As soon as he left the island, Wen Shutong was sent to the hospital.

The doctor can't find out the specific situation of her body, so she can only use painkillers to suppress the pain as before.

The process of suppressing her pain is very fast, but I can clearly feel in my eyes that her breathing and heartbeat even slowed down during the attack.

If the next attack, the situation is not just hematemesis so simple, there may be more dangerous things.

This is the third time. If the number of times increases a little bit, Wen Shutong doesn't know what he will become.

After a short rest, she became vaguely conscious.

Taking advantage of Wen Shutong's unconsciousness, Huo Yanlin grabs her hand and stares at her eyes greedily, trying to carve it into his mind.

The blood wolf knew that it was not convenient for him to stay here at this time, so he turned and left.

Huo Yanlin holds Wen Shutong's hand tightly, but his eyes are restrained all the time. He doesn't let himself show any flaws.

Wen Shutong held his hand tightly, trembling and crying, and said: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I didn't want to hurt anyone, I hope they can be well..."

Distressed body are shaking, Huo Yanlin carefully bent down, in her forehead fell a light kiss.

Gently stroking her hair, he gently said: "don't blame yourself, this matter has nothing to do with you, you are not wrong."

Wen Shutong's mouth is still repeatedly apologizing because of his unconsciousness and the side effects of powerful painkillers.

Huo Yanlin did not feel bored, but comforted her over and over again.

Wen Shutong is not to blame for this. She just tried her best to protect her two children.

What's more, Wen Shutong went out this time, which also helped them to confirm that the God of death should still be afraid and would not hurt the two children for the time being.

Moreover, the injury on his hand is not mild. I'm afraid he will have to rest for a while. Even if there is any plan, it will have to be postponed. It should be able to buy them a lot of time.

Huo Yanlin has been in the room with Wen Shutong, until she is about to lose the efficacy of painkillers, just got up out of the ward, let other people come to take care of her.

As soon as he came out of the room, the blood wolf came up with a dignified face.

"Shao Yunzheng came back. I arranged him in the next ward. You were with Wen Shutong just now, but I didn't tell you directly." He spoke in a concise way.

Looking at the look of the blood wolf, Huo Yanlin vaguely noticed something: "he was injured?"

Nodded, the blood wolf seriously said: "he should also think of a way to save Wen Shutong, with his own people to catch up, the result was found by the God of death, so seriously injured, just came back to faint."

"But I'm not sure whether he's a tough one or a real one."

Huo Yanlin shook his head and said seriously, "it won't be bitter. No matter what the truth of other things is, he won't cheat in treating Wen Shutong."

After this period of time, Huo Yanlin really has some trust in Shao Yunzheng and thinks that he should not be able to do such things.

The blood wolf nodded and continued to say, "there's more. Just now my staff reported an important message to me. Have you offended anyone before? "

Huo Yanlin suddenly failed to respond. He asked the meaning of this sentence and frowned slightly: "strictly speaking, Wen Shutong and I should offend many people. If you really want to ask which one you offended, you really can't say it."

Originally, this was a serious time, but Huo Yanlin's words were somewhat happy in his helplessness.

The blood wolf waved his hand and immediately sent the computer to him.

He opened a web page and handed it to Huo Yanlin: "the identity information of the two of you has been boarded on the dark net. Recently, he offered a very high reward, saying that he wanted to buy your life."

"Do you know that?"

Huo Yanlin certainly remembers this. It's also because of this that he and Wen Shutong went all the way to the island and met Ares.

The following a lot of bad things are basically around what happened on this island, he can remember too much.

"I know that Wen Shutong and I also investigated at the beginning, but after Wen Shutong disappeared, the reward information on this website disappeared. My mind was not here, so I didn't pay much attention to it."

"Now it's making a comeback. It's estimated that the other party knows that you are in chaos recently, so they've come here specially to make trouble."

The blood wolf frowned, "for the dark net, I don't know much about it. It's not possible that it can help you. But I'll go to my information security officer and try to find out who's behind the scenes. "

Huo Yanlin didn't care too much about this. He shook his head casually: "the priority now is to deal with Wen Shutong's affairs first."

"I'm afraid we can't do it without a hurry." Blood wolf look serious mouth, "last time just a reward, but this time is issued instructions."

He raised his hand and pointed to the website, "see this prize pool? The countdown is over, which means the action begins. "

He still remembers the first time they saw the information on this website, saying that it was a way to solicit for them to die miserably. At that time, many people below made very dangerous speeches.

It's just that the people above still have professional ethics. When the collection is not over and the final number in the prize pool has not been determined, they will not rush to do it.

Of course, it's not necessarily because they have professional ethics. It's also likely that they are afraid that after doing this, the other party will not fulfill their promise.

But in any case, judging from the current situation, I'm afraid it's already decided to start.

The leakage of the house happened to meet the continuous rain at night. When they were besieged, the other side released such news.

It can be seen that he knows everything about them and has been waiting for the most suitable opportunity to win them.

"Well, from the present situation, we don't know who will accept the reward, and we don't know what kind of method they are going to use, do we?" After reading the information on the website, Huo Yanlin spoke calmly.

I'm afraid that when other people encounter this kind of thing, they will be in a mess, for fear that disaster will come to them.

Huo Yanlin is like a calm spectator, with a daunting calm in his eyes.

After a pause, the blood wolf said, "it's like this in theory, but the person who released the reward can see it from the backstage. I have carefully observed that there are five people who can receive the reward he issued. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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