As night fell, the village was peaceful and quiet, as if the chaos in the morning had never happened.

Wen Shutong's mind finally became firm. Wearing a shawl, she forced herself to leave the cave.

The pain on her body has tormented her for a day. There is a premonition in Wen Shutong's heart that everything is not long.

When I came to the village, everything here was quiet.

In the old lady's mouth, there was no one around the door like an iron bucket.

She gently frowned. She thought it was too late. Huo Yanlin let them rest.

After all, they are very tired today, so it's OK for them to rest early.

Through the back door, it was still quiet,

After a simple judgment of the location, Wen Shutong came to the room where they lived before.

There was a faint herbal smell in the door.

It's supposed to be the medicine that we need to praise.

As expected, the room was horribly quiet.

Wen Shutong walked in and groped to the bedside.

The moonlight came in through the crack of the window and just fell on Huo Yanlin's handsome face.

His face is as delicate as jade, and the moon gives him a layer of holy glory.

More and more heavy he left the world and independent, there is a kind of unspeakable fragile beauty.

Wen Shutong didn't go too close. He stood by the bed and looked at his face quietly.

Huo Yanlin's shoulder to chest there wrapped in thick gauze, but there is still blood out.

His face was pale, his lips were terrible white, and his eyebrows and eyelashes were black.

He raised his hand and described it above his chest. Wen Shutong's lips trembled.

"It must hurt." She lowered her voice and murmured.

At this time, suddenly a hand caught her wrist, hot her wrist a burst of pain.

Then came a low voice: "it really hurts. You don't know that you love me until now."

Although the voice is very light, but with a bit of grievance tone, listen to Wen Shutong heart will melt.

In the next second, she quickly reacts, Huo Yanlin this is awake?!

He immediately raised his hand, but he didn't expect that Huo Yanlin's voice was weak and his strength was terrible.

I'm not going to let her go at all.

His voice is very low, with a bit of pain shaking: "don't say it, OK? Stay with me. "

"It's not that I have to go... I don't want to live alone." Wen Shutong's voice also took a bit choking, and spoke softly.

"Look at me now. I'm afraid there's no way to survive even if I don't lead you. You have to see me die, don't you Huo Yanlin's voice is still very light, just like the moonlight in the sky in the dark.

Wen Shutong lowered his voice: "you always have a way to know how to poke my heart."

"You poked my heart first." Huo Yanlin also spoke softly.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have been avoiding you, but I just don't want you to make the decision I don't like the most."

Anyway, it must be impossible to leave now. Wen Shutong simply pulled a chair from the side and sat in front of Huo Yanlin's bed.

His hands were so hot that Wen Shutong felt something was wrong.

So he raised his hand and gently put it on his forehead.

Huo Yanlin gently closed his eyes, enjoying a moment of tenderness.

Since Wen Shutong left, he seldom felt like this.

She finally came back.

"How did you cook it like this? Did Dezan take care of it for you? I remember when we came, didn't we take the regular medicine? "

Wen Shutong didn't know what Huo Yanlin was thinking at this time. He was just worried about his situation.

He got up and was about to get the medicine, but he held him.

Pretending to be angry, Wen Shutong lowered his voice and said, "what are you doing?"

"Don't go. I'm afraid you won't come back." He whispered.

Wen Shutong was helpless and distressed. He didn't know what kind of psychological shadow he had left him.

Can let Huo Yanlin, who has always been high above, say such words.

She had no choice but to sit back on the seat, like coaxing the children to say: "since I have come back, I am telling you in disguise that I am alive, and I am near the village, which proves that I will not go, don't be afraid, I just go to get a medicine."

"I know you're alive, I know you're near the village, and I even know that it's the old neighbor who hides you." Huo Yanlin half hung his eyes and spoke softly.

A look of surprise flashed in his eyes. Wen Shutong said, "do you know?"

"In fact, I suspected her on the first day, but I couldn't get the evidence." Huo Yanlin said hoarsely, "later, all kinds of signs are enough to prove that you are not far away from her, and I saw your things in her."

It should be the ones Wen Shutong gave to the old lady last time.

"And then, did you miss it or what? Why did you let me off? " Wen Shutong opened his mouth.

"Why should I say let you go? You are free. At the beginning, I went crazy to look for you. I didn't want you to die, I wanted you to stay with me. "

His voice was tired but calm. "Later, I knew you were near but I didn't want to see you. I knew you hated me. You're in that cave, and I see your eyes. "

"At that moment, there was fear and evasion in your eyes, but there was no joy."

"I respect you and the choice you don't want to live. So I left. "

Wen Shutong's body trembled uncontrollably. It turned out that she knew everything.

She looked down at Huo Yanlin, and suddenly found that the other side also raised their eyelids.

That pair of delicate beautiful eyes with insight into all the calm.

Wen Shutong had seen a saying before, saying that knowing the world but not the world is the greatest maturity.

At that time, she was still thinking about what it means to know the world without being worldly sophisticated. There would never be such a person in the world.

Now seeing Huo Yanlin's eyes, she understood what it meant.

Huo Yanlin tried his best to live, so he tried his best to find it. This is love.

It's respect to realize that you don't want to live alone in this world. Even if you already know where she is, you still choose to give in.

Wen Shutong's heart a burst of sour nose, gently grasped his hand, trembling and crying: "sorry."

"You don't have to tell me I'm sorry, I use my own ideas to force on you. If you really want to be sorry, this sentence should also be for me." Huo Yanlin continued to speak softly, "I didn't expect you to come back. You gave me a big surprise. I'm dead... "

After interrupting him, Wen Shutong said anxiously, "can you live well?", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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