Huo Yanlin's teeth softened and he wanted to kill others.

But Wen Shutong was in front of him, and he couldn't do it at all.

If he really did something to death, he would still be on Wen Shutong the next second.

He can't do it. He can't bear it.

Lowering his voice, Huo Yanlin said in a deep voice, "what do you want?"

"Those bright interests are not necessary for me. I don't need them. I want more." Ares had a wild smile on his face. "I want you to die."

Huo Yanlin continued: "what's the point of you asking me to die? What you can't get is still not available? Is it just to find someone to accompany you when you go to hell? "

"That's a misunderstanding. I'm not going to hell. I just want you to die." He tilted his head, provocative mouth, "I give you a chance to commit suicide, otherwise, I will directly kill your wife."

After that, he suddenly took out a gun and put it directly on Wen Shutong's forehead.

Wen Shutong didn't have any resistance and struggle at all. He just stood there, and then he pointed the black muzzle at himself.

Heartache of the whole heart will be broken, Huo Yanlin clenched his fist, eyes pressed down a heavy danger.

He wants ares to die, no matter what the price, he will die here!

His muzzle was shaking on Wen Shutong's head, and he continued to open his mouth provocatively: "don't worry. I know your sniper is staring at me secretly, but as soon as I fall down, Wen Shutong's investment will be exploded immediately. I don't think you will do such a loss making business?"

Huo Yanlin thinks that his words should not be adulterated. After all, he put his life on the table.

But even if it's fake, so what? He also expected that Huo Yanlin didn't dare to gamble on Wen Shutong's life.

"You have changed your strategy. You can't wait to let me die because you have found a way to control Wen Shutong."

Huo Yanlin asked in a low voice, "after I died, Wen Shutong, as my wife, raised her eyebrows unexpectedly. Ares said in surprise:" I thought Mr. Huo could not think of this side at all. It seems that I underestimated you too much. You guessed right, but even if you guessed right, so what, can you stop me? Or are you not going to take Wen Shutong's life to heart? "

In fact, what ares didn't know was that Huo Yanlin had already made a will.

And it's him and Wen Shutong who stand together.

The content of the will is that no matter what kind of accidental death happens to the two of them, the property belongs to the two children.

The reason for this is to give the two children a deeper guarantee. Huo Yanlin never thought that there would be such a day.

Fortunately, he didn't bring the stars and the moon together today, otherwise, he would have a lot to consider.

Pretending to be angry and clenching his teeth, Huo Yanlin said in a cold voice: "you are a complete beast!"

"Animals are animals. You can scold them as much as you like. Anyway, I've got everything I deserve."

Ares first answered Huo Yanlin's scolding with a smile, then his face suddenly turned cold, "don't waste time, hurry up! Now hurry to die for me. Anyway, you have a gun in your hand. It's just a shot! "

At this time, Huo Yanlin is not in the ear inside the invisible headset, as expected came the familiar sound of the stars.

"Dad, I have just investigated. There are bombs in the warehouse. Please don't waste your time with him. Otherwise, you will suffer. "

His speaking speed is not as fast as usual, because of illness, and now he is still weak.

Huo Yanlin naturally didn't reply. He looked at ares as usual and said coldly, "you are too unreasonable. If you want me to die in such a hurry, at least you have to give me enough time to see my wife more. Otherwise, how do you think I can be reconciled?"

"If you want to see her more, you'd better go to hell to see more!" Ares raised his gun. "I'll send you two to die together!"

The sound of the stars in the earphone continued: "the explosion in the warehouse is very complicated. I can't see clearly from a long distance. I will try to change the system and delay the explosion time."

"But Dad, don't hold too much hope. It's not likely to succeed. So the best way is to try every means to lead him away from the present wharf, which is the safest way. "

"Don't worry," Huo Yanlin raised his hand, interrupted his crazy action, "you can think well, you this shot down, you will have all the things will disappear, this kind of loss, I think you should not want to eat it?"

Ares did not speak, but looked at him solemnly.

Huo Yanlin's body step by step back, gradually deviated from the direction of the pier.

Although strictly speaking, now he is the one under control, his life and death is also related to the perfect implementation of Ares's plan.

So Huo Yanlin stepped back, and Ares dragged Wen Shutong forward involuntarily.

Huo Yanlin's heart is secretly happy, has gradually let him away from the dock more and more far.

He must try his best to ensure the safety of Wen Shutong.

However, when he was about to succeed, Ares suddenly realized that something was wrong. Huo Yanlin was clearly leading him back!

He stopped his steps and pushed the gun to Wen Shutong's temple.

The muzzle of the gun was hard on Wen Shutong's forehead, which had been skinned and bleeding.

Huo Yanlin was so distressed that he quickly raised his hand and interrupted his action: "or you want to find a suitable place. Besides, Wen Shutong took medicine before and couldn't soak in water for a long time. Her physical condition will get worse. You don't want to die before she inherits the property?"

"At that time, if we are both absent, the real heirs of the property will be my two sons. Do you think you still have your business?"

"To tell you that little money, to tell you the truth, I don't pay much attention to it." Ares tilted his head, provocative mouth, "although I do not earn as much as you, but I can not spend the rest of my life, your money is just icing on the cake for me."

"Don't you think your stinky money is particularly important?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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