"It's all right. I've played enough. Anyway, he has entered the police station now. If you have anything to say, just tell the police." Sui Jian spoke coldly.

"He should know you too. He knows what's going on. How dare he come and negotiate with you?" Huo Yanlin suddenly said.

"I think he doesn't know where she and I are. He just comes out to deal with things and find someone to throw the pot by the way." Sui detective opened his mouth.

"But it doesn't seem appropriate for a man like him who knows he has a criminal record to make such publicity?" Jiang Xingwen suddenly opened his mouth.

Sui Jian glanced at him, didn't answer him at all, and hung him there alone.

The expression on his face became embarrassed and coughed gently.

Wen Shutong quickly answered and helped him ease his embarrassment: "in fact, people like them don't take this seriously at all. If they hadn't met Sui detective, I'm afraid he wouldn't be afraid."

They can't talk much here. In the final analysis, they still have to wait for the announcement of the alarm.

Just as they were about to leave, several policemen came out under the pressure of the man just now.

Sui Jian felt the movement behind him and turned to take a look.

He just took a calm look, but the other party was strangled by his neck. His body suddenly trembled, and his eyes tried to avoid him.

Slightly narrowed his eyes, Huo Yanlin looked at him with a cold eyebrow and suddenly tilted his head: "who let you come?"

Other people didn't expect Huo Yanlin to have such doubts, but they all pretended to be calm and looked at it calmly.

The policeman next to him was also silent.

The man's body trembled violently, his feet were soft, and he almost knelt directly on the ground.

"Yes, someone found me today!" He suddenly said loudly, "he told me to send you to the police station to make this matter big!"

I didn't expect this casual question, although there were other words.

The policeman behind immediately looked stern and said in a deep voice, "tell me what's going on! If you don't confess and be lenient... "

"I don't know who the other party is. He just stuffed a stack of envelopes in my hand, and then there was a note and 50000 cash. The note instructed me what to do."

He tried to raise his arm several times, or his hand was handcuffed in the back, I'm afraid he would have raised it to grab his head.

"What note? Where's the cash? Why didn't you say it at the beginning? " The policeman continued to speak with a stern face.

"The man wouldn't let me talk. He said that if I didn't do it, not only would I lose this money, but also my life." He cried and was obviously frightened.

Sui Jian's face flashed a look of disdain, sank his face and said, "it seems that you have been selling your soul for money all the time. At the beginning, you also received money to betray our family, and now you haven't changed!"

With tears in his eyes, he looked at Sui detective in horror and shook his head again and again: "no, the man originally wanted us to frame you. Although I have always asked you to come to the police station, I want to prove your innocence!"

"Fart you, because you are a waste of ability, there is no way to blame the two of us!" Sui detective sneered, "you're still lying now. Don't you pay attention to the police?"

One of the policemen had a sharp eyebrow and eyes, and escorted him away.

The remaining policeman said politely, "thank you, Mr. Huo. But how do you know there are others behind him? "

With an indifferent look on his face, Huo Yanlin said casually, "guess."

He said two words lightly and immediately sent the policeman away.

A look of embarrassment flashed across his face. The policeman paused and said, "Mr. Huo is really... Intelligent."

Jiang Xingwen was embarrassed several times just now, and now he can deeply feel the feeling of the policeman.

So he took the initiative to help him round the court: "people like him are very smooth. If they don't rely on this method, they may not really ask."

"You know more about him than I do?" Sui Jian took it in a strange way.

Jiang Xingwen pursed his lower lip and didn't read the answer.

The police didn't know what had happened.

In particular, Huo Yanlin is a famous and difficult figure in mangcheng.

If it hadn't been for today's affairs, they probably wouldn't have had a chance to deal with him. Now they can't avoid seeing him.

What's more, one of the victims is his wife. It's even more troublesome to touch the bottom line.

The police station rubbed his hands nervously: "today's matter bothers you. The follow-up progress may need cooperation. If necessary, I will take the initiative to inform you. "

Walking out of the police station, Wen Shutong turned his eyes to Sui detective.

"Are you going home? We'll take you back?"

Looking at him now, he certainly doesn't want to go back to his and Jiang Xingwen's home. It is estimated that he will go back to his hometown.

Jiang Xingwen wanted to stop talking and said, "let me send you?"

Wen Shutong found him both pathetic and funny.

It's like an abandoned pet trying to get in front of its owner.

However, the master was extremely ruthless and kicked him aside.

Sui Jian looked at him expressionless: "I have hands and feet. I don't need you."

Then when I turned to Wen Shutong again, I took my usual look, "no, my car race will start soon. I'll live there directly in these two days."

The speed of changing face is amazing.

Jiang Xingwen did not speak, but stood still.

Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin looked at each other, and they got up and left together.

When he got on the bus, Wen Shutong said with a sad face: "they are in such a mess now. I don't know when they will end. It's really sad."

"I don't think I'm going to pay attention to Sui detective for a while." Huo Yanlin said calmly, "let this matter spread. It is estimated that the parents of both sides will make trouble. Maybe Sui detective will run away from home."

He made it clear that Wen Shutong quarreled and left home with his two children before teasing.

"Both of them are equal in strength. They were spoiled and grew up at home. If the trouble broke out, Sui detective didn't have to run away from home and divorced directly." Wen Shutong quietly turned back to the past.

The backhand grabbed her wrist. Huo Yanlin looked gentle and said softly, "OK, don't mention it. We won't quarrel in the future."

"Don't talk too early. If a man wants to do something, no one can stop him." Wen Shutong continued to look strange.

"Then you say, how can you calm down?" Huo Yanlin continued to smile.

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