The voice just fell, he only felt a cold on his neck, and then the blood seeped out.

Huo Yanlin didn't have any hesitation at all. He directly pricked the skin on his neck.

Just used clever strength, did not hurt big blood vessel, so blood flow is not too serious.

The face under the cap is indifferent and has no emotion at all. Huo Yanlin glanced at it for a week and said, "I just said, don't move."

Ares wanted to bite his teeth and tear him up.

But his face still had to maintain a temporary balance, whispered: "I didn't ask them to come, they want to protect me, what can I do?"

"Then let them go." Huo Yanlin lowered his voice and spoke calmly.

His voice is smooth without any undulating tone, as if he was studying.

Taking a deep breath, Ares waved his hand to the men and said, "back off."

The moment he put his hand down, Huo Yanlin suddenly said again: "don't want to call reinforcements. There's no chance."

He broke Ares' head and forced his eyes to fall on the monitor in front of him.

What's shown above is the scene of conflict just now.

Just now, the blood wolf was still in decline. He was beaten and retreated, but now he is springing up like bamboo shoots.

Those people, like locusts coming back, caught ares's men who were celebrating the victory by surprise, and the situation immediately reversed.

His eyes widened in surprise, and Ares's eyes flashed a bone deep hatred.

"You just pretended that you were outnumbered and defeated. You cheated me to go out and support all the people around me!" He almost roared and said, "Huo Yanlin, you are so calculating!"

The more excited he was, the more calm Huo looked, as if Mount Tai could not shake him.

Singled out the next eyebrow, Huo Yanlin expression light mouth way: "you are really flattered, just with the person's way also cure its body."

He dragged ares back a few steps. Suddenly, his voice said coldly, "follow me!"

The basement is his territory. If you pay more attention here, the danger will increase by one point.

Huo Yanlin forcibly dragged him to the room on the second floor of the villa, which was bright and clean. When he was lurking, he had checked, and there was nothing dangerous.

Ares only glanced at it and knew what Huo Yanlin wanted to do. He said sarcastically, "I thought you were not afraid of anything. I was not worried that I would do something to you?"

"That's because you've done a lot of dirty work and lost your trust with me." Huo Yanlin face expressionless mouth, "I said don't move."

His other hand touched ares's waist at random, and then he took out a gun.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Ares had to say that Huo Yanlin was really familiar with him enough, and even knew where his gun was hidden.

"If I didn't focus on dealing with the blood wolf today, you would think you could get close to me?" Ares sneered and said, "don't you hate me all the time? Then just kill me. I'll see who will treat Wen Shutong for you. "

"You're not really afraid of death, you're just pretending." Huo Yanlin's expressionless mouth did not put his threat in his eyes.

"I'm really afraid of death, but there are some things I don't want to give up when I die. If you ask me to give up my principle, I'd rather die." Ares spread out his hand and said with a indifferent face.

Blood from his neck ran down his shoulder and clavicle, then down his arm, filling his hands.

In the blood blessing, let Ares inexplicably look a bit of Desperado taste.

Huo Yanlin lowered his voice, and Mori said coldly: "I ask you, are you the one who sent people to slaughter the people in the villages where the poisonous insects were raised? You also try to disguise yourself as a mercenary, trying to blame death. "

The expression slightly changed, but ares's face still had a sarcastic look: "did you see me do it with your own eyes? Empty mouth white tooth begins to be unjust person

"Because at this time there don't know that Wen Shutong has been poisoned. All the back roads are blocked. There is no one else except you." Huo Yanlin continued to speak in a deep voice.

"It's a joke. I took someone to block Wen Shutong that day, and then took her to the exchange site of stars and moon. But the God of death, are you sure he doesn't know?" Ares sneered and replied.

At the beginning, he was really a little alarmed, but when he realized that Huo Yanlin had a plan for himself, he was not afraid.

The man behind was silent for a moment and didn't speak.

Ares thought that Huo Yanlin had been found a loophole, so he was speechless.

However, at this time, the person behind him suddenly approached his ear, and his voice was very low: "you know all the things we do, you must be watching in the dark. You must have sent the drone to destroy the scene and stimulate conflicts. "

Ares's body suddenly became tense, and a look of panic flashed in his eyes.

He had never jumped so unprepared into a hole dug by others.

It can be seen that Huo Yanlin is well prepared this time. He must cross examine to the end.

Now that this is the case, it is meaningless for him to deny it.

Ares sneered and said, "so? Anyway, the relationship between you and death has been settled. What's the use of asking me these questions now? "

"I'm afraid you don't know that while I'm getting married with Liang Zi at this time, as long as I try to spread the news to him, you will also become his enemy." Huo Yanlin continued to speak calmly.

At the beginning, Huo Yanlin came to Ares.

Although we don't expect him to be on our side, at least two of us can have a truce and set our goal on saving the stars.

However, after experiencing this series of things, he clearly knew what it was to seek skin with a tiger.

Ares is never trustworthy. He will choose the most suitable opportunity and put a cold arrow behind his back.

Even if he has no way to move Huo Yanlin for the time being, he will try his best to do things in the back, stimulate the contradiction between him and death, and make things more complicated.

In the end, when the two fight, he can benefit from it.

Ares's expression stopped for a moment. Before he had time to speak, Huo Yanlin continued: "do you think he will target the magnanimous enemy first, or the enemy who plays tricks behind his back?"

"I'm really at odds with him, but there's something to talk about in dealing with you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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