He then pointed to the direction of Dezan. Dezan nodded quickly and said seriously, "I'll be on call at any time."

It has to be said that the father and son really helped them a lot. Huo Yanlin said sincerely: "thank you very much."

After doing these things, Parson seems to have exhausted all his strength. He shakes his body wearily and almost falls back.

Behind is a circle of candles, if he really lay on it, I'm afraid he will be burned.

Huo Yanlin quickly reached out to help him. Dezan in the back responded quickly. He quickly picked up his skinny father and put him on the bed.

"You have a good rest. I'll take Mr. Huo back." Dezan said.

Parson basically had no strength to speak, and waved to them, then he closed his eyes tired.

Two people didn't disturb too much, then went out together.

"In fact, you don't have to say thank you to us. You let people protect my father and other people in the village. If you really want to thank me, we should thank you." Dezan spoke sincerely.

"You are all kind people, and I don't want to lie, so tell the truth. The reason why I will help you is because I think you may be useful in treating Wen Shutong. So I'm not a good person. All I did was set out for my wife. "

What PA Song said was true. It didn't take long for this thing to enter the body. Huo Yanlin felt dizzy, especially in the wound just now. It seemed that blood was constantly sucked in.

"Of course I know, but that's why my father is willing to help you. There is not much pure love like this." Dezan was still smiling innocently. By the way, he reached out and gently helped Huo Yanlin. "It's already beginning to feel uncomfortable. It's normal. It's gone soon."

Pulling back his hand, he nodded: "I didn't expect your father would have such a romantic mind."

Dezan looked at the moonlight in the sky. There was no street lamp here at night. Although it was dark, the moon was very bright.

There is a kind of unspeakable tenderness in the moon.

"In fact, you can't see that my father is not young, he is over 60 years old, but I am only 20 this year, because I am his old son."

Dezan suddenly said with emotion, "my mother is not his second married wife. In fact, she is the same age as him, but in the early years, they both enjoyed a lonely life, so they didn't have children. In fact, in our village, they would be despised."

Such customs and habits are the same in almost every country.

In rural areas, it seems that it is the right thing to get married and have children. Anyone who does not do so will be suspected and discussed by others.

Huo Yanlin did not speak, quietly waiting for him to continue.

"One year later, my mother was seriously ill. If she disappeared one day, my father would be very bored, so he grabbed the tail of the best childbearing age and gave him a baby."

"Basically all the women and children in the village were born at home, but my father took my mother to the hospital. But even so, she didn't keep her. There was a lot of bleeding during the delivery, and I was left behind. She left

When she speaks, her eyes always look at the sky, seemingly understatement, in fact, it seems to control what kind of mood.

I didn't expect that there would be such infatuated people and touching feelings in such an environment.

Huo Yanlin raised his hand and patted him gently on the shoulder: "I'm sorry."

Dezan laughed and said, "in fact, I'm not sad or sad at all, because I haven't seen him since I was born. I don't have any feelings at all."

"I just listen to others about these things. Although I think she is great in my heart, I still can't see her as my own mother psychologically."

"I won't cry for him. My birthday is his holiday, and I don't feel it. After all, I haven't experienced it."

"But because of this, my relationship with my father has not been very good. He always thinks that I caused this tragedy, so I went out to study and go to school very early."

No wonder that although Dezan is also a look of respecting people, his speech and views are totally different. At first glance, he is a person who has received education outside.

"Then why did you suddenly think of coming back?" Huo Yanlin asked casually.

"Just because I heard what he said about you and your sponsorship to the village, he told me that there are many kinds of undying love in the world, and yours is one." Dezen spoke softly.

Huo Yanlin raised his lips slightly and didn't say much.

She thinks that if we just define the relationship between him and Wen Shutong as the love that will last forever. It's a little tacky.

Sometimes, they are not only like husband and wife, but also like bosom friends. They understand each other. Even if they lose their memory, they also firmly believe that she will be able to remember something that others can't understand.

Dezan opened his voice and continued to say: "after seeing you, he apologized to me, saying that he was wrong before, and should not transfer the memory of his mother to me and turn it into hatred for me."

"My mother has gone. I am the only one in the world who can accompany her and have blood relationship with her. If you don't treat me well, he won't get anything, so I came back. "

"What you said suddenly awakened him, as if it had nothing to do with me and Wen Shutong." Huo Yanlin chuckled.

"He's probably just giving himself a reason to call me home." Dezan also laughed, "but if there is no you, the feeling of losing a close relative is that I come to experience it. I still want to thank you."

"Don't mention it. It's a good thing if we can make your relationship with dad harmonious."

They walked and soon arrived at the gate of their courtyard.

At the door stood a man with a lamp in his hand, shining on their way.

Naturally, Wen Shutong.

Seeing him for a moment, Huo Yanlin's eyes seemed to be filled with starlight, and he became gentle in a moment.

"Just now we two chatted happily and forgot about you. Are you in a hurry?" Huo Yanlin opened his mouth with a smile.

"It's not urgent. The village is so big that you can't come back unless you are captured by aliens." Wen Shutong is also smiling. "I see it's so dark outside. I'm afraid you'll go the wrong way when you come back. I'll give you a light."

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