"He's bullying girls. Remember when you see a man you don't know doing this to your classmates or to you, you must beat the bad guys away. Remember to tell your parents and teachers, remember?" Huo Yanlin said seriously.

Wenyueqi and Huo Xingfei nodded in a muddleheaded way. Although they were not very clear, they remembered.

Huo Yanlin didn't know what he said tonight. He would save many children in the future.

After driving the two children to bed, Huo Yanlin continued to check the information and downloaded all the secret things of Lin Song. The things were a bit messy. He stayed up all night to read and sort them out.

In order to prevent the bad things that Lin Song and Wen Linlang did together, when he was finally exposed, he would be bitten by Wen Linlang. Therefore, he took a screen shot of the chat record, recorded the place with voice, and then packed all the evidence in a folder.

Between the slander and the lawyer, Lin Lin Lin Lin and Lin Lin Lin can be informed of the crime of slander.

At the same time, Jiang Xing spent six hours watching all the surveillance videos, and the investigation was completed, and the results of fingerprint identification came out.

Only Wen Shutong's and Shuya's fingerprints are extracted from the file. Combined with the sneaky and untimely figures in the surveillance video, the answer is clear at a glance.

At the moment of getting this result, Jiang was not full of ideas. How could Shuya do this?

Wen Shutong is the person she knows best. However, because of many experiences, she never believes others. Ordinary people will not enter her heart and become her intimate friend.

After all these years, I guess I'm alone.

But on the day she returned home, Shuya picked up the plane. She was full of affection for the girl who had the same Chinese characters as her name.

Wen Shutong once said to Jiang Xing that Shuya has a sense of propriety and understanding. She is very comfortable to get along with her. Therefore, she takes good care of Shuya in the Research Institute and always treats her as a friend.

If Wen Shutong knew that it was his favorite and trusted friend who betrayed and betrayed him, how sad would she be?

Let alone Wen Shutong, even Jiang Xing himself can not accept this fact.

Shuya has been working with him as an assistant since he graduated from university. Although she is only an assistant, she is also an old man of the company.

No matter the position or authority is very big, the salary is also very high, and I especially trust her. How can such a situation appear?

Jiang Xing couldn't understand. He decided to meet Shuya and ask Shuya clearly before telling Wen Shutong the truth. What if it was a misunderstanding?

Shuya did have some abnormal behavior in the Research Institute recently. She was almost crushed by the feeling of regret. She even couldn't help thinking that Jiang Xing had not found her head.

Because the psychological level has experienced a variety of torture, such as a layer of oil on the horseback and forth barbecue.

At the moment when he finally left the fire, although he knew that he was about to be bitten and devoured, he still had a long sigh of relief.

Compared with the fear of unknown future, it is easier to accept the cruel situation clearly.

Shuya looked at the phone screen skipping caller ID, gently stretched out her finger and rowed it away.

"Hello." The throat that does not work for a long time inevitably exposes some unfamiliar working skills and appears dull and hoarse.

"It's me." "Shuya, come to my office for a visit," the man said

After a long silence, the hoarse and uncomfortable voice sounded again. The front voice was almost inaudible. Later, it was a little heavy, with a smell of desperate determination: " Good. "

Five minutes later, Shuya knocked on the door of Jiang Xing's office.

As usual, knocking on the door does not need to wait for an answer to push the door in. Over the years, we have developed mutual trust, and even ignore this heavy trust because of the word habit.

Shuya stands behind the door, looking at the man in front of the French window.

With his back to the door of the office, he put his hands into the pockets of his white coat at will. He had a straight back, a wide back and long legs.

She has never seen this figure many times, and she thinks in her heart more than once that such a good-looking man just looking at the back of his head and back can make people feel that he is a good-looking girl.

Now, in order to stand beside him, she has done a stupid mistake, and even the qualification to look at the back silently behind her will lose.

Think of here, Shuya's eyes from the dead despair gradually change, like a star into the sea of stars, gradually rising more points of light.

The eyes of the spotlight tightly stare at the silent tall man in front of him, and he is not willing to miss any tiny movements.

The man in front of him slowly turned around and showed his face with two abrupt dark circles. He pulled the corners of his mouth and showed a farfetched smile of failure and said, "sit down and talk."Shuya hesitated to go to the edge of the sofa, carefully sat down, only dare to sit on the edge of a sofa, whole body tense, waiting for the coming punishment.

She secretly bit the soft meat in her mouth, bent her fingers, and tightly grasped the pants cloth on her knee. Her eyes were straight, staring at a point on the small tea table in front of her, as if she were fighting with herself.

Jiang Xing had to sigh, walked over and sat on another single sofa.

He looked at Shuya's slightly drooping head. His voice was hoarse and hard with the sequelae of overworked work for a long time. He spoke slowly: "do you know why I asked you to come? I'd like to know what kind of psychology you are To increase my workload. "

Shuya suddenly raised her head and stared at Jiang Xing's face. The other side's face had a touch of imperceptible light, which was almost invisible with a magnifying glass.

She knows Jiang Xing very well. She knows that Jiang Xing is biased in her heart.

This cognition made her feel even more miserable. She could only shake her head and say vaguely in her mouth like a mouthful of saliva: "I'm sorry, I I did it wrong. "

This time it was changed into Jiang Xing's silence for a long time, and at last he uttered a long sigh Ah

He wanted to ask why you framed Wen Shutong like this. She was so kind to you.

But there was a more strange emotion in his heart which restrained his behavior and made him unable to speak.

Because as an excellent psychologist, he knows that Shuya is at the end of his tether.

Her spirit has been infinitely compressed and strained. If such a subjective and biased question is asked, it will probably become the last straw to crush the camel.

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