Huo Yanlin pushed the door in and saw Wen Shutong still lying on the sofa, but her posture changed. She bent her left arm up and put it under her face. Her feet were still swinging behind her.

"Cough." Huo Yanlin walked over and coughed.

Wen Shutong raised his eyes and looked at him. Because his face was squeezed on his arm, he spoke indistinctly and asked, "what's the matter?"

Huo Yanlin's eyes wandered around for a while and said, "that I have a meeting this afternoon

"Well, so?" Wen Shutong doesn't know why.

"More than one, are you hungry? Would you like someone to order you a meal?" Huo Yanlin continued to talk about his question.

"No hunger, lose weight, don't order." Wen Shutong said coldly, and his eyes wandered back, intending to continue to watch the mobile phone.

Huo Yanlin doesn't know what's on the mobile phone that she has been holding on to. She doesn't even want to look at her talking. She coughs heavily and says, "do you want to go to the rest room to sleep?"

Wen Shutong's whole head turned around. He even lifted himself out of his arm and stood in the air. He carefully observed the expression of Huo Yanlin, then nodded and said, "I understand. I'm in the way of your work."

"No Huo Yanlin was misunderstood. He immediately yelled and rushed to him. He pressed Wen Shutong's action to get up, and pushed her back into the sofa, "I didn't mean to drive you away, I..."

"What is that?" Wen Shutong squinted and looked into his eyes.

“…… I just want to make sure you're going to leave later Huo Yanlin stammered, "no, I don't want to know when you will leave I want to know if you will stay here all afternoon... "

Huo Yanlin was sweating. He felt that he was more and more black. He couldn't explain clearly. But he was also embarrassed to tell Wen Shutong that I didn't want you to go.

Wen Shutong looked at his face and suddenly laughed. It was as bright and vital as a hundred flowers in full bloom.

She gently stretched out her hand and pushed Huo Yanlin in front of her, picked up her handbag, and under his anxious eyes, she raised her step and walked to the rest room attached to the office.

Then in Huo Yanlin's eyes transformed into consternation, he whispered, "I'll have a rest in it. If I'm hungry, I'll order my own meal. You can go busy and don't care about me. Take me back with you when you get off work at night."

Huo Yanlin Leng Leng's nod, looking at her to go in, and gently closed the door.

After Wen Shutong entered the rest room, Huo Yanlin would come in every few minutes. At first, he would send her snacks and drinks, as if he were afraid that she would leave if she was bored or hungry.

Snacks, drinks and even clothes and blankets were sent once again. It was really not good to go in. When he sent them, he began to repeatedly go in to get things, take a coat, take a pen, and move things around.

Wen Shutong lies on the luxurious and comfortable bed in the rest room. Looking at Huo Yanlin's series of movements and his eyes turning away from time to time, Wen Shutong finally can't bear to turn over and sit up, and repeatedly guarantees that he is here and will not go back, so that he does not have to repeatedly come in.

"If you want to go out of the rest room, just this door. You'll watch outside. As soon as I open the door, you can hear and see. What's to worry about? You don't have to work? "

Wen Shutong waved his hand and drove away, "hurry up and work. You still have a whole company to feed you outside. Don't be lazy."

Huo Yanlin had to go out reluctantly.

This time, Wen Linlang caused a lot of loopholes to the company. He asked the people in the design department to give better design plans and design drawings than before, and at the same time he was trying to collect evidence and data.

Wait for an appropriate opportunity, will Wen Linlang and her behind the team hit, directly destroyed.

It is only a matter of time before the evidence of the other party's crime is collected. The key is the design scheme of the design department.

Wen Linlang successfully bid for the design scheme, which was studied by the design department of Ruihe group for more than half a year.

Now let them find a way to beat themselves in half a month and give a better plan than their half a year's hard work. It sounds almost impossible.

Huo Yanlin's meeting this afternoon is to discuss this issue with people from the design department.

How to rebirth in half a month, break yourself, reshape the golden body.

It is a painful process to stand higher, to break the cognitive self, to step on one's pride and dignity, and to keep going up. However, people in the design department are willing to accept this painful growth process.

Huo Yanlin gave the general direction at the meeting, and repeatedly stressed environmental protection and energy conservation.

Design Department of the senior and new head together, for a moment an idea.

Huo Yanlin sat on the throne, looking at this and that. In fact, he was wondering whether Wen Shutong had ordered meals or slept, and whether he would have left secretly.

Before he could think of a reason, he heard an uproar from the people below and looked up. It turned out that it was a new person in the design department who had given an idea with the same effect."Our original design idea was not to fill the river for land, but to build the floors higher. At the same time, in order to ensure the direction of the Bailiu River, the site of the amusement park we designed was that the Bailiu river was incorporated into the interior of the amusement park, which would cause a hidden danger - if the quality of tourists is not so high, then the section of Bailiu river inside the amusement park is likely to be To be polluted. "

"Of course, we can set up a river cleaning team, where some people throw rubbish and others pick up rubbish. But who can guarantee that all the garbage can be picked up, which will not cause blockage and pollution to the river course, and will not cause trouble to the life of the lower class people? At the same time, river cleaning is a waste of manpower, material and financial resources. "

"So I had this idea the last time I submitted it. But I didn't bring it up in the end, because I think the problems that I can think of as a new professional must have been seen by my predecessors. This is a very simple problem. The reason why no one put forward it is that no one can come up with a reasonable solution to this problem, because abandoning this part of the land along the river will mean that we will lose tens of millions of dollars. "

"But after I went back, I thought about it again and again. I also studied a lot of amusement park facilities and maps. Finally, I had a bold idea. Why don't we start with amusement park facilities? We can include the river section as part of the amusement park, or we can build a bridge over the river to divide the amusement park into two parts and connect it with a bridge , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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