His brows wrinkled slightly. Jiang Xingwen said softly, "where's the Gu mother in his body?"

I've heard them say that only after Gu Mu is led out can he be completely in danger.

But now there has been no reaction from beginning to end, which makes people panic.

Parson's mouth was full of words, while Dezan shook his head with a serious look on his face.

Little by little, there was no response from him.

A moment later, Huo Yanlin sat up straight, his long legs suddenly stretched straight.

I saw the fleshy insect move more and more slowly,

Dezan was in a hurry. He took out a small bag from his pocket and put a black bug on the other side of the wound.

But the bug didn't move from beginning to end, and the black one didn't move. Everything seemed to stop.

Jiang Xingwen clenched his teeth and became nervous little by little.

Parson kept pressing what the black bug was saying, but the black bug stood still from beginning to end.

I didn't believe in any strange power before, and I didn't think these insects would have any ideas.

But at this moment, Jiang Xingwen especially expected the insect to act quickly, or understand Parson's words.

At this time, a rustle came from the bed. Jiang Xingwen looked around and found that it was Wen Shutong who woke up at some time.

A worried look flashed on his face. He quickly turned his head. He was going to help.

However, Wen Shutong didn't feel that he was injured all over. He got out of bed and ran in the direction of Huo Yanlin.

Startled, Jiang Xingwen said nervously, "don't move. You are all injured now!"

"Is he... OK?" When Wen Shutong ran past, he was accidentally tripped by the leg of the chair, and the whole person directly fell on his knees.

Her calf immediately blood DC, simply can not stand up, but even so, she also seems to be completely did not feel like.

He put his hand on Huo Yanlin's knee and looked at him from bottom to top with tears in his eyes.

Wen Shutong's hand on his knee was very light, as if he was afraid that he might be hurt by carelessness.

Notice Huo Yanlin's hand tightly holding, Wen Shutong gently extended his hand up, one by one want to break off his fingers.

If you let him hold it like this all the time, the injury on his hand will be more and more serious.

Because the grip is really too hard, it takes a lot of effort to break it off. Wen Shutong's fingertips are broken because of too much force.

Wen Shutong clenched his teeth and didn't say a word, but his tears kept falling down, but he still insisted on breaking Huo Yanlin's hand.

Her tears dropped on her arms and Huo Yanlin's, carrying blood, like big blossoming fire lotus.

Even if the whole process has been silent, but in the eyes of onlookers, there is a kind of unspeakable shock.

Dezan couldn't see it any more. He stepped forward to stop it.

Jiang Xingwen quietly raised his hand to block it, and then shook his head at him.

"Never mind, let her go." Jiang Xingwen said softly, "she knows how to advance and retreat, and what she is doing."

Even though Dezan tried his best, the pink bug just stayed in place.

This means that it feels the Gu Mu's rejection of it. On the contrary, there is no connection between him and Gu Mu. Now Gu Mu is releasing a lot of toxins for self-protection.

So the edge of the wound will turn black very quickly, as for what is inside, no one knows.

However, in the current situation, it is basically a failure.

Wen Shutong's life and death are not worth Huo Yanlin's fingers. He is like a machine. After setting such a program, no one can pry it open.

This means that he is now resisting great pain and can't respond to anything outside.

His mood almost completely collapsed, and Wen Shutong could no longer control himself. With a crying voice, he said, "Huo Yanlin, you look at me, you look at me. I'm Shu Tong. Let me hold your hand, ok... "

She doesn't know what she can do at this time. He is in a completely tense situation now. Wen Shutong can't hold him. She can't even stand up.

Just want to hold her hand, the strength of their own body to him some, are so difficult.

Dezan turned his head a little impatient.

Now he can't hear it at all. In fact, no matter what Wen Shutong says, it's useless.

Even if she is hysterical again, the other side is no different from the stone, just a stone who knows the pain.

However, at the moment when Wen Shutong's voice fell, Huo Yanlin turned his direction slowly, and his lax eyes fell on Wen Shutong.

Even though his vision has not recovered, he can hear the sound and turn around according to the direction of pronunciation!

Tears surged down. Wen Shutong opened her mouth to say something, but tears soon blocked all her emotions.

She can only use her little hand to wrap Huo Yanlin, and then try to break it off a little bit.

This time more relaxed than last time, she can obviously feel Huo Yanlin a little bit of their own off the strength.

Wen Shutong fingertips one by one inserted in, two people slowly tight.

She put her other hand on Huo Yanlin's hand and wrapped his whole palm with her not too big hand.

"You can hear me, can't you? I'm fine now. I don't feel at all. I'm waiting for you. "

Wen Shutong repressed his crying voice and said in a very low voice, "if you don't wake up all the time, I'll hate you. Even if I see you underground, I will beat you up. "

"However, after I go back, I will tell the stars and the moon that it's dad who doesn't want them and goes to other places."

"Let them hate you and hate you for the rest of their lives. If you don't care, you don't care about anything."

He felt that Huo Yanlin's tight strength was getting smaller and smaller, and then he was no longer a disorganized struggle, but gently grasped her palm, and then scratched it.

This can freely operate the palm of the action, basically is to restore most of the rational.

At this time, passon, who had been chanting, suddenly opened his eyes and said in surprise, "it's moving!"

Although the flesh colored insect was slow, it was very difficult to move, and then little by little into the flesh.

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