"Yes, it will be ready soon." Huo Yanlin answered in a soft voice, and his hand moved a little faster.

Wen Shutong also gritted his teeth and endured it. Anyway, long pain is not as good as short pain. He was happy to finish it early.

There are several more wounds on his body. Now Wen Shutong is like a man who has just come back from a battle.

After that, she turned to dress herself. The cloth just touched the wound, which was like a needle prick, and she couldn't ignore it.

Wen Shutong showed his teeth in pain, looked at Huo Yanlin wrongly and said, "what can I do? I can't put on my clothes..."

Just now, the wound hurt so much that she didn't even hum. Now that she couldn't put on her clothes, she began to hum.

Huo Yanlin's heart seems to be scratched by a cat's paw. It's too soft.

He picked up his big coat from one side and covered her gently.

Just to avoid the wound, not to let Wen Shutong pain.

But Wen Shutong was embarrassed. He whispered: "Dezan is still outside. It's really killing me when he sees him!"

Huo Yanlin carefully picked her up, regardless of her mouth, holding Wen Shutong out of the door.

Although the clothes are wide, they can't cover her completely.

Wen Shutong's white and slender legs are still exposed outside, wobbly, and inexplicably clever.

Dezan glanced away and pointed to another room: "it's in that room. Take her in first. I'll bring the rest."

Nodding politely at him, Huo Yanlin said softly, "thank you."

There was a huge wooden barrel in the room, which was filled with water and gave off strong smell of medicine.

Wen Shutong frowned. He had an ominous premonition in his heart. He always felt that there was something terrible inside.

After being held close, Wen Shutong found that the water was light yellow. Although the medicine was strong, it was still clear.

It's not the kind of thick bubble like the magic potion used by a wizard when casting.

Relieved, Wen Shutong came down from Huo Yanlin's arms and stepped on the ground barefoot.

Huo Yanlin reached out to help her test the water temperature, gently nodded: "the water temperature is OK, go in."

Stepping on a small chair, Huo Yanlin helped her into the barrel.

The dried blood on her body was hydrated and turned into a strange pattern with the turning of the people in the bucket on the water.

"I think I'm very much like an ancient princess, bathing and dressing." Wen Shutong opened his mouth with a smile.

The water temperature is warm and comfortable. It's not as terrible as you think.

"You can think so freely." Huo Yanlin gently smile, "but wait a little longer, I guess you can't laugh out, because there is no medicine in it."

Wen Shutong's eyes widened in surprise: "what is it? Not yet? Then what's the light yellow one? Don't tell me it's clear water! "

"It's easy to get to the bottom. The really concentrated Dezan is still in preparation. It's coming soon. You're enjoying a short good day first."

After listening to Huo Yanlin's words, Wen Shutong seemed to be stabbed in the pain nerve and jumped out of the water.

Her clothes were basically clean, leaving only clothes that barely covered her body.

But because it's too thin, it's almost translucent when it's soaked by water, and it doesn't work at all.

Looking away, Huo Yanlin pretended to be calm and said: "I'll go to see how Dezan is doing there. You can play by yourself first."

After that, he turned around and left, because his steps were so fast that he almost had the same hands and feet.

To prevent people from entering the room by mistake, a simple black screen was placed at the door, blocking the scenery behind.

Huo Yanlin came directly to the front of the screen, and then he regained his breath.

"Huo Yanlin, you don't care about me?" Wen Shutong felt where his nervous flash came from and deliberately provoked his voice to tease him.

The bathtub clattered like a sleeping dragon woken up. Huo Yanlin knew that it must be the dishonesty of the people inside, and his feet were fluttering in the water.

With a smile and a sigh, Huo Yanlin turned behind the screen, pushed the man out of the bath bucket and threw water on his head: "you mean it, don't you? Punish me for not telling you the truth when I first came here. "

Wen Shutong's long hair swings in the water, like water plants in the sun, with beautiful luster in the water.

There was only one lamp in the room, and the water was steaming. The underwater situation was not very clear, only the outline of two long thin legs could be seen.

Wen Shutong's skin is as white as a sunbi. In the shaking of the water, Huo Yanlin is afraid that she will be broken in the next second.

Strange to say, the beauty of holding the pipa is irresistible, but the more there is no shelter, the more people have no thoughts.

It's clear that they've been married for so long. They've seen everything they need to see, and they're almost the same as their old husband and wife.

But seeing everything in front of him almost made Huo Yanlin unable to control himself.

But when he thought that she was suppressing the poisonous insects, he was calming down a lot.

"What you said, I'm not the kind of person who will repay you. You are insulting my kindness."

Wen Shutong deliberately patted the edge of the bucket with his hand, letting the water in the bucket splash high and fall on Huo Yanlin's eyelashes and face.

Reach in to press her hand, Huo Yanlin helplessly said: "don't move, or I really don't care about you, this is called medicine bath, not water, no blind play."

Although it's a reminder, Huo Yanlin's voice is really as gentle as possible. He grabs her hand lightly to avoid Wen Shutong's wound.

"I think something's wrong with you since you've been here." Wen Shutong stopped and spoke in a languid voice.

Huo Yanlin's action is a meal, followed by a face magnanimous to her body pouring water, specially more attention to be scratched.

He lowered his voice and said faintly, "what's wrong with me?"

Wen Shutong is like a cat in the sun, lying by the bucket and enjoying the care of Huo Yanlin.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and counted Huo Yanlin's mistakes. It was probably due to the steaming of hot water. The room was warm, and with Wen Shutong's voice, it was a bit gentle and sticky. The smell was floating like he had just drunk a jar of old wine.

"You never joked before. The poisonous tongue belongs to the poisonous tongue, and you don't play mystery. Now it's suddenly changed."

Huo Yanlin seemed slightly relieved and said in a soft voice, "is that it? That's because I want to tease you. I haven't played for a long time. "

"Huo Yanlin, why didn't you tell me when you prepared everything behind my back?" She continued to speak, this time a little more serious.

In particular, he also called his full name, as if he were on trial.

"It's a matter of certainty that you can be cured anyway. I can't tease you any more?" Huo Yanlin continued to smile.

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