Wen Shutong didn't know what had happened. He just felt that he was pulled by a strong force, and then he lost consciousness.

When she woke up again, her hands and feet were tied to a tree, next to Shao Yunzheng, who had just come to life.

Originally, the two people came here to find a way to cure their illness, but they were reduced to this kind of land.

Wen Shutong's vision was a little blurred. She opened her eyes difficultly and looked ahead.

I saw a 15-year-old boy standing in front of her, holding a sniper gun that looked as tall as half of him.

Judging from the sight above, Wen Shutong thought that it was this gun that aimed at her just now.

Shao Yunzheng also regained consciousness. He first turned his head to check the situation of Wen Shutong. Recently, after she had nothing to do, he faced the boy: "who are you?"

With a bold and arrogant look on his face, the child held out his gun, raised Wen Shutong's chin and said in Thai, "who are you?"

He can speak standard Thai, that is to say, he can clearly understand what Shao Yunzheng is saying just now.

It's just that he doesn't want to show up.

"We are ordinary people who come here to find a way to dispel poisonous insects. There is no malice." Shao Yunzheng said.

Because there was no translation, Wen Shutong didn't know what they were talking about at all. He could only listen in the clouds.

The other side seemed not to believe it. He raised his eyebrows slightly with a dangerous look on his face: "you are from the East. I heard this woman say that just now."

Shao Yunzheng looked serious and nodded: "yes, what's the matter?"

The boy took back his gun, put his fingers to his lips and whistled.

The whistle as like as two peas of a young man, who was almost the same as his age, came back to the empty mountain village for a long time, and then came a cluttered footstep.

It is reasonable to say that there is nothing to be afraid of when encountering such teenagers, and Wen Shutong always likes to deal with young people.

However, these children are wearing strange clothes, bare arms and chest are tattooed with strange tattoos, it looks very difficult to provoke.

They seem to have a kind of border, which is out of tune with the modern society.

Wen Shutong's nervousness, coupled with the language barrier, made her speechless for a long time.

She is the most eloquent person in such an emergency, but today she seems to be poisoned and dumb.

The pressure of communication fell on Shao Yunzheng. He watched this group of half boys with vigilance and said in a deep voice, "what are you going to do?"

These boys crooked their heads and gave him a provocative smile?

Then one of them took out a whip from his waist.

It seems to be filled with what kind of liquid, and it looks very rough. If you hit it on the body, you may have to split your skin.

Shao Yunzheng's face became more and more ugly. He raised his voice and said, "you have a sense of vigilance towards us. You can understand that, but everything has business and quantity. Don't beat people!"

"We have a lot of money. If you want money or anything, I can give it to you. Don't touch her!"

He frowned tightly, with a nervous look on his face, and even his words were incoherent.

The first one who took out the whip directly lashed the whip on the ground and made a clear sound.

Then he raised the whip high, and the next second it would fall on Wen Shutong!

Wen Shutong closed his eyes subconsciously, and his body trembled slightly.

The boy with the gun suddenly raised his hand and intercepted the whip from mid air.

Expected whip did not fall, Shao Yunzheng gently relieved, thought he changed his mind.

The young man raised his chin and said: "recently, there are always a group of mercenaries around here. We very much doubt that they are here to step on the spot."

"Those people as like as two peas are looking for the faces of the East. I suspect you're an accomplice, an undercover! Why should I believe you two? "

Shao Yunzheng was really helpless. He pointed to Wen Shutong beside him and said, "if it's undercover, why are there only two of us? Have you ever seen an undercover who can't understand Thai? Isn't that stupid? "

Another boy immediately said, "don't cheat us. There were several people at the entrance of the village just now. Aren't they your helpers?"

"That's the bodyguard. I'm afraid we'll have an accident. Aren't you subdued now?" Shao Yunzheng a face sincere opening explanation.

He knew that these boys were not easy to fool, and the more arrogant he was, the more crazy these guys might be, so he could only pretend to be cowardly.

Wen Shutong doesn't know why Shao Yunzheng refers to her, let alone why he is secretly scolding himself for being stupid.

With a blank face, she turned her head and said curiously, "what were you talking about just now?"

Shao Yunzheng was about to explain, but the boy with the gun said loudly in Thai: "there is a snake behind you!"

Wen Shutong, still at a loss, looks at Shao Yunzheng with a look of asking for help, hoping that he can translate for himself.

"I'm not lying. She really doesn't understand." Shao Yunzheng said seriously, "now you should always believe that I'm not cheating, and I don't have to lie in this respect."

The boy with the gun chuckled and nodded admiringly: "it seems that she really can't understand Thai. She is a complete idiot. You said you came here to dispel the evil. Who was poisoned? Who told you to come here? "

Shao Yunzheng answers every question truthfully. He only hopes that these teenagers can keep their heads and don't attack Wen Shutong.

"If you really want to talk about undercover, I know Thai, I should be undercover. You have to fight against me." He continued.

The boy released his whip. He turned his head and said something to his partner. Even Shao Yunzheng couldn't understand it.

The next second, the whip suddenly raised high, and it came down at Wen Shutong!

Wen Shutong quickly turned his head, and the whip narrowly avoided her side face and fell on her shoulder.

Her coat split in an instant, her delicate skin was worn by the thick whip, her skin rolled back, and her blood gushed.

Wen Shutong's skin is white, just like a beautiful rose carved on her skin.

This scene looks particularly thrilling, Shao Yunzheng hoarse voice said: "all said don't touch her!"

"Why do you say we should be obedient? What do you think you are?" The young man with the gun opened his mouth contemptuously, and his face was full of provocation.

He looked so talkative just now, it turned out that everything was fake.

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