The action just now was so fierce that the wounds on Wen Shutong's body were all struggling to open, and now there was blood oozing out.

If she has suffered so much, and still has no result, Shao Yunzheng will turn over.

PA song handed the bottle to Shao Yunzheng and said, "have you offended anyone before?"

Shao Yunzheng briefly talked about the love and hatred between them and Ares, and then said: "this Gu should be from him, but we are not sure where to get it at present."

"I know where it's from. It's a village not far from us." Parson said solemnly, "the reason why those children are so vigilant is not only because of the mercenary problem, but also because of the village next door."

Shao Yunzheng did not answer, quietly waiting for him to continue.

PA song's face showed a dignified and sad look: "before, a group of people went to the next village in the name of looking for medicinal materials, kidnapped the village head, and then killed the whole village."

"It's supposed to take away the poisonous insects from their towns and villages."

"Although we were closed to the outside world before, we didn't resist those who came. It was because of this that all the people and even the children were afraid that if we didn't pay attention, we would become the next one."

After he said that, at the beginning, Shao Yunzheng's dissatisfaction disappeared at the moment.

After all, they have experienced such a thing. For them, they and Wen Shutong are uninvited guests. They will feel fear in their hearts.

But they should not be targeting Wen Shutong.

"I see. You don't have to explain. I won't blame those children any more. I don't think Wen Shutong will blame them when he wakes up. "

Parson nodded and continued: "the poison in your friend's body should be the one they robbed. It's just that this kind of Gu is not very difficult to solve. Even if there is no gu mother, I have a way to lead it out, but... "

All along, what Shao Yunzheng is most afraid of is the turning point, because once there is a turning point, it means that Wen Shutong's condition will be more serious than he imagined.

Pasong pondered for a moment and continued to speak: "a strange drug has been added to the poisonous insect, which will eat people's heart. Once it is forced out, it will only speed up the damage."

"The function of this kind of Gu is that the people in the Gu can't be moved, let alone have a strong love."

"I will try my best to find out how to lead it out with the least harm within my ability. What you have to do is to protect her and avoid the occurrence of side effects."

After that, his eyes lightly fell on Wen Shutong, and he continued to say, "don't tell Zhonggu about this, or the consequences will be unimaginable."

With a slight frown, Shao said solemnly, "why can't you tell her? She is a victim of poisonous insects. She should know what's in her body. "

"Did I just tell you that Zhonggu people can't be moved, let alone have strong love?" Parson looked at him with a dignified face.

Shao Yunzheng nodded, he continued to say: "now I order you not to imagine a pink elephant in your mind."

When his voice fell, Shao Yunzheng had already come up with the appearance of a pink elephant in his mind.

This time, he suddenly understood that if you tell others not to think about something, the more she will care, emotional tug, on the contrary, it will make Gu Du constantly repeated.

I didn't expect that parson was just an ordinary person. In this aspect, he was strangely philosophical.

Shao Yunzheng nodded and said with concern: "if you avoid the heart attack, how long can the poison in her body keep relative stability with his body?"

Pasong reached out his hand to feel Wen Shutong's pulse. After a moment, he said, "it's about a few months. Don't worry too much. I will try my best to speed up the research. You can stay here in the meantime. I will try my best to make an apology and atone for those children. "

No matter what happened in the beginning, at least Parson's help was sincere.

Taking a breath lightly, Shao Yunzheng said solemnly: "thank you. I will try my best to make him cooperate."

"By the way, I want to ask, when I first came in, I found that all my communication equipment had no way to contact. Was it because of the external shielding?"

After all, the village next door experienced a tragedy of slaughtering the village. It is reasonable that they would be so rigorous.

A look of surprise flashed across Parson's face. He shook his head and said, "no, we've never been like this. But it's really strange recently. You should protect yourself and be careful. "

"Yes, thank you." Shao Yunzheng nodded politely.

Shao Yunzheng turned out a watch he had with him, which can also be used to make phone calls. Unlike ordinary contact equipment, it was specially designed by Xingxing.

Fortunately, this signal is not blocked, it is still useful.

Shao Yunzheng finds out Huo Yanlin's phone number and dials it.

He didn't talk nonsense, but said simply: "we've found someone who can detoxify the poisonous insects, but the situation is a little complicated. All the people under his command have passed out, so we should not have time to deliver the message to you."

Hearing what he said, Huo Yanlin had a look of shock in his eyes.

He told Shao Yunzheng hand to his message, two people's time together, is when they are in danger!

Those people were waiting around at that time. It was absolutely impossible for them to report to Huo Yanlin that there was nothing wrong.

Shao Yunzheng continued to look serious and said: "all the electronic equipment signals are blocked. I can only dial you when I find the star set to this special watch."

"That means that the people who go to this place with you must be more than a wave of strength. You and Wen Shutong must be careful." Huo Yanlin's voice is not without worry, "I'll send someone to rush to you now."

"Don't worry. There was nothing to do with them at that time. These people were enough. I want to tell you something."

With that, Shao Yunzheng turned his head to observe Wen Shutong. After confirming that she didn't wake up, he whispered, "the poison in her is very complicated, much more complicated than we thought."

He told Huo Yanlin what PA Song said in a concise and comprehensive way, and asked him to be careful with Wen Shutong in the future, so as not to make her have strong love.

Huo Yanlin's face became more and more serious. He said in a deep voice: "no wonder when I left, Ares didn't stop me too much. It seems that he had a plan for his own poison." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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