She waited a long time to make sure that the people outside the door had left, but she was not sure that anyone would stay outside and watch them both.

Wen Shutong hugged Huo Xinghui, stroked his small head one by one, and gently comforted him in a low voice: "it's OK. The star is a strong and good baby, and the star is not afraid. The star and Mommy are together."

Huo Xinghuang was held in his arms by Wen Shutong for a long time. Finally, he slowly raised his small hand, patted Wen Shutong's back, and murmured in a low voice, "stars are not afraid, and Mommy is not afraid."

"Well, yes. We'll wait. Dad and brother will come to save us Wen Shutong kisses Huo's forehead and says, "we should believe them."

"Well." Huo Xinghui nodded, raised his head from Wen Shutong's arms, gently retreated a little distance, and raised his face.

Although there are still some fear and timidity in the expression, but very brave did not cry.

He raised his wrist, looked at the children's positioning watch on his wrist, and whispered, "the positioning system of the watch is a satellite cloud system. I can use it to transmit positioning signals, but my father and brother have nothing to receive signals."

Wen Shutong wrung his eyebrows and asked, "what should I do? Can we be passive now

"Unless my brother can build a receiver, or they go to the ship's transceiver room and use the ship's own satellite navigation system to contact us." Huo Xinghui wrinkled his face and said, "but then, we still need each other's signal name, that is, father and brother."

Wen Shutong was deflated and flabby. He said helplessly, "that is to say, we can only contact them when they have a signal receiver?"

"That's right." Huo Xinghui nodded his serious face and said, "however, I can try to transform my watch to see if I can find the satellite of the inland public security system."

Wen Shutong: What do you want to do? "

"Let uncle Ji send someone to save us. We are now in the middle of the sea, which is five days inland. This is a sea area not belonging to any country. If you want to be rescued, you can only ask for help from your own country. Although I believe in the speed of rescue in China, I'm not sure other public security systems will believe the distress signal sent by a children's positioning watch

"So I have to find a way to find uncle Ji's public security system, and then send a distress signal. And I'm afraid that only uncle Ji can quickly assemble enough helicopters for rescue in the fastest time, without any application procedures such as reporting. "

Huo Xinghui's explanation was right. Wen Shutong nodded and said, "then you Do it. Just don't break your watch. "

Huo blinked innocently and said, "then I need a tablet computer, a data cable, and a screwdriver..."

Wen Shutong looked around the room helplessly and said with a bitter face, "there is nothing in this room. My mobile phone is still on me. Do you think it's ok? There's no signal. "

Huo Xinghui stretched out a small meat hand to take it over, but frowned helplessly and said, "it seems that it is difficult, I'll try it."

With that, Huo Xinghui raised his foot, exposed the sole of the shoe, and pulled open a piece of glue on the sole of the shoe, revealing a small black round iron sheet inside.

Wen Shutong reached out and looked at it for a while. He found that the round black thing was still thick and seemed to be high-tech.

"What is this?" Wen Shutong asked curiously, "did you step into your shoes carelessly?"

Huo Xinghui helplessly raised his forehead and said, "this is the locator in my shoes. After I was kidnapped to the mountain last time, my father put a locator in all my shoes and my brother's shoes. "

Wen Shutong's facial expression stagnates for a moment, and suddenly realizes that Huo Xinghui, as Huo Yanlin's son, seems to be in great danger of being kidnapped.

But the kidnappers usually scan their bodies, focusing on the clothes that best hide things, rather than scanning the soles of shoes.

"Dad was thoughtful, but he didn't tell me." Wen Shutong nodded and said.

Huo Xinghui of course won't say, because dad thinks you can't understand these profound things. He thinks you should be naive all the time.

At this time, everyone was in the banquet hall, even the hijackers were crouching in the banquet hall, so there were not many people outside, especially in the corridor outside the room.

Huo Yanlin and Wen Yueqi went through the corridor smoothly to the spiral staircase in the center of the cruise ship, and the lower layer of the cruise ship went down through the stairs.

There are two floors under the cruise ship. The storage room is on the bottom floor, and the office area is on the upper floor. The signal transceiver room is the nearest one down the spiral stairs.

In the course of the cruise ship's travel, the signal receiving and transmitting room should not be short of people. Otherwise, it is easy to drive in the wrong direction or there is a big danger ahead. The people in the inland send messages to prompt what, but the people on the cruise ship don't know.

The hijackers were very experienced. According to Han Yiyang's assignment, two people were left to watch the people in the signal receiving and transmitting room.Their main purpose is to want money, so as not to take their brothers in. After getting the money, the cruise ship still has to go inland.

The two men sent by Han Yiyang to threaten the staff of the signal receiving and transmitting room with guns are standing in the door with guns, their backs facing the door. It seems that they have been standing for a long time and their spirits are somewhat slack.

Huo Yanlin and Wen Yueqi looked at each other and decided to solve one by one.

Wen Yueqi chooses the person who is far away from the door. He has a bigger perspective from the door, but he has higher requirements for the speed of the person who shoots.

Huo Yanlin did not ask why, also did not compete with him, turned to look at the one in charge of himself, raised his hand to do the countdown gesture.

When Huo Yanlin's gesture changed from three to one, his whole body arched up like a cheetah, and quickly and simply rushed up, covering each other's mouth and nose and cutting his neck.

He carefully laid the man on the ground, looked up, Wen Yueqi was in charge of the person with a silver dart, which was hanging on the back of the staff member in front of him.

That staff member is just an ordinary ship staff member, originally timid disposition now is even more frightened, rigid sits on own bench, does not dare to move.

Wen Yueqi frowned and moved his nose: "eh, who peed? It stinks

The rigid body of the staff trembled for a while, and it took a long time to react. What came from behind was not a vicious threat, but a child's voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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