As soon as he admitted it, Wen Shutong had nothing to say and beat him on the shoulder.

Dezan said with a smile, "do you want to see my father? You can come with me. "

At that time, if it wasn't for parson that they were busy, Wen Shutong wanted to escape from the process. They didn't know how long it would take.

Nodding, Wen Shutong said, "OK, we really want to see him, too. Please."

Dezan shook his head: "no trouble, it's my pleasure."

Following Huo Yanlin, Wen Shutong watched Dezan's steps, but he couldn't help wondering: "he was in the village before, why didn't he see him before? If he had helped at the beginning, Parson might not have suffered such a serious injury. "

"That's because I was not in the village before. I came back after my father was ill. I won't go out for the time being."

The last time they came to the village, most of them were old people, children and women.

Most of them either go to school or work.

But he is full of wild flavor, especially the dense tattoos, if he is in school, I am afraid it is not easy to be accepted.

After guessing what Wen Shutong was thinking, he turned his head and began to speak word by word in raw Chinese: "I'm not going to school. I'm practicing medicine outside. I learned from my father. "

Two people nodded, Wen Shutong gently Han head toward him, quite a bit embarrassed to say: "sorry, it's my heart of a villain, your tattoo is very beautiful."

"Thank you. You're beautiful, too." Dezan opened his mouth sincerely. His delicate eyes lingered on Wen Shutong's face for a moment. "It's really beautiful."

Huo Yanlin coughed slightly in the back and said quietly, "I think she's very beautiful, too."

Dezan realized that he had crossed the boundary a little, and immediately saluted Huo Yanlin: "sorry, it's not intentional. Come on in, please."

As they spoke, they came to a tent like building.

Wen Shutong had been here before, so he was very familiar with it and knew that this was where pasong lived.

When he opened the curtain and went in, he lay on the bed. Although the conditions outside didn't look very good, the interior decoration of the room was very good, and there was air conditioning.

But because the space is not too closed, it's not very cool inside, but it's also a good thing. After all, he is a patient now, and the temperature can't be too low.

Parson's body was still very weak, and his face looked dull. Until they came to the bed, they could feel someone coming.

He slowly raised his eyelids and looked over. A light flashed in his turbid old eyes. He reached for Wen Shutong's wrist and said a long string of words.

He said that your mental condition is much better than before. Did you take any medicine

Wen Shutong told parson about her medication.

Huo Yanlin told him the substance in the medicine in their language.

Pason didn't know much about modern science. He just gave Wen Shutong a thumbs up.

Then groped for a long time at his bedside, took out a key and handed it to his son.

He handed the key to his son and told him a lot.

When he spoke, he was quite out of breath, as if these words were going to exhaust all his strength.

Dezan nodded, turned to a corner of the room, picked up a small shovel and began to dig.

Under a shallow layer of soil, a box is buried. The box looks very old. The wood on it is very fragile because it has been eroded. It will be broken when it is touched lightly.

Wen Shutong and PA song use the most basic simple communication, but Huo Yanlin gets up and looks at the box in his hand with Dezan.

Dezan's upper body is bare, while Huo Yanlin's is a decent dress.

Pasong is old and weak, but Wen Shutong is full of youth and vitality, delicate and beautiful.

In this way, when four people stay in the same room at the same time, it's like people from different civilizations and different living environments collide with each other, with a special sense of peace.

Dezan gently broke the wooden box and revealed a very complicated metal box.

Huo Yanlin's eyes flashed a clear look and understood what the key was for.

At the beginning, he was a little surprised that such a wooden box didn't need to use a key at all. It was so troublesome to knock it open with a tap. It turned out that there was something else in it.

"I think we have to be careful." Dezan said cautiously, "this is something my father has treasured for a long time."

He gently put the key in, very carefully trying to find the way to unlock.

After a long time, the key stuck into the slot, and then gently "click", the box opened.

Inside the box was a piece of black paint. Dezan couldn't help being curious and took a closer look.

At this time, the dark color, suddenly lit up two light green spots.

Vertical pupil is the eye of snake!

As if feeling the danger outside, the snake jumped up immediately!

"Be careful!" Huo Yanlin responded quickly, reached out and pulled Dezan directly.

Dezan was still in shock. He didn't respond for a long time.

After the snake scared people, it went straight down Dezan's arm and saw that it was about to disappear into the tent.

I don't know whether it's good or bad. If it hurts people, it's bad.

Huo Yanlin put down Dezan, stretched out two fingers and clamped the snake's seven inches firmly.

The snake is very thin, but its body is long enough. After it was caught, it quickly entangled Huo Yanlin's wrist.

When Wen Shutong heard what happened here just now, she quickly turned her head. When she saw the snake, she didn't scream. But when she saw with her own eyes that he wrapped Huo Yanlin's arm, she exclaimed.

"Get rid of it!" She spoke in horror.

I'm afraid the snake will bite Huo Yanlin.

Huo Yanlin not only did not put it down, but also raised his hand, raised his eyebrow and said, "if I put it down, what will I do if I bite you?"

"It's sure it's going to get out on its own." Wen Shutong frowned and opened his mouth.

Parson laughed beside him, his voice was old and hoarse: "it's for you. How can you let it run? After sleeping for so many years, I didn't expect it to wake up. Thank you just now, sir. Otherwise, I'm afraid our silly boy will be bitten

Dezan scratched his head awkwardly: "I remember Dad said before that there was a snake, but I didn't listen carefully." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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