For a moment of slight meditation, Huo Yanlin patiently said, "so you mean that we must find out the truth in advance."

"I hope you can do it." Huo Yanshan's tone was somewhat satisfied. He was worthy of being his son. His understanding ability was indeed extraordinary.

"But this is almost impossible. The scope is so wide that there is no way to look it up a little bit. What's more, this is the work of the police. Do you think I'm free?" He leaned back on the seat behind him, with a bit of cool laziness.

Of course, it's not really lazy, but I don't take it to heart.

Huo Yanshan's voice suddenly changed, and even people could imagine his distorted facial features.

"What are you talking about now? You have no fighting spirit. Did I train you to be the prince?!" He raised his voice and scolded loudly, "even if the scope is wider, we must continue to check, otherwise we will become the target of public criticism. I'll see how you go on then!"

"I won't check." Huo Yanlin said calmly, "there's not so much time."

Huo Yanshan had never eaten such a flat, and no one dared to refuse his orders so directly. It's bold!

"I repeat, if you don't want the Huo family to fall into crisis, just do it. Otherwise, I can't help you when I come." His voice was low and indifferent. "If you think this position can't be done, let it out. There are people who can do it."

Huo Yanlin didn't speak. He seemed to have made up his mind and didn't want to waste time on this matter.

"It seems that you are really in a bad mood today. You should transfer your troubles to me. I finally understand now." Huo Yanshan laughed sarcastically, "don't bring your personal emotions to work. I can't teach a son like you."

After that, Huo Yanshan hung up the phone directly.

Obviously, he was angry.

Huo Yanlin's expression on his face means unknown. He holds his mobile phone in one hand and uploads it at will at his fingertips.

A moment later, he lowered the window and made a gesture.

The man hiding not far away quickly came over and obediently said, "what can I do for you, sir?"

"Check if there's a bug in the car." He said calmly.

Hearing the sound, his men quickly took out a black instrument from their pocket and began to check quickly,

After an operation, he shook his head: "no, Mr. report."

The mood relaxed a little, Huo Yanlin waved again: "let's go."

When the other party turned and was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something like, "send some more people to wenshutong, and eight are the best."

If people say too little, he is really worried. I'm afraid that in case of an emergency like today, people can't even catch up.

His men nodded quickly and left quickly.

He held the steering wheel in one hand and was still playing with his cell phone.

If there is no monitor in the car, the problem may be the mobile phone.

When he was answering the phone just now, he heard an extremely subtle prompt tone.

On the other side, Wen Shutong angrily left Huo Yanlin, but he didn't know where to go.

She also had no car and had to go to the police station to take a taxi.

Originally, after taking a taxi, Wen Shutong planned to go back to the hospital to see Yan Xiaoling again, but on second thought, he gave up.

She quarreled with Huo Yanlin over this matter. It was bad enough.

It is clear that she has nothing to do with Yan Xiaoling. Now if she goes to the hospital again, she is deliberately angry with him, but it seems that she is wrong.

So she turned her mind and asked the driver to go to the studio.

Anyway, she is still angry and doesn't want to go home. Go there and have a rest.

In the morning, all the people in the studio had been sent away, and no one disturbed themselves.

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is often a big slap in the face.

So much happened in the studio, and there was bloodshed. These media reporters rushed over after smelling it.

One by one, they are blocking the door of the studio, waiting for staff to go to work.

At that time, they will certainly rush up, surround the man and ask for details.

Journalists are always like this, no matter when and where, it's just a matter of time.

Wen Shutong suddenly remembered a sentence in his heart: even when he was abandoned by the whole world, those reporters would not abandon her.

The front door must not pass, otherwise it will cause trouble for yourself.

Taking a deep breath, she turned around.

From a back alley, you can go to a little-known back door of the studio.

However, because the road is not easy to walk, no one has passed for a long time. I'm afraid the new employees in the studio haven't even heard of it.

Wen Shutong turned his foot and turned the road on the spot.

There is a garbage can in the middle of the alley, which is the place where people living here take out garbage.

Wen Shutong didn't care much. He glanced casually, but his eyes were stiff.

In front of the trash can stood a child, ragged, dirty, not short, about thirteen or fourteen years old.

He was carrying a bag with leftovers in it.

Although the weather is not very hot now, the smell of leftovers is not very good. I smell a pungent sour smell from a distance.

The child was facing her sideways, and the whole person's expression looked very tight, like a wild cat ready to attack humans.

Wen Shutong sighed imperceptibly in his heart that tramps are rarely seen in the city center, especially when others are still children.

You should go to school at this age. Why are you picking up garbage?

She didn't know where the child's hostility came from, so she didn't dare to disturb him and walked a little closer to the wall.

Just as she was about to walk to the trash can, he suddenly turned his head and opened his arms to block Wen Shutong's way.

Wen Shutong was startled. His heart almost jumped to his throat. He quickly stepped back, raised his hands and made a gesture of surrender.

"Don't be afraid. I didn't take anything, and I didn't come to disturb you. I just passed by and won't hurt you." She explained patiently.

But the child still clenched his teeth and raised his eyebrows. The whole person was aggressive, as if he wanted to eat people alive.

It is clear that he is not old, but this sense of oppression is full. Wen Shutong's breath is a little tight involuntarily.

The road didn't work. She simply gave up and took a step back: "sorry, I won't bother you. I'll go first.", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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