After that, he stood up and walked away without saying a word.

Wen Shutong was startled and said anxiously, "what are you doing?"

"In fact, at this point, there is no way out. I'll turn it off." Yan Xiao spoke simply and comprehensively.

What he just dropped immediately became pieces. If he rushed over so rashly, wouldn't he be torn to pieces?

Wen Shutong stopped, lowered his voice and said, "don't be impulsive. The more anxious you are now, the worse the situation is."

"I know." He pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with a solemn look between his eyebrows.

Red light flashed over the glasses, which were those dense lines outside.

These things are getting closer and closer. If we continue to delay, this place is not a long-term plan.

After taking a deep breath, Wen Shutong continued to hold his arm: "even if you really have a way, you should at least let us know, otherwise you don't even have a support."

At this time, Huo Yanlin also came over, lowered his voice and said, "do you want to try deception? But if it fails, it will be crushed directly. "

Yan Xiaoling's certain look without the slightest fear, he calmly nodded: "don't worry, I probably know, not to mention I have glasses, I can clearly see the line in front of me, and I can hide for a while."

"Before I'm really completely broken, I'll find a way to turn this thing off for you."

"Now the situation can't be delayed!"

The temperature inside the room is getting higher and higher, there is thick smoke outside, the air is getting thinner and thinner, and everything is developing in the worst direction.

The fire spread too fast. In just a few minutes, it was full of stars and moon. The reinforcements they were looking for had not come yet.

Before Wen Shutong could react, Yan Xiaoling was close to the wall.

She clearly remembered what he said just now that those things were about to cross the wall!

Although it can't destroy the wall, Yan Xiaoling's body is still exposed to the air. Isn't he the first to break it after crossing the wall?!

All the power systems in the room have been destroyed. Only this thing has an independent power supply.

The fierce fire outside reflected the three people inside. Wen Shutong found that the wound on Yan Xiaoling's neck was not well, and it was wrapped with a thick layer of gauze.

In this case, I would do such a thing unexpectedly

She subconsciously took a step forward. Huo Yanlin took her arm, pulled people behind her, and whispered, "just stand here and don't move. I'll try and see if there is any other way out of this room."

He fixed Wen Shutong in the corner of the room, which was the most biased corner. Even if the light knife came, she was the last person to hurt.

In fact, Wen Shutong doesn't like this place. What she always likes is to live and die together.

Even if he was really helpless in the end, he wanted to stay with Huo Yanlin instead of watching them alone broken by those things.

Yan Xiaoling took out the knife in his hand, scraped off the wall layer by layer, and then pasted it on himself.

It was a very patient job, but he moved very quickly without any delay.

Finally, he got a paper box from somewhere, and even his head was completely wrapped in it.

He looked like a soldier completely wrapped by the wall, because he couldn't see the road ahead, and he staggered and was very unstable when walking.

Originally, this was a very funny picture, but Wen Shutong couldn't laugh at all. She knew that this was the only camouflage Yan Xiaoling could think of.

Opening the paper box in front of him, Yan Xiaoling said, "I guess this composition can avoid this light knife, although I don't understand the principle yet."

"Of course, the probability of failure is not zero, but if I die unfortunately, you remember to tell our boss that when I die, burn me more paper and burn me strawberry ice cream. If there are beautiful women, it's OK, not black ones."

He even had a bright smile on his face, but it seemed like he was going to perform the task of unknown life and death, but it was more like going to an appointment with his beloved.

Wen Shutong's heart was rather bad. Before he could speak, Huo Yanlin interrupted him: "sorry, I never like to send messages for others. If you have anything you want to tell him, I'll call his private internal phone for you and talk in person."

His expression was calm and casual, but his words were invisible with a kind of warmth, which could be regarded as a disguise to let Yan Xiaoling protect his safety.

"Our conclusion is similar. I think the same material blocks the destructiveness of the light knife. You remember to protect every place. There won't be too much." Huo Yanlin continued to speak quietly.

He took several books from the bookshelf and rolled them into volumes, then lit them with a lighter, walked slowly against the wall with a calm look, and could also take time to appease Yan Xiaoling.

Although his steps looked calm, they were fast.

The calm silence on his face made Wen Shutong feel for a moment that he was not in purgatory, like playing with them.

Wen Shutong pursed his lips and whispered, "I didn't expect this to happen today. I think I should drag you back. I'm sorry."

Huo Yanlin ignored her words, put his slender hand gently on the wall, and frowned tightly.

At this time, the light Sabre is getting closer and closer. Yan Xiaoling hasn't been long!

He buttoned up the paper hat that was also pasted on the wall. The last sentence was: "you don't have to feel that you drag us back. Today, your presence here is actually a comfort to both of us."

"To tell you the truth, if it weren't for you, Mr. Huo and I wouldn't be able to fight our lives. We'd have to find a way out."

"Some people don't have to do anything. As long as she stands there, it's a kind of peace of mind for some people."

When the voice fell, he raised his feet and stepped out. He looked like a soldier cutting through thorns and thorns, heading for the unknown darkness.

As a result, the next second, he sighed: "I suddenly forgot that my eyes can't be exposed to the light. The front is blocked. How can I see the light knife around me?"

"And how the fuck can I get there?"

Some people are destined to be handsome for less than three seconds. Before they get enough, bad luck comes first.

"Give it to me." Wen Shutong opened his eyes firmly., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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