When Jincheng entered the late autumn, Huo Yanlin's work came to an end again after half a year's efforts.

Jincheng is a bit shady, and winter vacation comes earlier than other cities. Wen Yueqi starts to plan what to do in winter vacation early. In the indispensable family parent-child interaction time every night, he reads his winter vacation plan aloud.

Wen Shutong said, "Wen Yueqi, your daily journey is more full than your father? How can you get to the level of a kindergarten when you are so busy? "

Wen Yueqi: Baby aggrieved, baby does not speak.

Huo Yanlin received his son's distress signal, coughed and picked up the plan for winter vacation written in Chinese characters.

"On the first day of winter vacation, go to the playground. The next day, I went to the picking garden. The third day, to the game city. The fourth day, to snack street. The fifth day, go to Mo City to see the snow, the best can go skiing. On the sixth day, I went to Sanya to see the sea, which was far away. I watched for five days. On the 12th day, I went to the Cloud City of Changchun to see the flowers for three days. On the 16th day, I went to the northeast to see ice lanterns... "

"Son, don't you count in the transportation and transfer time? Can you blink or your dad and I can blink? " Huo Yanlin patted the paper on the building block in front of Wen Yueqi and said, "I'll buy you a helicopter. You can go by yourself."

Wen Yueqi turned her head and looked at Huo Xinghui, who had not spoken. Huo blinked his eyes and turned out a stack of neat white paper from his giant panda schoolbag.

It says in neat font: winter vacation plan, play with parents and younger brother, research intelligent automatic system.

Wen Shutong tugged at the corner of his mouth

Huo Xingyi sighed, took the two pieces of paper and put them away. He said, "well, one month later, Cheng's Xiao Cheng, the general manager, rented a luxury cruise ship to travel around the world. Let's go and have a party."

Wen Shutong and Wen Yueqi's eyes lit up: "good."

The news that a luxury cruise ship is going to sea is not a secret in the rich circle. These days, the life of the rich people is getting more and more boring. They don't know how to spend their money or how to spend it to appear that they are out of low taste and more advanced.

Basically, some rich people in Jincheng and those near the city were moved after hearing about it. In addition to some people who had to go through the relationship when they had to go on the new year's day, there were still some people who couldn't go up to the grade level and could not afford the subpoena even if they lost all their money. After all, the staff were still crowded.

Xiaocheng always takes a cruise ship to sea, not only to make money, but also to have a good time. Therefore, the qualification of boarding is more strictly controlled.

But Huo Yanlin, as the first commercial person in Jincheng City, got four tickets without any trouble.

Wen Shutong and Wen Yueqi happily prepared for a month. They thought of all the things they needed on the luxury cruise ship. They even prepared a lot of new clothes. They planned to move them all and change them one day.

Looking at Wen Shutong's happy life every day, Huo Yanlin felt that the plan of this round the world trip was worth it.

Wen Linlang overheard people talking about the global travel of this luxury cruise ship. He had a bad idea and immediately calculated it.

After returning to the villa in the evening, Han Yiyang is on the phone with people. Wen Linlang vaguely hears that a batch of goods of Han Yiyang have been seized and have some problems, and they are a little short of money.

Han Yiyang's major industries have been running continuously, but we can't use the money from this side to subsidize the money on the other side. There are many things involved in the arms issue, which need to be dealt with by all parties. If we don't pay attention to it, we will be doomed.

Wen Linlang's eyes turned around. When he was in bed with Han Yiyang that night, he pretended to say: "brother Yang, have you heard that there is a cruise ship going out to sea to travel around the world recently? It's said that all of them are rich people. I don't know how much money is needed to go there. But if every one of those people gives a little blood, it's estimated that they can support a lot of people. "

Han Yiyang's action a meal, Wen Linlang is aware of his suspicion. Immediately hem and haw to get together, but Han Yiyang pulled it down, pinched his chin and asked, "say, what are you thinking in your mind?"

Wen Linlang knew that he hated being cheated on purpose, so he said, "I heard you call tonight to say that you are short of money I didn't mean to listen to you on the phone. I really just heard it when I got home. "

"And then?" Han Yiyang asked jokingly.

"I want to do something for you. I can't always ask you to help me." Wen Lin Lang twisted his body and said.

Han Yiyang burst out laughing and said: "OK, OK, I'm in a good mood tonight. Would you like to play something fresh with me?"

Wen Lin Lang threw a wink and asked sexily, "what's new?"

Han Yiyang got up and went directly to the study with Wen Linlang in his arms. After pressing several times on the oil painting in front of her, the oil painting slowly moved away from the wall, revealing a secret room.

Wen Linlang glared at the door of Pandora's box opened slowly, witnessing the coming of his nightmare.

The quiet dark pupil reflects the scene in the darkroom. The blood red and dark green lights are flashing alternately on the roof. Various exquisite and realistic props are arranged neatly on the long wooden table in front of you and hung on the wall in front of you.In Han Yiyang's arms, Wen Linlang shook violently. She could not help but curl up and said, "brother Yang..."

"Don't be afraid." Han Yiyang raised her hand to cover her frightened eyes and said in a low voice, "I'm very satisfied with your performance tonight. I reward you."

Wen Linlang trembled fiercely, biting his lips and not daring to speak.

Han Yiyang takes people in and closes the door of the darkroom, and the study becomes the same again. Soon, the sound insulation good darkroom inside came a woman can't bear to hum and beg for mercy.

Bean big sweat beads from Wen Linlang's forehead, but her mouth was covered by a man's thick and rough palm, and could only send out helpless "wuwuwu".

Her eyes are full of fear, how did not expect this man and Bao brother to investigate the situation of such a big difference.

Baoge said that he might like to play some exciting, but did not say that Han Yiyang was prone to abuse.

Not to mention that Han Yiyang's personality and psychology is defective, he is a paranoid madman who likes to play with everything in his hand, and does not allow people around him to have any sense of resistance.

At this moment, Wen Linlang felt like a pet in Han Yiyang's hands, holding back tears from the bottom of her eyes and the pain she felt on her body.

Although he thought that he was gently smoothing his hair, in fact, he was ready to strangle the disobedient animals at any time.

So the small animal in his palm can only tighten his body and breathe carefully, for fear that he will be strangled by his throat if he is not careful.

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