Looking at their quarrel, Wen Shutong even doubts whether he is here to be a hostage or to coax the children.

Shao Yunzheng finally bowed to the fact, he restrained the impulse to catch up, watching Wen Shutong leave.

Originally, although Wen Shutong was worried, he was in a relaxed mood, because he didn't think this person was a bad person.

But after getting into the car with these people, Wen Shutong found that he really thought too little.

The atmosphere was quiet. Everyone was dressed in solemn and solemn black clothes. Everyone had guns in their hands.

Probably because he was blind to the faces of foreigners, Wen Shutong felt that they were no different, except that everyone had tattoos in different positions.

When she was pushed into the car, she faltered and made a loud voice, but no one turned to look at it, as if she didn't care at all.

But Wen Shutong knows that it's not that he doesn't care, it's just his professionalism, so that they won't go back at all.

After getting on the bus, the man who was still smiling and deliberately provoking Shao Yunzheng just now was very serious and quiet.

They monitored Wen Shutong from different directions for fear that she would suddenly leave, as if she were a rare treasure.

The atmosphere inside is so depressing that Wen Shutong always feels that it's not very good.

In order to divert his attention, Wen Shutong looked at the people beside him and said, "is the moon really on your side? But why did you just say it was about two sons, and what does it have to do with the other one? "

The man sniffed and looked at Wen Shutong with a sarcastic look on his face: "now that we have got on the bus, our contract has been fulfilled. Now that you are just a hostage, who is qualified to ask so many questions? Shut up."

He spoke impatiently, obviously not going to continue to answer this question.

After a moment's hesitation, Wen Shutong suddenly said to himself, "Alas, it's a pity that you don't want to make it clear."

This person instantly alert, turned his head and looked at her coldly: "what a pity, what do you want to say?"

Wen Shutong tilted his head, his face deliberately with a fiery innocence and innocence: "you just said that now our relationship has been formed, I am a hostage, you are a kidnapper, we have nothing to say."

She is really able to treat her in her own way. A boomerang stabbed the man off guard.

His face suddenly became very ugly. He suddenly approached and pushed Wen Shutong close to the window. He wanted to shrink his body into a piece of paper and fold it up.

He opened his mouth and said lightly, "if you don't say it, I'll take it as your secret plan. Believe it or not, I can make you lose your son now?"

In fact, Wen Shutong's heart is still a bit deep. He thinks this person should not be able to do this.

After all, he's just the one who's been sent to catch himself. It's not sure what his identity is in their team.

What's more, the photos of the moon in his hands are not necessarily true, and everything is still unknown.

On the surface, he pretended to be anxious. Wen Shutong said softly, "it doesn't mean anything else. It's just that my son is sensitive. If he finds out that I was kidnapped, maybe he won't cooperate with you."

This person disdains a look, the face has no facial expression of mouth: "he does not deserve to cooperate with what use, really think I will care?"

Since you came here, freedom no longer belongs to you.

All you can do is be obedient, OK?

Wen Shutong nodded obediently on the surface, but he was secretly calculating the distance between himself and danger.

She will try to make a simple guess about the current situation of the moon according to this person's words, so as to ensure that he is free and safe.

"But even if you catch the wrong person, doesn't the existence of the moon mean that you have a reliable hostage who can get the stars?" Wen Shutong continued to ask tentatively, "I don't care about his safety. Who else do I want to care about?"

"I don't know what's going on in your head to trade him for stars? If it were you, would you... "

In the middle of the story, the man suddenly reflected that he was involuntarily being told by Wen Shutong and even led by her nose.

His face became ugly instantly, with a dangerous look in his eyes. He grabbed Wen Shutong's shoulder, and his strength was so strong that he almost crushed it.

He lowered his voice and said, "don't try to get information from me. It's impossible. You either shut your mouth, or I'll seal your mouth with something. If you don't want to die, be quiet! "

This sentence obviously touched his weakness. There must be something hiding from him.

On the surface, Wen Shutong quietly closed his mouth and did not open his mouth again, but he was thinking about what to do.

At the same time, the blood wolf team had already brought the stars to the agreed place.

In order to ensure the safety of the stars, he was put in a bulletproof car.

After they got down, there were more than a dozen people around the car, looking at him firmly.

Even a fly can't fly in. If these people want to do something to the stars, they must step over his fourteen elite.

Last time he failed, this time he was ready.

He led the semi open coffee shop, which often has many guests.

Every one of those people looked so ordinary that he didn't even look at his face when he came in.

All this seems to be very normal and there is no problem. In fact, when you think about it carefully, all of them are loopholes.

Blood wolf his dress is very eye-catching, not to mention also with a pair of which most people are not very similar to the Oriental face.

If these people are in a normal mind, they should turn their heads and look at him.

But they are all playing the role of "normal" customers, trying to look like they are in such a background environment, but in fact they have already been seen through.

But the heart of the blood wolf is a little admire, death in order to deceive them, to create such a seemingly normal place is not easy.

But it's no surprise that even in a place like the harbor, they can put in their own people to perform. What else can't they do?

He didn't ask the other party what position he chose, so he went straight in and sat on his favorite position.

So they are here to exchange hostages, but he seems to be in control of everything, even more like a winner.

The shop assistant hesitated for a long time before he came up and said carefully, "what would you like to drink, sir?"

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