Shao Yunzheng said in his heart that Wen Shutong would try his best to cheat them.

His body slightly forward, subconsciously want to stop.

However, Wen Shutong's eyes fell lightly on him with a clear look in his eyes.

In fact, Wen Shutong had already won when this sentence was asked.

Whether these people are cheated out to tell the truth, or Shao Yunzheng is in a hurry to block their mouth, it has revealed that there is something wrong with the moon.

With a sigh, Shao Yunzheng's face looked helpless and said in a soft voice: "I don't have to cheat you, but I don't want to make you too sad. I should have known that you could guess it yourself

Don't want to say so much nonsense to him, waste time, Wen Shutong face quite some bad mouth way: "since I have come back, you want to hide is unable to hide, might as well tell me earlier."

"Why didn't Huo Yanlin come to see me? Is he afraid? Or do you feel guilty about losing the moon? "

Wen Shutong can't guess these things any more. The more he knows, the more dangerous it will be.

"Certainly not. Since you have already guessed that something happened to the moon, he must be looking for the moon now. Don't worry." Shao Yunzheng began to comfort, "now, after all, he is in a foreign country, not in our country. He still needs to do many things himself."

Although Wen Shutong was a little skeptical, he didn't deny it completely.

After the two returned to the place, the house was empty.

Wen Shutong tried to dial Huo Yanlin, but no one got through from the beginning to the end.

At first, she had patience to wait, and then she became more and more anxious. There was no way to calm down.

Shao Yunzheng eyes to see her mood changed, quickly hide in the side of the phone to Huo Yanlin.

In fact, it is true that he has been looking for the whereabouts of the moon, but because there is too little information available, most of the time Huo Yanlin can only stay in the office and wait for information.

Although the stars have been actively positioning, but the news about the moon is like a stone sinking into the sea, there is no echo at all.

So he could stay at home all the time, just to avoid Wen Shutong, so he didn't show up.

"Come back with the stars. If you go on like this, I'm afraid her condition will be worse." Shao Yunzheng opened his mouth and said, "no matter what, you have to see one side."

Let alone Wen Shutong himself, how could Huo Yanlin not miss her?

When he learned that Wen Shutong had come back, he was more restless all afternoon. He wanted to see her more than anyone else, and even secretly observed her through the monitoring at home.

After pondering for a while, Huo Yanlin said with a dignified look: "if I appear, will it affect her?"

Shao Yunzheng shook his head, his mood was still serious: "I'm not sure. What the people over there said is not particularly accurate. By the way, her injuries are very serious. Don't make too much fuss at that time. On the contrary, it's easy to arouse her mood."

After Huo Yanlin agreed, he said nothing more and came back with the stars.

Although he has already made psychological preparations, and in the monitoring, he also saw that Wen Shutong was injured.

When he saw it face to face with his own eyes, his heart was still like a knife cut, so painful that he couldn't breathe.

After he was with Wen Shutong, he wanted to hold her in his hand. He was not willing to hurt her at all.

Those who hurt her, Huo Yanlin can all kinds of ways to return the original, let them live as if they were dead.

But now these people are far away, and Shao Yunzheng specially told them that they are a group of children and can't be touched.

This kind of visible but powerless feeling has been grinding Huo Yanlin's soul.

Not only that, it is clear that his heart is aching to death, but in the face of Wen Shutong, he has to pretend to be calm, which is even more torture for him.

Star has long been told by him, clearly full of joy and joy, but still standing next to Huo Yanlin, did not take a step forward.

Seeing them coming back, Wen Shutong rushed up recklessly, with an aggrieved and cautious look on his face, and said softly, "what's going on, tell me quickly. I know you must also be very painful, do not feel guilty, this matter must have nothing to do with you. Hug ~ "

Her last two words softened her voice, with a sense of coaxing Huo Yanlin.

This is the normal interaction between husband and wife, there is nothing wrong.

However, at the moment when she stretched out her hand, Huo Yanlin quietly stepped back and said, "I'm ok. I'm sorry about the moon. I didn't expect it to be like this."

"At first I suspected that ares had done it, but he clarified that it had nothing to do with him, and there was no clue yet."

Wen Shutong stretched out his hand and threw himself into the air. He stayed awkwardly in the air. Just now, his tenderness seemed to flow elsewhere.

Even Huo Yanlin next to the star also stepped back, a pair of want to leave her a little bit further appearance.

Wen Shutong's mood suddenly became extremely delicate, looking at the person in front of him with a complicated look.

Huo Yanlin, however, continued to speak lightly as if nothing had happened: "however, those people who think he is a star should want to get the secrets of the software from him, so they should not touch him for the time being, and you don't have to worry too much."

"So in fact, you can stay abroad and cooperate with the treatment. There's no need to come back. It's better for us to keep looking for the moon if we can heal our wounds. "

In fact, this is also concerned about the words, but for the two of them, who have been together for many years, it's a bit too polite, completely different from usual.

Wen Shutong's fingertips trembled slightly. He lowered his voice and said, "this is what you really think. Don't you care about me at all?"

She stared at Huo Yanlin, not daring to move away for fear of missing the look in his eyes.

Then Wen Shutong obviously saw a flash of restraint in Huo Yanlin's eyes.

He didn't have to keep a distance from himself, he was forbearing.

A grasp Huo Yanlin's arm, her voice with a bit of trembling tenderness: "you don't ignore me, also don't cold, can you tell me what happened?"

The voice just fell, and a familiar pain came from Wen Shutong's chest.

It's like a big truck running over her heart. It hurts so much that he can't even speak. His lips tremble and fall into Huo Yanlin's arms. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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