It's been a long time since he got the exact news of the stars. This information is like rain and drought for him.

Wen Shutong is still in a coma, and the two children are missing. Huo Yanlin is still seemingly calm, but his mood has been almost collapsed.

"We've come here. The terrain is very complicated. We haven't found the entrance yet. We can't be sure where the stars and the moon are."

Without waiting for Huo Yanlin to speak, the blood wolf took the lead.

"I've also received the exact location of the stars. I'll share it with you right away. The two of them should have discussed. Let's go to pick up the moon tomorrow."

"Are you sure it's him? This kind of news can be sent by anyone. Don't be cheated by the other party. " Blood wolf alert mouth, he is afraid Huo Yanlin excited too much, this stubble to forget.

"Don't worry, the encryption method of the text message he sent is unique to stars, and there will be no mistake." Huo Yanlin spoke calmly.

"Well, send the address and I'll do it right away." He said in a low voice, "these two little guys should have their own plans. Let's listen to the arrangement of the stars first."

When they went to exchange hostages, the stars had already said that. The first way is to attack directly during the exchange and forcibly bring back the moon.

But at that time, death detained Wen Shutong and forced them to submit. Plan a failed.

The second plan is to put all the pressure on the stars. He estimates according to the situation there and sends them a message when the time is right.

Then take one of them, let the child lead the way, and take death by surprise.

"I'll be there right away. The more people, the better." Huo Yanlin spoke quietly.

"It doesn't matter, but you can come. Isn't Wen Shutong still there? It's like guarding her. " The blood wolf opens a way.

The power of the God of death can't be estimated by the normal threshold. Last time they were well prepared, they almost had an accident. This time, it will be more difficult for them to directly kill each other in their hometown.

If you want to save both children, it's one thing whether you can come back alive or not.

He knew that the blood wolf wanted to take a risk alone, but Huo Yanlin couldn't bear it.

He's here to help, not to be a death squad. There's no need to sacrifice so much for their affairs.

"No, if I flinch at this time, she won't forgive me even if she wakes up." Huo Yanlin spoke calmly.

The blood wolf wanted to say something more, but he thought that he couldn't persuade him, so he finally gave up.

After hanging up, the two went their own way.

Huo Yanlin actually came to the room, pushed open the door and stood by the bed, quietly looking at the sleeping people on the bed.

They have been looking for a family doctor to observe Wen Shutong's physical indicators in real time, for fear that long-term coma will have any irreversible impact on her.

But the family doctor said the coma was the best for her body.

This energy consumption is very low, she will not be too hard, the process of the disease will be slow.

But if he is awake all the time and his body is wasted like that, the situation may become very dangerous.

Looking at her face from a distance, Huo Yanlin's eyes twinkled with tenderness.

Came to the bedside, gently grasp her wrist, Huo Yanlin's voice is gentle enough to drip water: "sorry, last time without your consent, let you faint for such a long time, but I think even if you wake up, you should not blame me."

"I know you feel guilty about the stars and the moon. Don't worry, I'll bring them back."

She patted her wrist, then Huo Yanlin leaned over Wen Shutong's eyebrows and gave her a very light kiss.

His thick eyelashes fluttered slightly, and there was a tear mark at the root, which was not obvious, but soon disappeared.

After a kiss, he picked up Wen Shutong and went outside.

His subordinates were startled and looked at Huo Yanlin taking Wen Shutong out.

Seeing that he was about to go out, his men at the door stopped him in a hurry and said carefully, "Sir, your wife hasn't woken up yet. Where do you want to take her?"

He glanced at them without expression. Huo Yanlin said faintly, "if I remember correctly, is this my wife?"

The man who stopped him looked at each other and nodded after a pause: "that's nature!"

"Where am I going to take her? Does it have anything to do with you? " He continued to speak without expression.

The other party was put to speechless, a boring, hastily back a little body.

Huo Yanlin went out with Wen Shutong in his arms, but the voice of discussion was still endless.

"It's not mang city here. Don't you think it's dangerous to take your wife out?"

"Who knows what Mr. Huo is thinking in his heart? His wife is not sober now, so she tosses about like this!"

"It seems that the whole person of the child has changed a little since he was taken away. Do you think so?"

Huo Yanlin didn't seem to hear that. He gently put Wen Shutong into the car, and the tail of the car spewed out exhaust gas and left.

When the car gradually went away, these people were surprised and widened their eyes: "I'll go. Is there nothing wrong with my eyes? Isn't that direction close to Ares? The God of plague

"What's the matter?"

In all kinds of speculation, Huo Yanlin has arrived at Ares.

He got out of the car with Wen Shutong in his arms. In a moment, the sound of a gun rang out, and countless guns aimed at him.

Huo Yanlin's face without any emotional fluctuations, quietly stood at the door: "let Ares out, I have something to talk to him."

"Some things are repeated but not repeated!" The gatekeeper opened his mouth with an alert look on his face, "do you think we are too good tempered to ride on our heads?"

Lowering his voice, he repeated, "I don't like to say a word many times. Let him out."

He raised his chin slightly on his face, and his face was full of pride, with an air that he could not refuse.

The door was suddenly quiet for a while. Before long, the door was opened and Ares stood at the door.

The injury on his body is not good, and the look in Huo Yanlin's eyes is also a bit hostile.

"It seems that the wind is not very good today. It's bad luck to bring such people to me." He said defiantly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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