Shao Weiyan understood that the reason why the other party dared to expose this photo on a large scale was because he knew that there was this information time difference.

Therefore, Huo Yanlin may not be able to find it as quickly as possible. During his search for evidence, the other party can make a lot of single moths.

"What about the situation now?" He opened his mouth at the intersection.

"Let someone collect evidence first. I'll see what he's going to do." Huo Yanlin looked calm.

Even if there is no way to determine everything, the only certainty is that it must be related to death.

"In that line, I can't help. I'll simply help you clarify in the industry as much as possible. No matter how useful it is, it's better than not saying anything." Shao Weiyan regained his serious look.

In fact, there is no need for him to clarify. People will only believe what they see with their eyes.

People who do not conflict with his business do not care whether Huo Yanlin plagiarizes. After all, there is no need for cooperation, so they don't pay attention at all.

But the people who have conflicts with him are eager for him to fall into the altar after playing off, so they have less competitiveness, and they can safely launch their own products.

After all, no one wants to have a strong opponent. It's a great good thing that you can defeat it without your own action.

However, since it was put forward, it was his intention. Huo Yanlin nodded.

After a little hesitation, he continued: "by the way, don't tell your sister about it."

"Ah, it's so big on the Internet that paper can't wrap the fire after all. She will certainly know." Shao Weiyan was confused.

Huo Yanlin insisted: "she's just calmed down a lot now. There's no need to know these messy news. I'll tell her when time is enough."

Although he doesn't understand, he is also a loyal supporter of Huo Yanlin. Naturally, what he says is what he says.

So Shao Weiyan nodded: "OK, that's it!"

After sending him away, Huo Yanlin began to investigate specific things.

It's just that there hasn't been much progress in the past day. I found a lot of technicians who have left their jobs. One by one, they said that the leakage of information has nothing to do with them. After all, they have no manuscript in hand for a long time.

As expected, Huo Yanlin's mood was calm.

He left work at the normal time, but there were no familiar figures in the living room.

Then came the noise of three people from the game room.

He quietly opened the door and saw three people in the family sitting in front of the computer. At the moment, they were quarrelling.

"Oh, mom, don't walk in front. You should hide behind me and the stars!" The moon was speechless and angry.

"Mom, don't you really see the man on the left?" The stars are calm, but there is also a voice of helplessness.

Wen Shutong sat in the middle of the room and wanted to move her whole body. Her busy eyes couldn't see it. She spoke quickly and said, "I didn't know they would suddenly come out from behind the warehouse and scare me! My God! "

She suddenly screamed, and then the stars and the moon screamed. She hurriedly controlled the mouse and keyboard to let the characters run to one side.

Then just listen to a roar, the screen instantly turns gray, and the three boxes appear in front of the screen.

The two little guys nearby were speechless at first, and then burst out laughing with one voice.

"Mommy, is your little brain really OK? Okay, why did you use the grenade? That's to throw the enemy, not for you to blow yourself up! "

Wen Shutong was obviously shocked, and his hand holding the mouse was still shaking: "I don't know what it was. I clicked it a few times. Who knows he suddenly exploded. Oh, what do these people do! "

Several people on the screen were frantically rummaging in front of the box they had become.

The moon lay back at will and said helplessly, "people are licking our box. We gave you all our equipment. You are the fattest. As a result, we died so disgracefully. Good things are cheap to others."

Wen Shutong was not ashamed to ask, "what is licking a box?"

Moon science popularization, she took out her notebook and quickly remembered it. It looked like listening to other people's case statements.

"Mommy, you learned these things specially to teach him?" The moon's sour mouth.

Wen Shutong never participated in what they played before. She invited them, and she refused on the grounds that she couldn't learn.

She always only plays some stand-alone games with them or sits together to play LEGO or puzzle.

Now for others to play this, the two little guys are naturally unhappy.

But I don't want to disobey my mother's orders. I have to teach her obediently.

Wen Shutong remembered that he was conscientious and had to spare time to perfunctory his precious son: "how could it? I just saw that you played this very hard in recent days and wanted to play with you. "

"Although there are reasons to increase the topic with Xiaoheng, it's more for you two, I swear!"

"Think about it. He has been wandering outside before. Let alone playing games. I'm afraid he hasn't touched many computers. How can he play these? So I'm not for him. "

After Wen Shutong's explanation, the two little guys didn't look so sour.

The moon rolled up her sleeves and continued to say, "in that case, the two of us will take you again. You should choose carefully this time."

The voice and color in his eyes flashed a little, and then he deliberately took a bit unclear and didn't want to speak: "there is that brother. If you can't teach him, you can bring him home, and stars and I can teach him."

"But I don't think you can teach. After all, what you learn is nothing."

Wen Shutong raised his hand and patted him gently. He pretended to be angry and said, "you are not allowed to say what you couldn't learn when your mother was young. I taught you bit by bit. Now when you grow up, it's your turn to teach me. Why are you so angry at me? Ungrateful little fellow! "

"Where do I have it? We are very serious!"

As the moon spoke, he gently bumped his shoulder: "hurry up, hurry up, or we should go to bed and can't teach you later."

"I'm ready." Said the star.

At this time, Huo Yanlin walked over and quietly put his hand behind Wen Shutong: "did you really learn?", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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