His dress and age are so embarrassing that it's hard to guess.

It's not like her son's peers, but it's impossible to be someone who has any special relationship with her. After all, Huo Yanlin is still nearby.

Because this identity is too hard to guess, no one dares to speak rashly.

So most people can only welcome with ha ha, but their eyes can't help wandering back and forth on Xiaoheng.

In fact, Wen Shutong brought him here. On the one hand, he wanted to see more people and broaden his horizons. On the other hand, he also wanted to increase Xiaoheng's exposure.

His current status is uncivilized. If he really lost his son, he must have been looking for it.

With the platform of Ruihe, a big company, and the emergence of mystery, many good people will go deep. Maybe the blind cat can open the mystery that haunted him when he touched the last mouse.

There are so many eyes to examine that there is no way to ignore them at all.

But Huo Yanlin was able to stand still.

He quietly took Wen Shutong and whispered, "come in first. If you want to drink later, I can come."

After all, it's a celebration banquet. Even the president on the altar should be brought back to the world temporarily. Drinking must be essential.

Huo Yanlin is used to it and has long been ready.

There was some noise in the meeting place. I was worried that Wen Shutong couldn't hear clearly, so Huo Yanlin said it in her ear.

In this way, it seems that they are particularly close and seem to be grinding in their ears.

The onlookers immediately laughed and coaxed: "Wow, does the president and his wife still have to feed dog food in front of their own people ~"

"Isn't it? We don't know your relationship. Why not?"

"You people who don't have the slightest emotion in your marriage life really don't understand fart. Where is show love? This is the daily work of the president and the president's wife!"

"Who brought his wife, or kiss one in public. Those who came with san'er don't count. Don't be caught by me!"

The celebration banquet is a happy time. Although some words can't be said, some jokes can be bigger than usual.

A group of people immediately laughed, and others joined in the fun. They really kissed the wife next to them, which attracted the boos of the people around them.

However, the two people who were really at the center of the storm were steady and terrible.

Wen Shutong said faintly, "wait a minute, I have something else to do."

Then she turned to Xiaoheng, patted him gently and encouraged him: "do you dare to introduce yourself on the occasion of so many people? These people are from the company and they are all good people."

"This may be your first step, but it doesn't matter if you don't dare. Let me introduce you. But from my heart, I hope you can do it yourself."

When she spoke to others, her voice was considerate and gentle. When she spoke to Huo Yanlin, she almost didn't even have a flat tone.

This double sign has been eager to be on the forehead. Huo Yanlin naturally knows it clearly.

He pressed down his emotions, looked calm and stood aside, and didn't speak again.

As soon as Wen Shutong's encouragement was sent out, Xiaoheng took a breath, looked around for a week and said, "Hello, my name is Xiaoheng. I was a wandering child before, and now I'm brought to Wen's house."

Huo Yanlin frowned gently and glanced at him.

He was surprised why it was the Wen family, not the Huo family.

Although Wen Shutong was confused, she didn't interrupt him, because she could hear that the young man's voice was shaking because of tension, and she was afraid of scaring him again.

The people at the bottom also saw his embarrassment. A group of people applauded and encouraged him: "it's all right, son. It's nothing to wander. You've got a new life now!"

For example, because of the encouragement of these people, he had courage. Xiaoheng clenched his fist, accumulated all his strength and said, "thank you. I really changed the fate of my life because of the sister next to me, Wen Shutong."

"If it weren't for him, there wouldn't be me now. I'm very grateful and hope she will always be happy."

At the bottom was another group of applause, but many people began to stare at Huo Yanlin.

They wondered whether the child had a low Eq. Or I forgot my words in a moment of excitement. How can I thank Wen Shutong and not mention Huo Yanlin at all?

They haven't seen the news on the hot search before. If Huo Yanlin didn't help him smooth out the obstacles in front, the child could not be safe at all. It's like he came out of prison.

Why don't you know gratitude.

Of course, Wen Shutong also noticed the small Jiujiu in his speech.

I guess it's because I quarreled with Huo Yanlin. At the moment, I'm helping myself take revenge.

This is the child's EQ or not. It's not smooth enough. I don't know what to say at the critical time.

Huo Yanlin's body stiffened slightly, obviously suppressing his anger. The Adam's apple rolled hastily, and his temper was probably on top.

Wen Shutong held his arm tight for a few minutes, pasted it sweetly on Huo Yanlin's body, and opened his mouth with a smile: "at least my brother recited the words all the way and forgot so much. We're all responsible for thanking your brother-in-law."

"He has been secretly helping you investigate your family. I hope you can return to your normal family early. Remember to thank him ~"

"Although as your nominal sister, I hope you can favor one over the other, but don't be too obvious. If he is jealous and quarrels with me at night, who will help me solve it?"

She didn't talk about her aunt, and Wen Shutong didn't go deep into it. She just went down the slope.

What's more, he is also a 17-year-old boy. If he really wants to call his aunt, she really can't stand it.

Huo Yanlin's pupils contracted for a moment, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

He quickly turned his head, but he didn't look at Shang Wen Shutong sincerely and ardently. Instead, she faced a crowd of guests with a meticulous and perfect smile.

It's like putting a perfect mask on your face, although it's invincible and false.

He asked her to act more truthfully, but he didn't expect that Wen Shutong was so dedicated and scored no bad.

But his heart seemed to have been dug out of thin air, and there was no way to calm it for a long time.

He lifted his hands uncontrollably and gently helped his chest. Huo Yanlin had an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

Xiaoheng quickly observed his words and expressions. After realizing that Wen Shutong's mood was not quite right, he immediately said, "I'm sorry, I didn't remember my words well. I also thank President Huo."

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