As long as he knows fear, death knows it's useful.

Slowly released the hand covering his eyes, death continued to say: "if you want to live well until your father comes to save you, then answer my question obediently."

"What tools did you use to make the moon escape? How did you avoid my strict surveillance and use the computer I gave you? "

I didn't expect that when he put down his hand, the stars were staring at him with cold eyes.

His eyes seemed to grow out of the vine, like a snake on the body of death, as if he was imprisoned in place.

Such a small body, but the more hidden in the eyes of such a great power, this child will never be ordinary.

No matter what kind of plan Huo Yanlin and his family adopt, he will never let the child leave the island alive.

"No?" Death lowered his voice and threatened to speak.

The star sneered at him and said impolitely: "why do you ask me to tell you? Who do you think you are? Do people all over the world have to be afraid of you? It's ridiculous. "

Death's face visible to the naked eye to sink down: "you this little thing is really bold, then we will slowly."

As the voice fell, his hand on the star's shoulder moved down and held his arm.

Then he increased his strength, and his arm creaked in an instant.

The feeling that the arm was pinched off in this way was just unbearable. The star's painful face turned white, and the sweat poured out layer after layer on his forehead.

Even so, he clenched his teeth and didn't let himself show any pain.

It's really rare for such a small guy to have such courage.

Death's cold eyes shot out of the mask and said: "it seems that you are really not afraid. Where do we read next? How about your feet? You can't even run. Maybe you'll be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. "

Looking up at his cold eyes, the star also learned his voice and said defiantly, "OK, come on. If you don't let me die today, you are the one who died. "

At this time, the door behind him was suddenly knocked open, and one of his subordinates stumbled in and said in horror: "Lord!"

When I am most annoyed to be interrupted when I am doing something important, death's face becomes ugly instantly.

He suddenly turned his head and said in a sharp voice: "blind your dog's eyes, don't disturb my business, go away!"

"There are several helicopters and ships coming up to our island! The other side is coming. Our men are outnumbered, and there is not much artillery on the island! " His hands knelt on the ground, trembling and crying.

"How can it be? Blood wolf and Huo Yanlin, they will have so many human and material resources. Didn't they investigate very clearly before? Don't they have so many people? " Death's cold mouth.

His subordinates trembled and said, "we don't know very well. The other side has plenty of reserves and many people. Now we have blocked several ports where we can go out. I'm afraid we can't run away!"

The mood is now bad to the extreme, death fly up a foot directly kicked in the hands of the shoulder: "this kind of thing is to be handled by you, such a big island, without me, can't live?"? Find a way out! "

After kicking his men over, he picked up the star and planned to take him away first.

The port is just an open and aboveboard passage place. If he really wants to go out, he has to go further.

Let the island's own people stay to deal with those ghosts and ghosts. He takes the stars first, and has this card in his hand. He can make a comeback at any time.

He never cares about the life or death of others. He doesn't have to care at all. Anyway, if he takes his money, he will have to work for him for three thousand li.

Seeing that he was about to get up and leave, his men seized his clothes and said with trembling: "Lord, it's no use taking him now! These people come straight to the center of the island. Obviously they have special instruments. They know you must be hiding here! "

At this time, the sky has sounded the sound of helicopter oars stirring the air, it is obvious that their distance is getting closer and closer.

The sound of a complete alarm was also heard on the several lines of defense of the port.

The danger was getting closer and closer, and it was useless for him to go anywhere now.

Suddenly turn to stare at the direction of the stars, death's eyes more dangerous.

He grabbed his neck and said coldly, "it's the ghost you made behind your back. What's on you?"

The shoulder and arm of star's one hand have been damaged by his pinched bones. He can only lift one hand and struggle hard.

But for him, such a struggle is like shaking a big tree, and he doesn't pay attention to it at all.

At this time, his eyes suddenly fell on the arm that pinched the star just now.

He vaguely felt that there was something wrong, and when he pinched there, there was a flustered look in the star's eyes.

There seems to be something.

Isn't this little guy hiding the positioning instrument in his body?

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was that he would hold the star in one hand and take a knife out of his pocket.

That knife is very thin and its handle is very short. It's easy to carry and fight.

The blade emits cold light, which makes people feel chilly.

At the beginning, no matter how he tortured, the star didn't panic. He felt that he could hold on.

But now seeing his knife, the star began to panic.

He raised his only active hand and struggled to reach behind him to find the switch of the bomb.

When he had touched it, his movement stopped.

Dad, their people are coming right away. He heard the helicopter just now.

Maybe the next second they'll be right in front of them.

If you choose to ignite the bomb at this time and die with him, it seems that it is not cost-effective at all.

When he hesitated for a short time, a sharp pain came from his arm.

And then the blood came out.

His arm was basically cut from top to bottom. It was a penetrating wound from top to bottom.

Pain, like gangrene, swept up immediately.

He frowned and made a suppressed voice uncontrollably.

However, the God of death seemed not to care about his pain at all, and continued to cut his face coldly.

The difference between him and ares is that ares will sneer when he is crazy, which makes you think that he is crazy.

But death is not crazy, just like in his world view, this is right. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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