Wen Shutong quickly took a step back to prevent the splashing coffee from falling on himself.

At the same time, she nodded with approval on her face and said seriously, "it's true. I have nothing to go to see a movie with other girls."

"But although I came out with you, what I want to say is that he has always kept a social distance from that girl in the cinema."

"If you quarrel with him, it's a quarrel. If you lose your temper, it's a temper. He must not have cheated, so it's not serious."

Speaking of this, Sui Jian frowned tightly and sighed gently.

Then he opened his mouth and said, "in fact, if it was just for this matter, I might not be so angry. It's just that he pays too much attention to this classmate. "

"Do you remember that we ran into each other in the hospital before, but in fact, I accidentally saw his mobile phone and knew that he had already known that the girl was coming back."

"And he also searched the Internet for her flight that day, checked the weather and said whether there was rain."

"After lunch, the two of us went back. He kept sending messages all the way. I glanced at her and noted her name."

"I tried to let myself ignore it and live in peace with him. He asked me to look at the lab for him, and I looked at it, but what is he doing? "

Originally, Wen Shutong thought all this was a coincidence, but when Sui Jian said so, he felt that something was wrong.

"Why did Jiang Xingwen pretend to be surprised when they met in the hospital?" Wen Shutong was full of fog. "Was it a play for you? Did you ask him? "

He shook his head. On the surface, Sui Jian didn't seem to have much change in his mood, but in fact, his fingertips were already shaking, and he couldn't even hold the cup.

He continued to lower his voice and said, "these are what I saw when I checked his cell phone. He doesn't like me to see his things. He can take the initiative to hand in his mobile phone, but he doesn't allow me to check it, so he will be angry. "

"The most serious quarrel we had before was because I looked at my cell phone. I couldn't speak this time."

Originally, Wen Shutong saw that the two of them were always laughing. He thought that the relationship would be different from that between men and women, which could always be very harmonious, just like the way boys get along with their brothers.

But now she finally realized that love is love.

As long as you are with someone, it means you have more possessiveness than any relationship.

Once a relationship is characterized as love, it cannot be compared with gender differences.

"Why don't you do that? I'll help you ask later. Maybe I can ask, but what if it's a misunderstanding?" Wen Shutong whispered to appease,

No matter what happened, as long as Jiang Xingwen didn't really cheat, he had to find a way to restore the relationship between the two people.

"It's OK, but if you go to beat around the Bush, it means you have to take the initiative to make up with Huo Yanlin, and then you can find Jiang Xingwen through him. How are you going to make up with him?" Sui Jian looked at her.

Originally, Wen Shutong had forgotten that he was beaten in the face in the cinema, but he had to help himself remember.

She never thought that one day Huo Yanlin would stand on his opposite side. It's really out of the spectrum.

She picked up her coffee cup, with the same gnashing of teeth expression as Sui Jian, and said word by word: "you're right, men really don't have a good thing!"

Just then, the bad thing in her mouth suddenly called.

Wen Shutong is angry now. Huo Yanlin doesn't want to meet him on his mobile phone. Let him dry for a while.

So she hung up without saying a word and continued to chat with Sui detective.

Sui Jian couldn't help but be curious. Sui Jian leaned forward slightly and said, "who just called."

"Huo Yanlin."

"If you don't answer, you can't answer a man's phone!" Sui Jianyi said, "we must not be defeated by their sweet words!"

"Having said that, in fact, I think if Jiang Xingwen calls you..." Wen Shutong thought carefully for a moment, or whispered.

Although she is angry with Huo Yanlin now, she knows in her heart that this is only temporary, as long as she goes home. The relationship between the two people can still be slow and gentle.

And she doesn't have to take the initiative to show kindness at all. Huo Yanlin will take the initiative to find himself, such as the phone call just now.

But Jiang Xingwen and Sui Jian are going to be very different. They have reached this point. Any little catalyst can completely disintegrate their relationship and never go back to the past.

As the saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than to destroy one marriage.

Strictly speaking, this matter has something to do with her and Huo Yanlin, so we must not continue to ferment.

"I know what you want to say, but it's not necessary. He hasn't even called yet. He has basically expressed his attitude."

Sui detective raised his hand and interrupted him, "even when we quarreled most fiercely, he was just a cross in the nest. I went shopping, but he thought I ran away from home and almost blew up my cell phone. "

"It happened that it rained heavily when I went out. My mobile phone was in my pocket and I didn't hear it at all. He thought I didn't answer it on purpose. He almost contacted my family and sent out the search system directly."

"When I went back with a few packets of snacks, he sat on the sofa. There were more than 20 cigarettes in the ashtray in front of him. The whole person looked like he had run away from his wife and was haggard."

"Then without saying a word, he rushed up and hugged me and apologized on the spot. All the contradictions were solved. After a long time, we didn't quarrel too much. Every time he quarreled, he took the initiative to apologize."

Wen Shutong said that he thought you were running away from home, but he was afraid of his wife?

But he was remembering things in the past. It was not appropriate to insert this now, so she held back.

Sui detective stood up, looked out of the window from a distance, and took a bit of depth: "in fact, a person loves or doesn't love. It can be seen clearly from the details. I know what he looks like when he loves me, so I know what he looks like when he doesn't love me."

"People who couldn't leave for a few minutes now haven't even called. Isn't it because there's that girl nearby?"

"Maybe he thought I was more at ease with you, so he didn't fight." Wen Shutong opened his mouth to comfort.

She came to work with a wide variety of cases and ways of psychological counseling.

But when facing the emotional problems of his friends, he couldn't think of any objective and rational way to admonish them.

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