Although he was really refuting, the expression of the villain's success really didn't look like a serious person.

But anyway, the farce at dinner was finally over, and several people ate safely and separated.

Jiang Xingwen will continue to study that thing. When he looks back, he will call Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin.

After leaving, Wen Shutong breathed a long sigh of relief, and then touched the person next to him: "I have to say you are still wise. Not talking at dinner avoids a lot of contradictions. "

"I was so worried that they made up when they said they made up. I was like a clown."

"Just think clearly, I can't see what other thoughts she has. I feel that she is still a little poor when she leaves. After all, she is a little girl."

"I don't think it's good. Today's is really Sui Jian's use of the topic. He just wants to participate in the car race."

After she said a long string of words, Huo Yanlin whispered, "Sui detective's guess is not unreasonable."

Wen Shutong turned his head in doubt: "do you doubt her, too?"

"In fact, you didn't notice today. At the beginning, there was a safe distance between him and Jiang Xingwen. She came a little closer. After Sui detective went today, the distance between them was closer." Huo Yanlin opened his mouth lightly.

"Why didn't you say it at first?" Wen Shutong gave him a resentful look, "I thought Sui detective deliberately took advantage of the topic."

"Don't say anything until the results appear, otherwise you will become a clown like you today." Huo Yanlin gently scraped off her nose, "especially emotional things."

If Sui Jian and Jiang Xingwen really had a dispute with others, Huo Yanlin must have stood up to help without saying a word.

After all, when Wen Shutong encountered something before, they stood by the same side.

But this kind of emotional thing is really not useful when others say something.

"That means you think Xia Qingchun's purpose is not simple, but what does he want to do? Their business should have nothing to do with the Sui investigators. There's no need to do such a thing. " Wen Shutong thought solemnly for a moment, "eight poles can't hit."

"That's why I didn't speak from beginning to end, because I didn't understand her purpose." Huo Yanlin said frankly, "wait for some time to see, maybe there will be an answer."

After all, she is just an ordinary girl and can't do anything harmful. Wen Shutong is not particularly worried.

So she nodded gently and said, "yes, anyway, today's things have been solved. Let's wait until later. Where shall we go now? "

"There's nothing to do at home anyway. I'll take you to play?" Huo Yanlin slightly raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth with a smile.

That's great. Wen Shutong finally took a break from his busy day. He didn't want to go back, but now he's right.

She happily chose to go to the movies with Huo Yanlin.

When she first came back, she had heard of the film, but she had never had a chance to see it. Now it is a good time, place and people.

Huo Yanlin also readily agreed. Although she didn't like the atmosphere of the cinema, she took her with her.

It was a little late when they decided to buy tickets.

The last one is over, and the next one will wait another two hours.

Because it's for Huo Yanlin to take her to the nearby video game city to relax for a while, and then come back when the time is almost up.

Wen Shutong has not touched these things for a long time. He is happy to fly himself and has a good time there.

Then he quickly forgot all the bad things he had encountered at dinner.

Anyway, she can't control other people's feelings. It's better to have fun in time.

It was almost time. Huo Yanlin took her to buy snacks and went back to the cinema.

Wen Shutong felt like he was a teenager. When he was in the cinema, he bought all kinds of snacks and popcorn and played several rounds on the nearby doll grabbing machine.

At the time of ticket check-in, she smiled happily at Huo Yanlin: "shall we all take time to play in this place in the future? I feel so happy ~ "

He patted her gently. Huo Yanlin's eyes were full of tenderness: "well, as long as you like, I can take time to play with you every month."

The next ticket inspector couldn't help but look envious and said, "you two are really good match. Thank you for coming to our cinema ~ Miss, your husband is really handsome!"

Whether the blessing in front is sincere or not can't be seen at a glance, but the sentence praising Huo Yanlin is absolutely from the heart, because the excitement in the eyes of the staff member is about to overflow.

Wen Shutong felt quite proud. He straightened his back, smiled and said, "it's OK. I'm used to it. Thank you for your praise."

Wen Shutong affectionately praised his wave as a Versailles act.

But others can't do it if they want Versailles, and only she can.

Electricity has been shown for a long time, and now it is coming to an end, so there are not many people in the cinema.

And the time they came was just at work, so the whole screening hall was empty and there was no one at all.

Wen Shutong glanced around and said happily, "at the beginning, you said to consider whether to charter the venue. You see, it's not necessary at all. What's the difference between this and charter the venue? It's great!"

Just as her voice fell, a man and a woman came in at the door.

Just now, Wen Shutong was standing in his own position in dese. If he couldn't get it together, people had heard it.

She had never made a noise in public before. She was so embarrassed that she quickly took Huo Yanlin to sit down.

"You're yelling, not me. Why do you sit down and pull me?" Huo Yanlin deliberately opened his mouth to tease her.

"We came together. Others think I'm a psycho. You think I'll let you go. Both of us are prosperous and lose. Sit down, you! "

Then she made a serious gesture to Huo Yanlin and said softly, "just be kind, don't make a sound, don't let them catch us and hide here."

Wen Shutong was mysteriously saying something more when he suddenly heard a clear voice: "in fact, the film will be released soon, so we have to come and see it as soon as possible, otherwise we will regret it."

She was stiff, then looked at Huo Yanlin strangely, and frowned tightly.

Huo Yanlin also slightly changed his face, raised his eyelids with her and looked at the two people sitting in front.

It's Jiang Xingwen and Xia Qingchun. They didn't read it wrong., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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