In fact, from Huo Yanlin's attitude before, Wen Shutong has already vaguely felt something, but he knows that since he does not mention it, there must be other reasons.

After so many messy things, she has become more rational and sober.

My rash guess may bring trouble to the people around me. It's better to let it go.

So she nodded her head and said in a warm voice, "I know. You don't have to worry about me too much. Just deal with the stars and the moon. By the way, how is Shao Yunzheng? "

The blood wolf spoke to one side and said, "he's OK. It's estimated that he will wake up tomorrow. When he came back, I had already told him that you didn't matter much

During the whole conversation, Wen Shutong talked to the blood wolf. He didn't look at Huo Yanlin any more.

So it's a good thing that she can no longer entangle in this, but she can't get her lover's eyes. Huo Yanlin has an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

If the disease is cured, Wen Shutong still has a grudge and ignores today's affairs. It will take a lot of effort to coax her back.

After explaining some precautions to Wen Shutong, Xuelang goes out of the room with Huo Yanlin.

Under the no smoking sign at the corner of the hospital, the blood wolf lit a cigarette.

He narrowed his eyes slightly in the smoke and said with a dignified face: "have you ever guessed who is the person offering a reward behind his back to do this kind of thing? And that strange drone. "

He only took a puff of his cigarette. Suddenly, Huo Yanlin reached out and broke it directly from the middle. He threw it in the garbage can.

Blood wolf's hand only left half cigarette butts, he was stunned for a moment, this just angry mouth: "you pinch my cigarette for what?"

"She doesn't like the smell of smoke." Huo Yanlin look light mouth, "in the dark net release such reward news, we guess the person is Ares, the UAV is definitely related to him."

Still in revenge for his cigarette, the blood wolf deliberately pricked his heart and said, "I care about others behind my back, but do you dare to say it face to face? What's more, we are so far apart that she can't smell it. It's unnecessary. "

Eyes more and more cold up, Huo Yanlin deep voice said: "some things, not in front of her face can do."

"Yes, you two love each other. I'm a single man who doesn't understand." The blood wolf raised his hand and threw out the rest of the cigarette butts, looking serious. "Since he can make such a big move on the dark net, why didn't he take action at that time?"

"Ares is much more complicated than we think. He can stay dormant for a year because of a plan, even his own appearance can be destroyed, and he can be transformed into another person just to win my company." Huo Yanlin said.

At the beginning, although we didn't find out who the person behind it was, we can basically confirm that it must be related to Ares.

Although he did not admit it at that time, there is no other person except him in all the things that have happened now.

"Before, when I sent someone to rescue you and Wen Shutong in China, I had a brief contact with him. I thought this man was a little bit normal. Why did he become more and more crazy?" Blood wolf can't help but wonder, "the plan to fight for the company failed, so angry?"

"According to Wen Shutong's analysis, he is likely to have schizophrenia. When we first met him, it was a peaceful stage. Now we are more and more biased. "

Huo Yanlin such an explanation, blood wolf probably also understand a lot.

He nodded his head seriously, looked serious and said: "if he really has such a situation, it's useless to fight against him. We can only use violence to control violence and evil to control evil."

Huo Yanlin turned his back to him and faced the window. He looked thoughtfully at the dark sky in the distance, and a dim look flashed in his eyes.

Early the next morning, the attack on the hospital was released.

It was said that a team of unidentified people with seven or eight people invaded the hospital and set fire to the warehouse on the eighth floor of the inpatient department.

Fortunately, the medical staff responded quickly and did not cause much loss and casualties.

But that group of people armed very comprehensive, the mastermind is to bring a huge gas mask, jumped from the eighth floor, and finally disappeared in a chaos of war.

The hospital released a surveillance video, in which the body shape of the main culprit was captured. The whole society was called to help them find the person, find the real culprit and restore the truth.

After the news was sent out, Huo Yanlin knew that the five people who had accepted the reward information would start fighting.

After all, someone launched an attack directly without consulting them, intending to embezzle the bitcoin in the zombie. Among the five people, there are already different people.

In addition, none of the parties has captured a specific image of the mastermind. I'm afraid those who really do this will not admit it.

Then five people will guess each other, and they must be on guard against each other for a period of time.

This precious time is the best time for them to fight back.

Huo Yanlin according to the address they have been to before, found the people in their village.

However, things are far more complicated than they imagined. Most of the people in the village were injured, and parson was hit in the head by a bullet. Although he saved his life, he lay unconscious in bed and was not sure what would happen in the future.

After Wen Shutong was taken away, Shao Yunzheng and his subordinates also stayed to protect the villagers for a period of time.

I thought there was nothing else to do before I withdrew, but I didn't expect that the other party would come back and disturb the whole village like this.

Pasong is seriously ill in bed, and the villagers are also seriously injured. It's impossible to help Wen Shutong make an antidote through this way.

The surrounding villages, which may be able to help, have to hide and get hurt. Even some whole villages have suffered, and they can't help.

Now the only person they can turn to for help is Ares, the demagogue.

All the back roads have been cut off, Ares's mind can't be more obvious.

When his people were found last time, Ares was in a place where he could not fly in.

I'm afraid he is also afraid of the blood wolf, afraid that the other party will come to him.

After several rounds of investigation, the people sent by the blood wolf could not find a way to break through, and finally they could only return in vain.

In the aspect of tracking and breaking the prohibition, the blood wolf has never suffered such a loss.

First death, then Ares, who he didn't see at all, dared to challenge his patience one or two? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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