The crazy father of song may not know who this voice belongs to, but Huo Yanlin turns his head in an instant.

His expression stopped at the same place, looking at the person behind him, did not say a word.

It's Wen Shutong, the most hopeless person in the world, who actually shows up here.

Song Fu's eyes were full of vigilance. He stepped back and said in a deep voice: "Mu Wanling, what are you doing here? What are you? Are you qualified to direct me? "

"I'm not mu Wanling, I'm Wen Shutong." Wen Shutong lowered his voice and opened his mouth word by word.

Her voice is sonorous and powerful, but Huo Yanlin can hear it clearly in this chaotic room.

It seemed that he gave something a slight poke on the tip of his heart, and the familiar feeling in Huo Yanlin's heart that he had been away for a long time came back.

But he quickly reflected that what occasion is here? Wen Shutong must not be allowed to stay here with him.

His brows drooped, and he turned his head with a little anger: "whoever you are, is this where you should be?"

Wen Shutong didn't look at Huo Yanlin and continued to take a step forward: "the matter of Shao Yiyi really has something to do with me. She also fell from the cliff to revenge me."

"If you really have to pay the price, it should be me, and it should be me who will pay for it."

Huo Yanlin's face suddenly became ugly. He said harshly, "who do you think you are when you go out?"

Wen Shutong then turned his eyes, with a slight smile: "save you, you still want to cheat him, I'm not Wen Shutong?"

"I see. It turns out that you two husband and wife are playing this way, making you look like mu Wanling, playing with everyone?" Song Fu said in a strange voice.

Wen Shutong didn't want to waste so much time on him. He said directly, "it doesn't matter whether we play now. You return the moon, and I'll be your hostage."

"I'll return him now, and you two will rush up together. I still have a way to live?" Song's father singlely raised his eyebrow, raised his chin and pointed to the corner of the room, "there is a dress with a bomb. Put it on and come over. I'll let the moon go again."

Wen Shutong did not hesitate to look with his eyes, but unexpectedly saw a dress full of bombs in a corner of the room.

She was about to leave, but Huo Yanlin held her arm.

This is the first time that Wen Shutong saw Huo Yanlin's face that was so nervous that he almost begged.

His voice became more and more low, slightly trembling and said, "don't let me go."

What song's father disliked most was the way they were entangled.

He immediately frowned, raised his voice and said, "I've changed my mind now. I want Wen Shutong to come here, or I'll let the moon die too!"

"This is what my son is like now. I'm no different from an old man who lost his son."

"In that case, I'll give you a taste of losing your wife. We're even, aren't we?"

With a vicious smile on his face, he looked at Huo Yanlin provocatively, "if it doesn't work, I'll let you taste the feeling of losing your son?"

Song Qipeng is still alive, just because he is stimulated and his mood is not stable, but his father treats him as a dead man.

It seems that he is the one who is really out of his mind.

Huo Yanlin grabs Wen Shutong's hand and tightens it a little bit. There are red marks on her arm, and she is not willing to let go.

If he doesn't have two children, he wants to go up with Wen Shutong, even if he dies here.

Wen Shutong turned his head and broke off his fingers one by one. Then he got up and went to the corner.

"I heard you did these things before I came," he said. I still feel sorry for the parents all over the world. I have paid so much for my son. "

"But when I heard what you just said, I suddenly realized that you love yourself more than your son."

Song's father couldn't hear this, so he changed his face on the spot and said in a deep voice: "don't talk nonsense! My son was raised by me from childhood. I hope he can be well than anyone else. What qualifications do you have to judge us? "

Wen Shutong, seemingly calm in his clothes, continued to say: "I heard Zhou Wenruo say that his condition is just intermittent emotional instability. As long as he takes medicine, he can still return to life."

"Supplemented by psychological counseling, as long as he can get out of Shaoyi's relationship, he is no different from a normal person."

"Well, you've lost your way. Do you plan to end it now?"

"He's in the hospital now and his emotions are under control. Maybe it won't be long before he sees the news that his father kidnapped two children of the Huo family and killed himself with a bomb. What do you think he will think? "

The expression on Song's father's face changed for a moment, and then he raised his voice and said sharply, "you just want to leave a way for yourself. Do you think I will listen to you?"

"There is no turning back now. I just want you to pay the price and dress well!" While saying that, he pinched the hand of the moon a little bit of tightening, "remember. Make sure the clothes fit on you, otherwise I won't let anyone go. " Wen Shutong slowly tied the belt and continued to say, "you must feel great at this time. For your son's revenge, you don't hesitate to drag our family into the water."“ But Song Qi won't think about your kindness. He even hates why he has such a father as you, who pushed him into an unjust position. "“ No one on the Internet will tell you about your efforts, they just think you are a desperate lunatic. " Huo Yanlin didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. He kept his eyes on Wen Shutong's direction and wanted to see her more and more. While staring at Wen Shutong, he quickly judges the surrounding environment and quietly listens to whether his people are in place. He believes that if Wen Shutong has really recovered her memory, she will never come here alone. She is not a fool. It has to be said that Wen Shutong is worthy of learning psychology. In a few simple words, he completely destroyed song Fu's psychological defense. His mood began to fret up, irritable mouth way: "you are nonsense, you are all in nonsense, you just want to brainwash me!"“ I'll tell you, there's no more chance. You're going to die soon. You can't brainwash me all your life! " The strength on his hand became heavier and heavier, and the moon in his arms began to struggle in a small range, and there was a sign of soberness. Father song knows that he can't delay any more! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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