Fruit to see a family of four came over, warm greetings: "the stars of the moon's mom and dad come? It's still early. Go to the classroom and wait. It's still hot at the moment

"Good, hard teacher." Wen Shutong said with a smile, "we can go by ourselves. Let's go to work first."

After that, they took their children to the teaching building and turned around the corner. The teacher couldn't see the situation. Wen Shutong immediately turned his head and looked at Wen Yueqi: "where is the mango class? Come from the facts. "

Wen Yueqi hurriedly raised his small hand and covered his mouth: "now is the social stage of free love, you can't beat the mandarin duck."

"Who's going to beat the mandarin duck? I want to see what my future daughter-in-law looks like, so I can't recognize it later. " Wen Shutong a stare, milk fierce milk fierce said.

Wen Yueqi wrung a small eyebrow: "it's not your daughter-in-law, and the eight characters have not been skimmed."

"Wen Yueqi, how dare you? Indeed, there is a situation. You want to fall in love when you are young. You cheat other girls. " Wen Shutong said, squinting his eyes.

Wen Yueqi said innocently: "where did I cheat the little girl?"

"If you don't let me see you, you're cheating." Wen Shutong said with a straight face.

Wen Yueqi has no choice but to turn to Huo Yanlin for help. Huo Yanlin's eyes are cold. It is obvious that he is forcing his son to suppress him. His meaning is very obvious. Please make your mother happy, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences.

Wen Yueqi pursed her mouth and whispered, "I'm wrong. I just like the tenderness of my little sister. I don't dare to disturb Miss sister any more. Isn't it OK?"

"How did you disturb people before? Do their parents know? " Wen Shutong asked.

Wen Yueqi shook her head and said, "I don't know. My little sister only has her father. She is very sensible. She doesn't talk to her father about things in kindergarten. I just gave her some delicious food and new toys. I really didn't do anything

Being distracted, Huo Xinghui turns back to look at Wen Yueqi, wondering why he doesn't say that he has to force others to watch him play games, and refuses to admit that he has lost?

What's more, the little sister was so gentle that he kicked him half a meter away with one foot. He also grinned and went over to tell jokes to his younger sister, who had never laughed at him once.

After a little stalemate, Wen Shutong finally failed to see who the little sister of mango class was. After waiting for more than ten minutes in sunflower middle class, he was invited down by Guoguo teacher.

At 3:30 p.m., the parent-child sports meeting officially began.

Huo Yanlin acted as the parents of Wen Yueqi and Wen Shutong as the parents of Huo Xingyi.

If you need two parents to accompany the baby to complete the activity, the teacher will put Wen Yueqi and Huo Xinghui together, or simply separate the two groups of different time competition.

The first competition is an intelligence game, which is a simple arithmetic problem.

The problem of arithmetic is not a problem for Wen Yueqi and Huo Xingyi, because only one parent is required to cooperate in this competition, so they are divided into two competitions at the same time and become competitors.

As soon as the teacher whistled and ordered to start, the parents and children ran to the nearest table, nervously checking the topic, because there was no paper and pencil, only mental calculation.

The baby stretched out his hand together, pursed his mouth, and counted his fingers while chanting, while the parents were different. Some scratched their ears and scratched their cheeks, and some worked hard in their minds with their eyes closed.

But there are also different situations. Huo Xingyu of runway 3 and Wen Yueqi of runway 7 give the answer almost at a glance, and then run to the next table. At the same time, their parents are very quick at mental calculation.

When the children of these two runways were getting closer to their parents, the children in the back cried.

Others finally worked out the results, and a parent gave the wrong answer, and had to recalculate. The scene was a bit chaotic and sad for a moment.

"Oh, the stars and the little moon are excellent, but the stars suffer because of their mother's help." Fruit teacher said with regret, "the calculation speed of children and parents are the same, but the star is not good, running faster than the little moon, and the mother is not as fast as father's leg long-distance running, and is about to lose."

Guo Guo and the teachers around him all looked at the situation on the field and thought that Huo Xinghui was about to lose to Wen Yueqi. Suddenly, Wen Yueqi and Huo Yanlin slowed down in answering questions, apparently deliberately releasing water.

Guoguo teacher was stunned for a while, looking at the proud and happy Wen Shutong and Huo Xingyi, Mu Mu said: "it's a very friendly family, so envious."

Since it is a sports meeting, most of them are about sports. One of them is a classic game in kindergarten.

The child stood opposite and threw the ball at the parents. The parents' hands were tied up behind their backs, and a large apron like pocket was used to catch the ball.

Many parents have made a lot of jokes because they can't adapt to being tied with their hands. The whole playground is full of laughter.

When Huo Xinghui was called to participate in the competition, Huo Yanlin helped Wen Shutong tie up his hands and put on his apron pocket. He said uneasily, "pay attention to safety.""Don't worry. Are you ok. The kindergarten's projects must be safe. "Wen Shutong laughs with a big white tooth.

Huo Yanlin is very worried: "that also careful."

When the whistle sounded, Wen Shutong clumsily ran to the venue and stood together with other parents. Huo Yanlin frowned and looked at her straight back. Even if her hands were tied behind her, he would not look embarrassed, just like a little poplar under the sun, growing with pride and sunshine.

Huo Yanlin couldn't help but look into the spirit. His mouth slowly drew an arc, and the sharp whistle sounded. He was pulled back to his senses. Seeing the first ball thrown by Huo Xinghui, he was relieved. He was worried about Wen Shutong's fall.

The quality of the ball is not big, the child will not be tired when holding it in one hand, and it will not hurt when thrown on the body, but it will not be blown away by the wind.

Wen Shutong didn't receive the first ball, so he cheered Huo Xinghui and decided that all the balls in the back must be received. This is a game to test the tacit understanding between mother and son.

Each child has ten small balls. Wen Shutong then receives four in a row. When the sixth ball is thrown out, there is a gust of wind. The ball is blown into the sky and makes a slight noise. All of them raise their heads unconsciously along with the rising direction of the ball.

Wen Shutong's hands are behind him, his neck is up, and he is struggling to run in the direction of the ball. This running posture is very unsafe.

Huo Yanlin once again raised that strange sense of uneasiness. Since the beginning of the game, he has been a sense of uneasiness, but can not say what it is.

Until this moment.

The shrill shrieks resounded through the sky, and Huo Yanlin's face turned white. He rushed out of the audience at the first time and ran to the front of the runway. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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