"How can you two talk like that? Don't make it look like I can't admit my mistake at all! " Wen Shutong's sorry look immediately changed.

As like as two peas looked up, the two little boys looked at the two faces and said by common consent, "no?"

Quickly turned to the audience outside for help. Wen Shutong stabbed Huo Yanlin next to him: "do I seldom apologize?"

"No." Huo Yanlin particularly cooperates with his opening.

"Do you hear me?" Wen Shutong wrinkled his nose. "I seem to have a good intention to apologize to you. You two still have this attitude?"

"It's more useful for you to ask for help from anyone than my father. Don't you know he's for someone you can't even have a principle?" The moon opened her mouth in deliberate teasing.

Wen Shutong was about to refute, but he found that he simply couldn't talk about it.

Immediately, she quickly reflected what was going on and tapped gently on the moon's small head: "I'm really good at it. I've learned to criticize it openly and praise it secretly."

On the surface, it seems that he is really talking about Huo Yanlin. In fact, it is clear that he is praising him.

To get down to business, Wen Shutong patiently explained, "I invited you without authorization because I didn't evaluate Xiaoheng's psychological state. This is the main reason for my apology."

"I should also tell him in advance and bring you back when he is ready, so as to save you and the stars from being frightened."

"This is my thinking step, and I'm a little eager for quick success and instant benefit. That's why I apologize to you. I hope you two can accept it."

Wen Shutong is not a person who won't apologize. In fact, she will reflect on herself most of the time.

If she does something wrong, she will admit her mistake and apologize at the first time.

That's why she can get along with her two children equally as peers.

For this reason, the moon naturally accepts it.

What's more, even if he doesn't accept it, his father's eyes will stare until he accepts it.

The star put down Huarong Road, thought for a moment, and seriously said, "Mom, do you think he has any other problems? His eyes were fierce just now, like a stray cat lost by someone. "

His speech expression ability is limited. In fact, Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin can see that he is too violent.

Wandering children should have no sense of security, but whatever he just said or showed aggression is not normal.

"Mommy knows, so she will deal with it well during the period when he stays with the vaccine." Wen Shutong reached out and gently touched his head. "It scared you today. Let dad take you back."

"Let the driver take them back." Huo Yanlin opened his mouth and answered, "I'm here with you."

Xiaoheng is so aggressive that he can't rest assured that Wen Shutong will stay here alone.

The two children spread their hands, and there was no objection.

The moon took a step and said, "if he wants to make friends, call us again, or if he needs company, let us come again."

No matter how good their temper is, they are also spoiled young masters who have never suffered such grievances.

For some reason, you must be unhappy to be scolded by others.

"Don't worry. You will be friends in the future." Wen Shutong took them outside the door and said, "when you get back, mom will send you LEGO to make amends."

After seeing the two children get on the bus, Wen Shutong returned to the studio with confidence.

The family doctor has come out of the room and is talking to Huo Yanlin in a low voice.

Seeing her coming in, they nodded at him at the same time.

"How is he?" Wenshutong opening road.

"The Qi and blood rise caused by too much emotion, coupled with long-term malnutrition, his body is relatively weak." The doctor said, "take a good rest and supplement more nutrition, it will be much better."

"That's good. Please." Wen Shutong spoke politely.

"By the way, I found that when the child fainted, his mouth would say some words intermittently. It should be some fragments of his memory. Has he lost his memory before?"

Wen Shutong nodded: "his memory should be missing, but it's inconvenient for me to ask too much now. I'm afraid he's excited."

"I think that memory is not very painful for him. It may even be some sustenance in his heart. I suggest that he can be treated with cranial magnetic therapy." The family doctor opened respectfully, "but in this regard, madam, you are more professional. How to do it depends on your own meaning."

Then the family doctor left the medicine and left immediately.

She looked at Huo Yanlin for help, hesitated and said, "do you think we should awaken his memory?"

"It depends on his own decision." Huo Yanlin said, "but now his spirit is not very stable. I don't think it's necessarily a good thing for him."

"In fact, I suspect he is a two-way affective disorder, but I can't investigate him yet." Wen Shutong sighed a long sigh. "It's the first time he's so worried about other people's children."

"Yes, he helped you stop the wild cat. I don't know. I thought he saved your life." Huo Yanlin joked, "I can go to this extent."

Looking at him with some resentment, Wen Shutong deliberately joked: "what? Are you going to be as jealous as last time? "

"Why can't I get along with a child?" Huo Yanlin pinned her hair behind her ears, "I'm so careful in your heart?"

"Almost. I think you are very vulnerable now. You can't afford a little setback." Wen Shutong smiled and said, "you can eat his vinegar. I think it's what I expected."

Huo Yanlin was about to speak again when the door of the room was opened.

They turned their heads at the same time, and Xiaoheng carefully put his head out.

It was totally different from the crazy look just now. Now he was a timid and timid child at all.

His eyes glanced at Huo Yanlin and quickly avoided him.

Wen Shutong made a gesture to Huo Yanlin and walked over: "do you feel better now?"

"Sorry." He nibbled his lower lip and spoke timidly.

When he went crazy, he was completely disowned by his six relatives, but when he got clever, Wen Shutong couldn't help being soft and distressed.

"Do you remember what happened just now?"

He nodded and opened his mouth carefully: "I know, but I can't control myself. There seems to be something running in my head. I can't suppress it."

"I want to apologize to them."

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