Shao Weiyan doesn't engage in those fancy things. He just goes straight to the point.

Originally, Wen Shutong's eyes were half closed. When he heard his words, he was stunned in an instant.

"What, is it my ear or is he crazy?" Wen Shutong spoke sharply.

Huo Yanlin next to him didn't know what had happened. He turned around with a puzzled look.

"It's true. It's absolutely true. Otherwise, I wouldn't be idle to send you messages." Shao Weiyan said seriously, "what do you mean by him? This is being driven crazy by the love enemy. Use this method to drive the love enemy away? "

For a moment, Josh thought the same.

But she turned to think that Sui detective was not such a person.

Although he said that he was a little careless and liked to be crazy, he was also crazy and reasonable.

But now this operation is true, it's a little noisy. Break up first, and then ask others to chase Xia Qingchun.

Is it to punish Xia Qingchun or Jiang Xingwen?

Or are you in a hurry and doing it together?

After taking a deep breath, Wen Shutong tried his best to keep himself rational and said, "I can't do anything about other people's decisions, but all you have to do is keep the moral bottom line and don't hurt others."

"Once there is something wrong with the situation, immediately tell Xia Qingchun, otherwise you will be a sinner."

"Don't worry, elder sister. He has already told me this. The reason why I mentioned it to you is to let you pay attention. Don't pull me into the water because of his mental condition. When you find something wrong, you'll help stop it. " Shao Weiyan spoke with great integrity and preciseness.

With his words, Wen Shutong's heart relaxed a lot: "if you have this consciousness, do you still chase..."

"Yes, why not? Didn't I promise them all? You told me to do what you promised others. "

Wen Shutong: "..." he never said it was like this!

"Don't worry, I will abide by the bottom line and protect myself." Shao Weiyan is the opening of righteous words.

Wen Shutong raised his lips with a smile.

If you really want to worry, Xia Qingchun should protect herself.

"I will not only observe Sui detective, but also Xia Qingchun. You are all adults. You should learn to be responsible for your actions. "

Shao Weiyan answered several sentences in succession before hanging up the phone.

Huo Yanlin didn't take the initiative to speak. He knew Wen Shutong would talk to him.

Unfortunately, as soon as he hung up, Wen Shutong repeated the consequences of the previous situation to him word for word.

"Do you think this is a typical crazy symptom? Sui detective is confusing me now. I can't understand what he wants to do! " Wen Shutong patted his thigh angrily. "Will it be so complicated for boys to fall in love?"

Huo Yanlin shook his head and said, "why do you ask me? I don't understand. "

She sighed and was about to speak when her cell phone rang again.

There was a time when there were frequent accidents at home, which made Wen Shutong have PTSD symptoms of telephone.

Because every time you call, something bad will happen.

Now she has this feeling again. She always feels that something will happen.

However, things in the world happen to be so coincidental. Good things have never been predicted, and bad things are always prophesied.

The person who called was the one guarding Xiaoheng at the studio.

As soon as Wen Shutong got on the phone, the other party's anxious voice came over: "no, the child's mood is suddenly out of control again. We can't stop it!"

"OK, you wait first. I'll be there in a minute." Wen Shutong said anxiously, "the driver turns around and goes to my studio!"

There was not so much extra to say with this man. Wen Shutong hung up directly.

Huo Yanlin knew that something must have happened. He didn't ask much, and quietly clenched her hand.

They hurried to the studio together. When they got to the door, they heard a sound similar to a trapped animal.

Wen Shutong didn't care so much and rushed in: "it's me!"

The three bodyguards can hardly hold a child. His body is struggling desperately. It seems that he may injure himself or hurt others anytime and anywhere.

Seeing Wen Shutong coming in, his struggling movement was a little smaller, and his tears immediately fell down.

"I'm afraid..." he trembled and cried, opening his mouth carefully.

"Don't be afraid, I'm coming." She walked forward a few steps and was about to speak. Xiaoheng suddenly found Huo Yanlin behind and screamed again.

"You met him today. You said you knew him. What's the matter now?" Wen Shutong frowned, "don't you remember?"

He didn't respond to Wen Shutong's words, just pointed to Huo Yanlin's direction and kept screaming.

There was really no way. She could only signal Huo Yanlin to go out first and leave herself alone with Xiaoheng.

Huo Yanlin had no objection. He made a gesture to the bodyguards and asked them to tell themselves everything that had just happened.

"Tell me what happened while I was away?" Wen Shutong asked patiently, "did anyone hurt you?"

Xiaoheng shook his head: "I have a nightmare and want to see you."

"If you want to see someone or want him to notice you, you should use a kind expression." Wen Shutong spoke patiently.

Now she can't veto what he has done. She can only tell him what he really does.

Xiaoheng lowered his head in shame: "I asked them to call you, but no one called."

Wen Shutong's expression changed slightly.

He thinks Xiaoheng shouldn't lie. It should be that these bodyguards don't pay much attention to him.

But it's normal. The bodyguards must feel that they are very busy and can't get used to the child anytime and anywhere, so they didn't call.

Grasping his wrist, Wen Shutong took out his spare mobile phone from his bag.

She deleted all the numbers, leaving only the one she often used, and then handed it to him: "then I'll give you this. There's my mobile phone number in it. Once you feel you want to find me or tell me anything, you can call."

"If I say so, you can hold your temper and don't get angry with anyone. "Okay?"

Looking down at his cell phone, he nodded with some hesitation: "OK."

Watching his mood calm down a little bit, it's getting late now. Wen Shutong stood up and said, "then you have a rest early. I'll go back first."

"That sand table!" Suddenly his voice was very clear and he spit out these words loudly., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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