Huo Yanlin moved very quickly. After smashing the wall, he said, "have you informed the stars and the moon? You go down first. I'll push him and you'll pull him together. "

Now Yan Xiaoling doesn't realize it. If he falls from the second floor, he must fall firmly to the ground. I'm afraid if he wakes up again, he will be thrown for good or ill.

His eyes widened in surprise. Wen Shutong said anxiously, "what about you? Shouldn't we go down together? "

"And these things we got, don't you always want to know the result? Right in front of you. " Huo Yanlin whispered, "I'll soon. Don't worry."

Those things were just scattered by Yan Xiaoling at random. If you don't take them, they will be burned to ashes by the raging flame.

"But..." Wen Shutong said with concern.

Before she finished, Huo Yanlin suddenly took off his coat, tied her with Yan Xiaoling, and then pushed her gently.

"Try to jump forward!" When Wen Shutong rushed down to the light of the fire, he heard Huo Yanlin's clear voice.

Then the place where they had just stood began to fall bricks, and the self built house was crumbling.

It seems that someone jumped down and something designed as a hole outside the house suddenly stretched out a manipulator.

A total of seven or eight were connected in the air, as if to form a simple net to stop people jumping.

If you hit it, it is estimated that you will be directly thrown away by the manipulator. At that time, people may not realize it!

Wen Shutong stared in surprise. Before he could scream, Huo Yanlin stretched out half his body and pulled back the manipulators, creating a time for them to escape!

After those manipulators touched the human body, they immediately went crazy and pressed him back.

Huo Yanlin was suddenly thrown out of Wen Shutong's vision.

Great fear instantly wrapped Wen Shutong. She screamed, "Huo Yanlin!"

Her body was under Yan Xiaoling, and the two fell together. The pain and long-term lack of oxygen made Wen Shutong unconscious in an instant.

In the last second, the last image left in her eyes was the skyrocketing fire and Huo Yanlin was photographed back by the manipulator. It was the determined eyes.

He was really lying to himself. She knew how these things could stop him!

After Huo Yanlin was re photographed in the room, there was thick smoke and fire everywhere.

Those things were like handcuffs, welding him in place.

But he looked very calm, not completely flustered, because he knew that Wen Shutong must still be waiting for himself below.

He simply observed what was buckled on his hand. Although it looked terrible when it flew out, it was actually a product made by himself. It was still very rough.

While hesitating, he suddenly noticed that Wen Shutong fell over his glasses at the moment of falling.

Just after he reached the limit, he could just touch the glasses at that distance. With the help of the network intrusion of the glasses, he easily opened the lock.

Then he picked up the things on the ground. Without saying a word, Huo Yanlin jumped and jumped down.

The moment he fell, he saw a team of people rushing in his direction, led by the stars and the moon, two little guys.

Before he could speak, the star took the lead in asking, "where's mom? We just found uncle Yan Xiaoling. We didn't find the location information. We thought mom was with you. "

The expression on his face suddenly changed. Huo Yanlin frowned: "what are you talking about? How could it be... She came down with Yan Xiaoling. "

Everyone looked at each other, including the look on the bodyguard's face.

The Moon said anxiously, "we have just come here, but I don't know where you are. After looking for a circle, I only saw Uncle Yan Xiaoling, but didn't see my mother!"

At the same time, Sui detective also ran from another direction.

He also came in a hurry when he received the news. After looking around, he didn't find Wen Shutong.

From Huo Yanlin trapped inside to her jumping down, it takes no more than five minutes. Where can she go in such a short time?

Sui detective saw that she looked ugly and quickly comforted: "don't worry first. There is such a big place in the village. It shouldn't be long in such a short time."

"And I have called the police when I came. The police will come soon. Even if they have great skills, they can't escape the police's tracking?"

"I guess these people jumped over the wall and wanted to find a handle that could threaten you, so they secretly took Wen Shutong away."

"Let's go first. We can't stay here for a long time. I think the house will collapse soon, and the fire is getting bigger and bigger. If we stay longer, even if we haven't been burned by the fire, we will be baked to death."

He said a series of words, comforting and coaxing, for fear that Huo Yanlin would do anything irrational again.

Huo Yanlin's whole body was covered with wounds, and even his clothes were burned by the fire.

On Lengjun's face, which was always handsome, there was a bit of embarrassment at this time.

He couldn't hear anything from the people next to him. Without saying a word, he directly raised his feet and walked forward.

"I'll check it first." He spoke quickly and gently touched his eyes on the bridge of his nose.

There are only three people's location information left on it, and Wen Shutong's is blocked.

It's impossible for the people in the village to take her!

It can be seen from the manipulator that their technology is not very superb.

And that energy box is likely to be provided by others.

Wen Shutong's positioning system is world-class, and it is absolutely impossible to shield it easily.

With a cold face, he took a direct step and strode forward.

In his current situation, let alone looking for someone, it's lucky that he can be fine.

Sui Jian took a deep breath. For a moment, evil came to the side of the gallbladder, chased after him, raised his hand and gave him a hand knife.

"Two masters, I'm sorry. I don't really want to do anything to your father. He's too calm now. What's wrong with me? You should... Don't mind? "

The two people shook their heads synchronously, obviously they didn't mind at all.

Huo Yanlin was tall. When he fell down, he was like an avalanche.

The two bodyguards next to Sui detective stretched out their hands together, and then Kan Kan caught him.

With a long breath, Sui detective looked at the two of them: "I'll leave the rest to you.", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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