While the moon is being questioned in every way, Wen Shutong and they are also looking for his trace.

Even though Huo Yanlin has great powers at home, he can't do anything without manpower abroad.

On the contrary, Ares has been on the road all the year round and is familiar with these things.

When Huo Yanlin just touched the skin, he already found something wrong.

Huo Yanlin was contacted by telephone and they met in a hotel.

A few days no see, Huo Yanlin's eyebrows with a tired look, Yingting eyebrows have been tightly wrinkled, it seems that the mood is particularly bad.

What ares likes most is Huo Yanlin's appearance, which makes him feel the pain and pleasure of evil.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. Mr. Huo has become so haggard. I should thank the unknown opponent. If it wasn't for our different interests, I would like to cooperate with him." He nests idly in his chair and opens his mouth calmly.

Huo Yanlin is not in the mood to talk nonsense with him. He is not even in the mood to sit down. He says simply: "what do you find, let's be frank. I have no time to waste on you. "

"Don't be so grumpy. Don't always look like someone owes you something." Ares's face was full of laughter. "Oh, I almost forgot. Is it because I can't see Wen Shutong these days that I'm in a bad mood?"

He already knew that Wen Shutong had been to Thailand, and naturally he knew what he wanted to do.

Frowning tightly, Huo Yanlin said in a deep voice: "you've killed people in a village, and you'll only get poisonous insects from them. Now you're proud of it. It's so low-end."

Ares didn't care what he said about himself. He lit a cigarette and smoked it leisurely.

His face is dense in the smoke, and he is also looking at Huo Yanlin.

A moment later, he suddenly chuckled and said, "I remember I told you a long time ago that I would do whatever I wanted. If they didn't give me, I would grab it. Am I wrong?"

"What's more, I didn't make so many efforts for your wife? It's just to make me leave a deep impression in her heart. "

Huo Yanlin's good temper has long been consumed, directly picked up one side of the crystal ashtray, can not help but smash up.

Speed is too fast, Ares did not respond, caught off guard, hit heavily on the forehead.

The blood left on his eyelashes along his forehead, and the blood that hung on the tip of his eyelashes fell on the butt of his cigarette, watering out his little cigarette.

Huo Yanlin holding a crystal ashtray, standing in front of him, like a god overlooking all living beings, quietly trying such a sinner.

The scene in front of us is not aestheticism at all, and even a little terrifying.

However, just because of the appearance of these two people, it makes the picture harmonious.

Time almost stood still for a few seconds, and then ares reacted.

He stood up abruptly, his strength was so strong that he flew the chair behind him.

With an incredible look on his face, his voice was so sharp that he almost lost his original voice: "are you crazy, dare to hit me?"

Suddenly, Huo Yanlin's face was still expressionless. He pinched his neck and forced him back a few steps.

Ares's back hit the wall heavily, because the most vulnerable place was controlled, he could not even make a cry for help.

He desperately widened his eyes, constantly warning Huo Yanlin with his eyes, the look in his eyes was extremely dangerous.

"If you hadn't done such a rotten thing, Wen Shutong wouldn't have suffered such a torment. I didn't care with you, not because I was kind, but because it wasn't time."

Huo Yanlin's voice is as cold as a fish out of the ice, and every word is as crazy as burning jade.

I'm afraid that if they didn't make a deal today, he would let Ares die here.

Ares began to panic, vaguely feel things are not right.

He grabbed Huo Yanlin's wrist, opened his mouth difficultly, and said: "I said."

Huo Yanlin lowered his voice and said, "listen up, other things between you and me have to be settled in the future. Who will die and who will live at that time will have a final conclusion."

"Now it's important to solve the problem, you know, if we lose the priority of this software, no matter who we are, what we do is meaningless."

Of course, Ares knew that if the star was taken away by that person and forced to ask for the software, then both of them would lose the chance.

In this case, the battle between the two of them has not yet begun, and I'm afraid it will be over.

He had no way to speak, but simply nodded.

Huo Yanlin then loosened his neck, took out a paper towel from the table and wiped off the blood on his hand in disgust.

Ares has just regained his breathing freedom, and he wants to call Muye with his hoarse voice.

If Huo Yanlin comes to him suddenly again, he will be hard to resist.

Before that, he didn't pay attention to Huo Yanlin's force value at all. He thought that he was just a young master with colorful fists and embroidered legs.

But I didn't expect that Huo Yanlin was much more complicated than he thought.

"Don't shout. Muye is not here." Huo Yanlin once pulled the chair on the theme, and then turned to the guest as the main body again.

Ares's face suddenly tense, low voice said: "what did you do to him?"

"That's your most valuable and hardworking man. What can we do about him?" Huo Yanlin crooked lips sneer, "although it is the plan to divert the tiger from the mountain."

Ares was in a hurry, but he had to keep a smile on his face. He clenched his teeth and said, "that's a good job. No wonder you can seize the opportunity today."

"This is the information I found behind my back. To tell you the truth, although I would like to get this document, I don't think it's possible. Do you know who the other party is?"

"I can assure you, it's the one you can't make."

With a glance at the documents on the desk, Huo Yanlin casually said: "that must be the person you can't provoke."

All of a sudden, Ares came up with a confident smile: "you haven't read this document, how can you know that it's someone I can't provoke? What if I could? "

"If you can afford it and I can't, you won't bother to tell me who he is. I'm afraid you've already started to get the stars back." Huo Yanlin said casually.

In a word, he really guessed what ares thought.

It's because he can't stir up trouble, so he wants to discuss with Huo Yanlin. Otherwise, can he get a chance?

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