Huo Yanlin couldn't laugh or cry. He wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and said in a soft voice, "is there such a truth in the world that people can't see it?"

"What about the stars and the moon? Are there any injuries next to that person? They should have been rescued, too? " Wen Shutong opened his mouth with concern.

However, she firmly believed that these two little guys should be OK. After all, if there was any problem, Huo Yanlin could not talk with her so calmly.

Sure enough, he nodded: "don't worry, the two of them are OK, but they were hurt a little, and now they are recovering."

"Where is the injury? What about? Is it serious? " Wen Shutong sat anxiously and wanted to get out of bed to have a look.

Huo Yanlin firmly pressed the body, whispered: "you take care of yourself, look at your own body injury. They are all awake now. Do you want to see them, or do you want to make them worry when you are so injured? "

"Well, I'll see them later. It's really funny. There are four people in the family staying in the hospital." Wen Shutong sneered at himself.

With her distance, Huo Yanlin zhengse opening: "we are not the same, I am in the hospital to accompany you a few."

Looking down at the wound on his hand, Wen Shutong said sarcastically: "I really don't know how you mean to say such words. Take a good look at the wound on your body, what it looks like."

"You really think you're a wooden man. You don't know the pain at all. You're still wrapped in gauze..."

In the middle of the speech, Wen Shutong couldn't go on. He was heartbroken.

Reach out to gently embrace her, Huo Yanlin gentle mouth way: "this you greatly misunderstood, I this is not hurt, this is my medal.". This is the proof that when I went to the island to look for the stars and the moon, I found your good son in the fire. I was waiting for you to praise me, but you scolded me first. "

The pain I experienced at the beginning is just like a nightmare.

Huo Yanlin knew that at that time, even if it was just a thought difference, it was very likely that all three of them would have to be folded there.

In that case, he may not be able to reunite with Wen Shutong in his whole life.

"I want the stars and the moon to come back safely, but there is an important premise that you are also in good health. It doesn't matter." Wen Shutong complained.

Huo Yanlin quickly bent down to hold her in his arms and said, "OK, OK, I know I won't mention it any more. I will cooperate with the doctor and change the dressing every day, so as to recover earlier than you, OK?"

He is a rare gentle, as if in the treatment of a lost treasure.

Huo Yanlin used his words and deeds to prove to himself again and again that his choice of indifference to himself was really helpless.

"I supervise people every day. If you don't cooperate, be careful." Wen Shutong raised his hand and made a gesture to beat him.

But this affected the neck wound, the pain immediately swept up.

She gently ah a, quickly cover the wound on his neck.

It should be that Huo Yanlin was afraid of her pain, so she didn't feel anything at first after applying the anesthetic. She didn't even know that she had a wound on her body.

"I hurt my neck, too?" She said in surprise.

Huo Yanlin nodded and told her what happened at that time.

Whether it's pretending to be shot and fall into the water, and then quickly adjusting their own state, or calculating the time of the explosion to save Wen Shutong from the water, it's extremely dangerous at that time.

But Huo Yanlin's description is light, as if these things are not worth mentioning.

Wen Shutong's heart was beating wildly, and the familiar fear swept up again.

She squeezed Huo Yanlin's hand tightly and said like an oath: "this situation will not happen again. From then on, I will protect myself. No matter what happens, I will not let you risk alone."

"I don't care if I'm alone. As long as you're safe, it doesn't matter." Huo Yanlin holds her in his backhand“ Well, the two of us are not participating in any emotional programs. We are always advertising endlessly. "

When he said this, Wen Shutong felt embarrassed and patted him gently.

In the next few days, the whole family really cooperated with the work of the hospital, and Wen Shutong recovered quickly.

Huo Yanlin's wounds don't seem to be too wide, just the palm and upper part of his forearm.

But because of the burn, and because it's deeper, the healing is slower than that of Wen Shutong.

The wound on Xingxing's arm is gradually getting better, but like Huo Yanlin, the burn is not healing well.

However, after several people were a little better, Huo Yanlin asked the hospital to adjust the ward, and the family lived in the VIP ward.

We can meet each other every day. Wen Shutong doesn't have to worry about meeting two little guys any more.

Can't see the face of time are engraved with each other, even the heart are eager to fly out from the chest, quickly meet.

After the meeting, the family returned to the previous situation and began to connect with each other.

Shao Yunzheng didn't come for several days. On the day when Shutong's injury was getting better, he came to the hospital.

When he arrived at the door of the ward, he first glanced at Wen Shutong to make sure that her injury was getting better and better, and then the corner of his eye was smiling a little.

"Originally, Lin Qin should have come with me, but she hates you two and is afraid of being scattered dog food, so let me come here alone and give you a brief account."

"Ares is a little better now. The doctor said he can move. We decided to take him back to China first, collect relevant evidence and see where the police need to deal with him."

"Besides, my parents have been worried for a long time. It's time to go back and give them an explanation. Otherwise, they will be worried all the time."

"I come here mainly to see the situation of some of you, and then I'll tell you about it by the way."

The blood wolf has long disappeared after he has dealt with the matter. He said that he would not take care of these things, but it is very likely that he will go to the ends of the earth to trace the news of death.

After all, he won't give up for such a big loss.

"Well, after you go back, you can take our place to report peace to mom and dad. Huo Yanlin and I can't go back for the time being." Wen Shutong nodded.

After a pause, she looked at Shao Yunzheng and said, "thank you. I heard from Yanlin that you helped a lot this time." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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