"Even though I realized at the beginning what was going on, I was still scared to pee when you gave me a look on the way." Sui detective pretended to fear to speak.

He wasn't joking, he meant it.

Huo Yanlin was born with a sense of power, so he looked at him lightly. Sui detective was so scared that he didn't dare to say anything at that moment.

He even doubted whether he had made a wrong judgment at the beginning. Huo Yanlin really wanted to be with mu Wanling.

"Look at your promise." Jiang Xingwen teased him.

"At that time, if you also look at him, I think it's the same as my reaction. It's really terrible." Sui Zhen frowned and spoke seriously.

He is glad that he is now friends with Huo Yanlin. If they are just ordinary strangers, I'm afraid his soul will be scared away by him.

At this time, Shao Weiyan, who has never spoken, suddenly claps his thigh and laughs.

"I see. It turns out that you and mu Wanling are acting on occasion, just to investigate the news about my sister. I wish you had said it earlier!"

"Brother in law, don't act in this way next time. I really can't react."

He came forward with a smile and gave Huo Yanlin a glass of wine, which made him smile.

Since learning about the existence of Mu Wanling, Shao Weiyan's attitude towards him is that the nose is not the nose, and the eyes are not the eyes.

Sui Zhen patted him on the shoulder with pity on his face and said in a soft voice: "I always thought you were a playboy. Now I can see clearly that you are not like that."

Shao Weiyan looked at him with a look of expectation on his face and said seriously, "I just said that I am a special person, because I..."

Raise a hand to interrupt his words, Sui investigate to continue a word of mouth way: "because want to play flowers, need intelligence quotient at least, you don't have this thing."

When he said it, he looked sincere, as if he was really evaluating Shao Weiyan.

Shao Weiyan immediately changed his face and stood up abruptly: "do you speak like this? All I did before was for my sister. Now that the crisis is over, I'm not allowed to be happy? "

He got up so fast that the wine in the glass almost fell on Huo Yanlin.

Fortunately, Huo Yanlin's reaction was quick and he dodged fiercely.

However, he hid past, but Lin Chen there suffered.

Wine spilled all over his face and clothes.

Lin Chen pretended to be angry and stood up. He grabbed Shao Weiyan's clothes and said, "you have to compensate me for this. You can't run away. My clothes are custom-made. It's six figures."

"No problem!" Shao Weiyan did not hesitate, six figures for him is no problem.

Lin Chen continued: "and this dress is co branded with my wife's company. You can only buy it if you spend more than one million yuan a year in the company."

"Are you deceiving me?" Shao Weiyan's brain suddenly reflected what was going on, and he refused to accept it on the spot.

"I'm not deceiving you. I'm stating the facts. Do you pay for it?" As soon as he turned his wrist, he directly strangled leshao Weiyan's neck from behind. It seemed ferocious, but actually he was joking with him.

When he started, he accidentally bumped into the bottle at the back, the bottle fell down, and the rest of the wine spilled on Jiang Xingwen.

Jiang Xingwen also deliberately imitates Lin Chen's words.

However, the clothes on his body became a special design for him.

Lin Chen laughs and teases him: "you can forget it. What kind of clothes will Sui detective design besides walking birds and teasing dogs to eat, drink and have fun?"

A group of people suddenly began to catch up with each other for straight and boring reasons.

It is clear that these people are usually in front of the public, either Gao Leng's unsmiling image of the president, or they are handsome and unrivalled dandy. Now they are just a group of children of several years old.

Although Huo Yanlin did not participate in it, the chair still tried to retreat, hoping to be as far away from them as possible.

But with an obvious smile in his eyes, he took a glass of wine from the table. Just as he was about to drink, Sui Zhen suddenly leaned over and touched his glass.

Picking up his eyebrows, Huo Yanlin said with a kind of teasing tone: "today is the sun coming out from the West. The people who love to mix with these people are so quiet."

"There has to be someone with you." Sui detective said with a smile, "next time you have something to tell us in advance, we are friends, not partners who can't get up early without profit."

In fact, Huo Yanlin can see that they deliberately run around like this, which actually makes him relax.

Sui detective also pulled a chair and sat beside him, pretending to frown deeply: "we know that you can't forget the matter of Wen Shutong, maybe you will spend the rest of your life to die for her."

"You want to investigate about her, we know, but we hope you don't strain your soul too much."

"Once in a while, we friends can trust us. Don't let ourselves fall into the whirlpool of memories."

In fact, all of them can see that Huo Yanlin is more like an AI robot now.

He has set a good procedure for himself, that is to find Wen Shutong.

So all things are going towards this goal, and no mistakes are allowed.

Even their friends, as long as there is a little threat to his plan, will be left behind without hesitation.

For such a long time before, they watched Huo Yanlin struggle in his own quagmire. Although they wanted to help, they knew there was no need.

After all, he had just lost Wen Shutong at that time, so he had to come out on his own.

But now they can clearly feel that his paranoia has gone beyond a certain scope and should always pull him back to a slightly normal position.

Sui detective said that he was very sincere, and his words were all concerned.

Huo Yanlin felt the deep meaning of his words, touched his cup lightly, and said only one word: "good."

At this time, Shao Wei was outnumbered by Lin Chen and Jiang Xingwen.

He fell directly in the direction of Sui investigation and Huo Yanlin.

Sui detective drank a little too much, and now he is still in a semi confused state. He has not yet reflected what happened.

Huo Yanlin has quickly got up and flashed for a while, then pulled Shao Weiyan from behind, and touched his waist with his hand.

At this moment, Huo Yanlin's eyes moved slightly, and a look of sudden realization flashed through them.

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