Wen Shutong is so exquisite. Seeing that he took the initiative to separate Sui investigation from the outside, he knew that he must have something to say to himself.

After entering the laboratory, Wen Shutong didn't talk nonsense. He said directly, "do you have something to tell me?"

"Yes, I want to ask if something happened to you and why you suddenly asked about the side effects of this thing." Jiang Xingwen said in a low voice.

Wen Shutong is still thinking about whether to think of something to prevaricate in the past. Jiang Xingwen has already seen through the little nine in her heart: "you don't think about prevaricating with anything in front of me. I'm a doctor. If you want to find out, it's very quick. It's meaningless to cheat me."

He just touched the idea in Wen Shutong's heart, and didn't give her the chance to refuse.

Wen Shutong, with a smile on his face, half admired and half ridiculed: "I didn't know that I would have asked you this question. If I didn't pay attention, I would have exposed myself."

She said it with a smile, but Jiang Xingwen didn't have the slightest smile on his face. She said solemnly, "I didn't let Sui detective come in, considering that you may have some scruples. You can say it directly. I'll decide whether or not to tell him."

"In fact, it's not that serious. You don't have to hide it from anyone." Wen Shutong said softly, "I don't want you to get involved in this because there are so many troubles."

Jiang Xingwen pursed his lips and said nothing, as if waiting for Wen Shutong to explain to him.

Anyway, we have to know sooner or later. Now that we've been caught, it's better to say it earlier.

She told Jiang Xingwen everything about the letter she received from Ares abroad.

His face became dignified gradually. Jiang Xingwen lowered his voice and said, "that means he left something else in your body. Is this the substance you suspect? Did he talk about the side effects? "

Wen Shutong shook his head: "if you know what the side effect is, there is something to guard against, but he didn't mention it at all."

He put out his tongue to his chin, and his eyebrows became more and more bitter, which was quite different from his usual gentle appearance.

"It's really my negligence. I'm really sorry that I let him do this kind of thing before my eyes."

Wen Shutong quickly waved his hand: "don't think so. You can do enough. After all, you can't expect everything."

"The reason why I don't tell you is that ares must have ulterior motives in doing such things. If you are involved, I'm afraid the consequences will only be more troublesome."

"And Sui detective always treats this kind of thing with enthusiasm. If he offends Ares, I'm afraid his revenge will be more crazy."

Jiang Xingwen nodded thoughtfully: "what you said is reasonable, so I will try my best to keep it secret for you. Recently, I will try my best to investigate it."

Wen Shutong gave him a polite smile and said sincerely, "thank you for helping me so much. I wish you and Sui detective a happy marriage."

Originally, Jiang Xingwen was still serious. Hearing Wen Shutong's words, he seemed to poke something in his heart, and his face turned red.

He quickly raised his hand and covered his cheek: "these people have been married for so long. Now it's strange to listen to this blessing."

With Jiang Xingwen and their support behind the scenes, Wen Shutong also relaxed a lot.

She deliberately joked and said, "I haven't said anything, so you're embarrassed. Fortunately, I didn't say anything like early birth and noble son just now."

"It doesn't matter. If he can't give birth, I don't want to give up." Jiang Xingwen also laughed and joked with her.

The Sui detective outside seemed to have a heart to respond. At this time, he suddenly knocked on the door: "how long do you two have to stay inside? I'm getting moldy! "

Wen Shutong and Jiang Xingwen look at each other quietly, everything is silent.

Soon Jiang Xingwen took the lead in saying, "we're ready. Let's go out now."

Two people changed their clothes and walked out of the laboratory again. Sui detective complained and said, "what's the matter with them? Will it take so long? "

"We were discussing more serious things in it, so it took a little time." Wen Shutong said solemnly.

The Sui detective didn't know what his words meant, so he asked: "what's serious?"

"You don't have to listen. You can't do it." Jiang Xingwen also opened his mouth mysteriously.

The two of them are playing riddles quietly, as if only the two of them can know.

Sui detective wants to be a person who likes to join in the fun. How can he bear this kind of grievance? Even if he quit, he grabbed Jiang Xingwen's clothes and said, "are you a dog? Don't you tell me what you two are talking about? Believe it or not, I'll start now! "

Jiang Xingwen spread out his hands, a look of letting him make trouble.

He almost hung himself on him. Sui Zhen stuck to his body tightly and said in a coquettish tone: "good brother, just tell me, you just didn't let me in. I didn't go in. Now they don't talk to me. I'm really sad ~"

Coquetry is not terrible, the most terrible is the man coquetry, and skill is so deep.

Not to mention Jiang Xingwen, even Wen Shutong next to him has goose bumps.

She asked herself that she had been married to Huo Yanlin for so many years, and it seemed that she had never been so coquettish with Huo Yanlin.

When she goes back, she can try it on him.

Wen Shutong never dreamed that he would learn how to coax men from men one day.

Jiang Xingwen was so entangled by him that he immediately surrendered. He turned to Wen Shutong and said, "I'm really sorry. I may betray the organization. I think I have to tell him."

A look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and Wen Shutong's face changed slightly.

When he was in the laboratory just now, he clearly promised that he would not go outside.

Wen Shutong didn't respond for a moment, so he said subconsciously, "isn't it appropriate?"

However, Sui Zhen turned his head and said, "what's wrong? You don't want to know if brother Jiang Xingwen is kissing me or you. You two can't have a secret."

Sui Zhen deliberately pinched his voice and spoke in a strange tone. He was learning the so-called men's green tea on the Internet.

For the first time in her life, Wen Shutong wanted to turn other people's eyes. Of course, she did.

"Sui detective, if you really have nothing to do, go to record a video and produce a set of green tea classics, which will definitely make you hot."

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