"I doubt whether you want to eat melons and gossip on the spot." Wen Shutong glanced at him with a bit of anger.

However, Huo Yanlin's look has not changed much from beginning to end. He doesn't want to see the excitement at all.

"I'm not interested in eating melons and gossip, nor in provoking the relationship between them. I just let them solve the unfinished business by themselves."

Wen Shutong also involuntarily took a bit of awe, lowered his voice and said, "in fact, I don't think Jiang Xingwen is such a person."

"And I don't think they will have any sudden intimate relationship. After all, they are classmates we haven't seen for so many years. Even if you really have other ideas, you should contact them for a period of time, not at this time. "

"What's more, I've just noticed the distance between them. It's an ordinary social distance and there's no excessive intimacy."

"And this is a cinema. Even if there is no one in our hall, it is a public occasion. They date in such a place. Isn't it waiting to be caught?"

"Are we a little too fussy now that we are so nervous?"

What she was worried about was that Sui detective went crazy directly after seeing the situation in front of her.

"Just because the matter is not serious, they need to solve it by themselves. Any report from others is meaningless." Huo Yanlin continued to speak with a dull look.

The film soon began. Wen Shutong didn't see it at all in the first ten minutes.

She doesn't even know what the film is talking about. She has been concerned about the position of Sui detective.

Since the booking information was sent, Sui detective didn't come back again.

On the one hand, Wen Shutong hoped that he would get up quickly, on the other hand, he hoped that he would not be so anxious.

The two people sitting in front have been discussing in a low voice. They don't know what to talk about. They are very hot anyway.

Wen Shutong had to hide behind the seat carefully for fear of being found.

On the other side, I have to observe what the two people are doing. It's not hard.

Now she finally understands why the salaries of those private detectives are so high. Normal people can't stand this work intensity.

If the two of them make up, she has to find a way to make a good deal.

At this time, a voice of low voice communication between someone and the staff suddenly came from behind: "sorry, there are special circumstances, so I came a little late. Beautiful sister, please let me in. "

The staff was probably spoiled by him. They opened the door and let people in on the spot.

Hearing his voice, Jiang Xingwen reacted even faster.

He stood up quickly with a look of awe on his face.

Xia Qingchun didn't know why, so she stood up with him, looked puzzled and said, "what's the matter. What happened? "

The next second, the door was pushed open, and Sui Jian pushed the door and came in.

He scanned his eyes for a week, originally looking for Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin.

Who knows, I bumped into Jiang Xingwen.

The eyebrows frowned tightly, and they made a voice at the same time: "Why are you here?!"

Then Sui detective saw the man next to him, and his tone became more sarcastic: "according to you, I don't deserve to come here, do I? Is it a good thing to disturb you? "

"No, how did you talk to me this morning? Now you're going to watch a movie with him. Do you think I'm easy to cheat, or do you like to play this set?"

Originally, Wen Shutong wanted to say hello and tell them the cause and effect.

Who knows that the war began immediately after the Sui detective came in.

He gently bumped Huo Yanlin next to him with his help seeking eyes and whispered, "I think these two people are going to fight soon. What should I do?"

"Wait." Huo Yanlin was still calm, as if his face would not fluctuate a little in front of the Himalayan landslide.

"If the two quarrel until they break up, I will be a sinner." Wen Shutong struggled to get up.

Huo Yanlin pressed her down quietly. At this time, Sui detective continued to raise his voice and said, "Jiang Xingwen. During the day, you explained to me that you and he are just ordinary classmates. Now I want to ask. Who comes to the movies with his classmates when he's free? "

"Not as like as two peas." because the director was a student at that time, and there was a story that was exactly the same as when we were at school. I tried to persuade him to come over to see it. Xia Qingchun quickly opens her mouth.

"Did I ask you?" Sui Jian's eyes turned to her, with a strong aura on his body, as if the palace was pressing for a concubine's room.

"She's right..." Jiang Xingwen whispered, "at the beginning, we went to submit materials. When we came back, we suddenly mentioned the film, so we came to see it first."

"I don't deserve to participate in your past life? I don't even have the qualification to come and have a look at the movies made by your classmates? " Sui Jian sneered.

When he bickered, he was in full swing, and the people around him couldn't catch up with him.

At this time, even if Jiang Xingwen has a full mouth, I'm afraid he can't tell clearly.

Xia Qingchun saw that he couldn't say why for a long time, so he took the initiative to help: "it's because the subject matter is literary and artistic. He's afraid you don't like it. I said to let him come and try the water first. If it's OK, I'll come and see it with you. He's going to watch the film twice."

"Although I don't like to get involved in the affairs of the two of you, I still want to explain it clearly. It has nothing to do with him. Can you not get angry with Jiang Xingwen first?"

"He is your boyfriend... To be exact, he should be your lover. He is really tired and suffers from your sudden anger every day."

Jiang Xingwen frowned and stopped her with some displeasure: "I've never said such a thing myself. Did I say to let you speak for me?"

"But does this matter still need endorsement? Love love is a movie. After the other couples discuss it, they will come over to see it. Even if they don't like it, they will go back to Tucao, but you should try the water for him first, and make complaints about whether he will not like it.

"If you don't like it, you may get angry. Isn't it tired enough?"

"Growing up spoiled by the family is nothing great. It's not a capital of willful and reckless behavior. I'll just say it. Falling in love with such people is to block your heart! "

He said a series of words. Sui detective was not only not angry, but even clapped his hands: "well, that's good. I want to applaud you. It's worthy of being his classmate. I really know him well enough. If you weren't a girl, I doubt you had slept in the same room with him. "

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