Wen Shutong has never been so speechless in his life. He wants to laugh but is afraid to destroy his self-esteem.

"We'd better talk about some work things. There's no need to say these flattering words. Next time you have the opportunity to go out to see customers, you'll try to say less."

Otherwise, even if it's not cold, he will say it's cold.

As soon as he talked about his work, he immediately made great efforts, and the two talked happily.

He basically agreed with Wen Shutong's ideas and talked all the way with great pleasure.

Time passed for a long time unknowingly. Basically, the two talents got up to go their separate ways.

"By the way, where do you live? Since we sit on the same line, it should be very close?" he said as he packed his bag.

"Oh, I live at 630 Wanhua street," Wen Shutong said the address of the studio. "If you come to talk next time, you can directly go there to find me. Of course, I mean if we are close."

"Sleeping trough!" he exaggerated his eyes. "That's the golden area in the center of the city. Every piece of land is worth an inch of land and gold. Is this the gap between the rich and the poor? No wonder you don't care about money. You're so rich!"

Wen Shutong really doesn't have much concept about this.

Moreover, the commercial building where Ruihe company is located is a behemoth, and her studio is just a small mole ant.

But Wen Shutong didn't have to tell him about the mess. He smiled and nodded: "it doesn't matter. If you come next time, I can experience it with you."

The promise was so excited that he almost jumped up: "OK, OK, I'll go there next time! I'll get off about three stops earlier than you. Is my company in a broken commercial building?"

"In fact, we don't have no money, but we don't have any pursuit. We think it's good. The money we earn is paid. Isn't he fragrant?"

Probably worried about damaging the company's image, he made up for it in vain.

In fact, Wen Shutong also knows that because their company has a good reputation in the industry, they have made no less money in recent years, and it is impossible to make a pot.

While chatting, Wen Shutong picked up her cell phone, and Huo Yanlin didn't reply to the text message she sent.

It's supposed to be in a meeting. I didn't see it.

Wen Shutong didn't care too much. He sent him an expression pack on wechat and told him he was going back.

The two people bought tickets again and entered the station. It was time to get off work. Many people were waiting at the door.

Wen Shutong and promise stood at the back of the crowd, chatting one after another.

There are more and more people waiting. They are people before and after them.

The subway stopped and a group of people got on like a swarm.

Wen Shutong was so crowded that he almost didn't stand firm when he stepped up.

I don't know who gently held her back to help Wen Shutong stabilize his body.

She turned around and looked around to find the benefactor, but there were too many people. Everyone flocked to get on the bus. She was directly pushed forward by the stream of people.

Silently thanked the kind-hearted man. Wen Shutong struggled to help him up the front railing and stood firm.

At this time, a hand stretched out from a commanding position and grabbed a little bit above her hand.

It can be seen from the sleeves that the other party is wearing a black shirt and windbreaker. They are very well cut materials, which are very valuable at first sight.

His fingers are slender and long, and his palms are wide and occupy a lot of positions, almost covering the upper half of Wen Shutong's hand.

With an impatient Tut, Wen Shutong was very upset. He looks good. Why is this hand so unruly.

She moved down, but the other party caught up with her.

Almost all the girls standing or sitting opposite him raised their heads, glanced at his face, and whispered in their mouths.

The eyes of girls are the purest things in the world, which can directly reflect a person's appearance.

It is estimated that this person looks very good. In fact, it can be roughly judged from his clothes.

But the character is not so good. Why is this scum on the subway?

With some dissatisfaction, she turned her head coldly and stared, but she couldn't crash into a pair of narrow eyes.

Huo Yanlin wore a black mask and only showed a pair of cold eyes.

But even if a good-looking person only shows such a small corner, it is enough to amaze others.

In particular, the tall bridge of the nose can be seen at a glance even under the mask.

His tall figure is enough to make him a leader in the subway.

His eyes changed from chilly to shocked. Wen Shutong took a breath and was about to speak.

Huo Yanlin shook his head slightly from him, and then picked up his eyebrows: "shh."

His voice is so quiet that it can't be heard in the not quiet subway.

But it was strange that Wen Shutong could hear clearly.

Two people clearly know each other, and they still stand together, but they have to pretend they don't understand. It's a bit like role-playing.

So Wen Shutong turned his head, pretending that nothing had happened.

At this moment, her mobile phone vibrated.

Without hesitation, Wen Shutong picked up his cell phone.

[Miss Wen, will your husband mind if I pick you up from work?]

Wen Shutong almost couldn't help laughing. Unexpectedly, he was so coquettish.

She answered him solemnly by tapping the keyboard: [no, be nice to me. I'll steal my husband's card to support you.]

Great, you can have a soft meal again

He clearly has such a high, cold and inviolable face, but he can make fun of her calmly. There is a contrast all over him.

Wen Shutong was about to return to him. Huo Yanlin soon sent another message: can you stand firm in the carriage? It's too crowded.

Before she could answer, she felt a huge shadow over her.

Then Huo Yanlin wrapped her hand, the other hand held her waist, close to her ear and said: don't look at the mobile phone, stand up.

His voice was very soft. On such an occasion, Wen Shutong felt that half of his body was numb.

Those girls who screamed because he was handsome at first are more excited to see the interaction between them.

Some people even took out their mobile phones and secretly photographed them in the back.

Although some don't like it very much, it's a public place, and others haven't done anything against public security.

Wen Shutong was also embarrassed to say more. He could only lower his head as much as possible and hide his appearance.

After all, if she makes headlines, she'll be in trouble.

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