As they grow up, they will not be as sensitive and vigilant as before.

What's more, the two people have a good relationship. Even after quarreling, they will make up soon. There's no need to worry at all.

So the moon's mood is quite at ease, not to mention that even his father didn't admit whether he had a quarrel just now. Maybe he was thinking nonsense.

But Xiaoheng frowned from beginning to end, with lingering worry between his eyebrows.

Wen Shutong is not only the first medium for her to re understand the world, but also the only person who really cares about him.

He didn't want her to be angry, but he didn't want them to make up when he heard the quarrel just now.

His heart is like a small file, which has been secretly rubbing his emotions, so that Xiaoheng keeps pulling his emotions.

After Wen Shutong went out with the flow of people, he didn't know where he should go for a while.

She glanced casually, saw Huo Yanlin from a distance, and seemed to come in her direction.

He is tall and as bright as the moon. He can see it at a glance in the crowd. Wen Shutong will not admit his mistake.

When Wen Shutong turned and left just now, he couldn't help crying. Now his eyes are still red. He can't see this.

The first person to turn around and leave after a quarrel must not show his fragile side!

She simply turned directly to the elevator and came to the parking lot on the lower ground floor.

There are also many people in the parking lot, all of whom come to drive.

But she didn't drive when she came here today. In such a big place, looking around, there was no one of her own.

Wen Shutong suddenly had a sad feeling. After quarreling with others, she had nowhere to go.

At this time, her mobile phone suddenly vibrated, and Huo Yanlin sent a message.

"The car and driver are for you. I went to live in the company these days and told them I was busy."

It was just a cold word, without any ups and downs, as if it was informing her.

Wen Shutong raised his lips sarcastically. He was reasonable!

Just then, the sound of wheels rolling appeared in front of her.

This is quite different from the sound of the car. Wen Shutong subconsciously raised his head and saw a wheelchair slowly approaching him.

It's Chris.

The top of the underground parking lot is white light, which shines on the man's clear face. His pale skin is like liquid, as if only a thin layer of skin is wrapped.

The white light shone on him like moonlight and flowed down his thin body. The whole person seemed to be a God from the sky.

Even if he was in a wheelchair, Wen Shutong needed to look down slightly when looking at him, but he didn't look much shorter.

In his eyes, there was a flash of surprised dark color, and then Wen Shutong suddenly patted his head: "I'm really sorry. I should have gone to you. Some things have been forgotten. How did you get out alone?"

"It doesn't matter. I usually use a wheelchair when I go in and out on any occasion." he said as usual, "it's you, really just because I'm busy and forget?"

Wen Shutong paused awkwardly, but didn't say much.

The God of death is very interesting. He doesn't ask any more questions, but asks, "do you need me to take you back? Or go somewhere to talk."

Originally, he wanted to refuse her, but Wen Shutong thought about it and felt that he really had nowhere to go.

He hesitated and nodded: "do you know where to relax nearby? Just send me over, please."

"There's no trouble. I really know a place. I'll accompany you." he said faintly, "after all, it's not my wish to leave an unhappy beautiful lady here."

Wen Shutong walked to the front side by side with his wheelchair.

The wheelchair stopped in front of a black car. Wen Shutong thought he knew a lot about the variety of cars, and he had not seen all kinds of luxury, but he had not seen the brand of the car.

Judging from the appearance, the price of the car is definitely not cheap, but she really has no impression at all.

She pressed down her curiosity and nodded to the people next to her: "I'll call the driver for you."

Then she reached out to knock on the door, but a look of surprise flashed on death's face: "when did I say I had a driver?"

Wen Shutong's action was a meal, then smiled and nodded: "I thought big people like you needed drivers to go in and out. After all, in ancient times, princes and generals had to have grooms to go out."

"Can't you think you are such a low-key person?"

She gave full play to the characteristics of a psychologist and did not express her stereotype with surprise——

After all, anyone who sees such a bad person will subconsciously think that he can't drive at all.

Death smiled and shook his head, but his eyes were like a spring breeze: "it's you, Miss Wen. I really underestimated you when I played chess that day, and deliberately pressed my chess skills to find myself a sense of achievement in this way."

"But I didn't expect that Miss Wen's way of dealing with people and her comfort are much higher than her chess skills."

As he spoke, he gently pressed it from the side of the wheelchair, and then two crutches came out from both sides.

Wen Shutong also smiled at him, deliberately teasing and said, "aren't you mocking me that I can't speak?"

"No, no, nothing." death shook his head with a smile, but the expression in his eyes became deep.

What he said just now is not a planned compliment, but a sincere feeling that Wen Shutong is a little interesting.

It seems much more interesting than he knew before.

At this moment, he stood up with the armrest next to the wheelchair. His body swayed slightly, but he was still stable.

Wen Shutong was surprised. She thought he couldn't stand up at all.

She refrained from reaching out to help him, but helped open the door.

After standing up, Wen Shutong noticed that the other party was very tall, about one meter nine, similar to Huo Yanlin.

Such a person must feel uncomfortable when he is looked down upon.

He took two steps forward somewhat unsteadily, and then stumbled down to his seat.

Wen Shutong glanced. There was really no driver in front of him, only the steering wheel and a very huge control screen.

But there is no seat on the co pilot, which has almost been occupied by a control screen.

Although she was confused, she didn't say it clearly. After helping him pack his deformed wheelchair into the car, she also sat side by side in the back.

"So you did it on purpose." Wen Shutong laughed and joked, "but Yan Xiaoling should be punished for his carelessness.", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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