairs not far away suddenly opened, and then came the sound of rapid footsteps.

First, tezhu appeared out of breath, followed by Huo Yanlin who walked slowly behind him.

He is still that appearance, delicate face is not Qin ran Fengshuang, is like a superior judge.

She was rarely nervous, quickly took back her cell phone, stood up and wanted to explain.

In fact, even Wen Shutong didn't know what she should explain. Now this scene seems to be embarrassing.

At this time, Huo Yanlin said lightly: "let you take a document, how so long?"

"There's a lot of security. I heard you accidentally alerted the security system. Is that true?"

Without her opening her mouth, the security guard at the head immediately opened his mouth and explained: "the alarm suddenly rang, saying that someone broke in illegally. As soon as we came up, we just saw Miss Mu's figure, so we reasonably suspected her."

"Miss Mu has just explained that you asked her to come and get the documents. But in order to further seek the truth, we didn't let her go. I'm sorry, president. "

Wen Shutong's hand slightly tightened on one side, but his face still maintained a calm look.

Her rambling words actually passed. Fortunately, she didn't let it be the scene of her death.

After hearing the words of the security guard, Huo Yanlin nodded and said with a dignified look: "well, I know."

He turned his eyes to Wen Shutong again and waved his hand, "take the documents first and follow me."

I know that Huo Yanlin is acting, but since the play is started by himself, it's natural to kneel down and finish.

Wen Shutong turned back to the reference room, entered the key words on the computer, searched the location, and then got the document on September 23.

When she sneaked in to get something, she was not so nervous. It was like dancing on the tip of a knife.

Holding the document, she came out with a small step. She handed it to Huo Yanlin and said softly, "president, I'm sorry."

After taking over the document, Huo Yanlin casually said: "you are sorry for my place, and more than this one."

He took the lead to leave, followed by Wen Shutong. In any case, the crisis has been solved.

At the door of the president's office, Huo Yanlin said to tezhu, "next time if she needs documents, you should follow her. Don't make such a misunderstanding today."

"The future president's wife is surrounded by a group of security guards. What's the point?"

Special help clearly do not know anything, just accompanied Huo Yanlin in a meeting, now suddenly became a focus.

He was curious. No one asked her to take the document. Why did she take it.

Or is there something behind the president's back?

In the heart of abdominal Fei has broken through the day, but special help or respectfully nodded: "OK, I know, next time will not make such a low-level mistake."

Send him away, Huo Yanlin just entered the office with her.

Wen Shutong knew that after he had dealt with the external affairs, he would come to ask for the blame.

Huo Yanlin unexpectedly did not worry, slowly took off his coat to hang on the side, and then lazily sat on the sofa.

Take off the coat, he is a haze blue shirt, such a dark color, wearing on others is easy to appear a little depressed.

But he was born with noble, such a color is more and more contrast between his every move revealed elegant.

Slowly unfastening the cuff, Huo Yanlin rolled his shirt to his elbow and said softly, "now there is no one else. It's time to explain to me what's going on."

His action made the atmosphere between them not so awkward, but like talking heart to heart.

After the embarrassment just now, Wen Shutong's heart inexplicably had some confidence.

She also took the initiative to step forward and directly sat next to Huo Yanlin.

"I was able to get in because I copied the fingerprint model on your hand."

She took out the model just now and put it in front of Huo Yanlin, "it's what I did secretly that night when you were drunk."

Unexpectedly, Huo Yanlin didn't even look at it and nodded: "I know."

Some surprised, Wen Shutong can not help but ask: "do you know?"

"Three barriers, remove two and leave only the last. That's what I mean."

Huo Yanlin continued to light mouth, "otherwise, only with that fingerprint information, you simply can't get in."

The look of surprise on his face became bigger and bigger. Wen Shutong widened his eyes: "that is to say, you know everything. What do you want to do?"

"I should ask you, what do you want to do? Going out at a fixed point for a week in a row creates an illusion for sun Xiaolian that you will have afternoon tea every day. "

"And then we investigated the monitoring of all places in the reference room. Before we went, we stopped all the monitoring, replaced the previously photographed segment, and led it into the computer to support it."

"You've done so much, shouldn't I ask you?"

Wen Shutong felt that a chill came to the back of his head, and then his fingertips trembled uncontrollably.

It turned out that he knew everything, and Huo Yanlin could see everything clearly.

Wen Shutong was not completely flustered. She suddenly chuckled and said, "I don't know if I should praise you for your clever calculation, or if I should say that you are too eager for quick success and instant benefit."

"Since you already know what I'm doing, you should wait quietly. Don't close the net in such a hurry."

"You see you are in such a hurry to expose me now, don't you have no evidence?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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