"Probably Half an hour? " Wen Yueqi estimated a number conservatively.

"No, it's better to take down the door directly. Half an hour is too variable, and it's obvious that the other party has been away for a long time to come back." Huo Yanlin said anxiously.

"I will." Huo Xinghui was in the door and said solemnly, "moon, please describe the appearance of the password lock for me, and then turn on the computer. Oh, it's the tablet I brought, right? It's perfect. Connect the password lock, open my usual editing program, and let's try to solve the problem together

"This is a rare multi keyboard password lock..." Wen Yueqi tried to connect, while describing the password lock, "I know what I should do, but I I'm so unskilled with this that I need time to remember. "

A bead of sweat about the size of beans slid down from Wen Yueqi's forehead, and the computer in his hand almost fell to the ground.

Huo Yanlin after checking the surrounding situation back, quickly put the computer in his hands, let Wen Yueqi directly two hands together to hit the keyboard.

"Never mind. Don't worry. Don't worry." Huo Xinghui's calm voice came out of the door, "concentrate, calm down, listen to me and do what I say."

Wen Yueqi took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down and said, "OK."

"Are you ready?" Huo asked.

Wen Yueqi raised his hand and wiped his sweat again. He said word by word: "OK, come on."

Huo Xinghui spoke very fast, but fortunately, Wen Yueqi responded quickly and his hand speed was very fast. He could keep up with the speed.

They are twins, and in some accidental cases, they can always reach the general tacit understanding of telepathy.

This time, the goddess of luck took care of them. With the help of Huo Xingyi, they completed the decipherment in only seven minutes and forty-three seconds.

Wen Yueqi quickly input the password lock, "click", the password lock was successfully unlocked, Huo Yanlin can't wait to open the door.

Wen Shutong and Huo Xingyi come out. They look at each other. They don't continue to reminisce about the past. They express their feelings about each other for an hour. They quickly follow Huo Yanlin to the stairway.

"According to my guess, they should come back to see it in half an hour. When they open the door and find that you are not there, they will find the problem. By then, the scope of the cruise ship being monitored and searched will increase, and the danger will increase, but we will have to wait for the next 24 hours to be rescued. " Huo Yanlin holding Huo Xingyi and running upstairs, he said.

Wen Shutong took the computer in Wen Yueqi's hand and held it in his arms. With his other hand, Wen Yueqi tightly followed Huo Xingyi and asked, "where are we going now? It seems dangerous everywhere now? "

"So we need a place to hide. It's better to be random and traceless, such as a place we choose at will. It's a little wider, a little more convenient, when it's necessary to escape. "

Huo Yanlin said quickly, while shuttling around in the labyrinth of corridors, and finally let him find a satisfactory place.

"Come on in. This is a suite on our floor. It has a wide view and a window behind it. You can climb down the pole outside. It's a long way from our suite, and it's quite manageable. "

"Well." Wen Shutong led Wen Yueqi in, "whose room is this? Why isn't the door locked? "

"Xiao Cheng always gives a friend who will only go on a cruise ship in Australia. There is no one in it for the time being. I just know the initial password of each room on the cruise ship." Huo Yanlin picks eyebrow to say.

Wen Yueqi and Huo Xingyi lie at the door, trying to change the password.

"How do you know the initial password for each room?" Wen Shutong was shocked and asked, "there must be hundreds of rooms on the cruise ship, do you remember?"

"Forgotten who built the boat. Xiao Cheng doesn't have enough brains. Every room code is a room number. " "The door of two children said helplessly:" to change the password

"Yes. We also set up defense mode. " Wen Yueqi said happily.

As long as Huo Xingyu is around him, he will have the confidence to do evil.

"Don't close the door yet. I'm going out." Huo Yanlin did not pay attention to the two defense modes, but picked up the tools he had prepared in advance and went to the door.

After leaving the door, he turned back uneasily and said, "you two should protect mommy in your room, go to the window to pay attention to the outside situation, and keep in touch with Ji Tongsheng all the time. Don't interrupt and check the sea weather forecast..."

Huo Yanlin a series of said a lot, Wen Yueqi doubt asked: "Dad, where are you going?"

"After all, the door here is made of wood, which can't resist for a long time. It's estimated that the bullet can't last for five minutes. I'm going to set up some traps in the surrounding corridor." Huo Yanlin said with awe.

"I'll go with you." Wen Yueqi raised his hand high and said, "this is the best I can do.""Bad idea?" Huo Yanlin asked with a helpless smile.

"Nonsense, it's clearly my innate ability." Wen Yueqi took the silk thread and some small darts from Huo Yanlin's hand, looked at the things in his hand and asked, "is there any wire in this? How do you collect this multi concealed weapon in a short time? "

"When you locate the coordinates of the stars and crack the code, I don't have time. Let's go. Make a quick decision. Pay attention to security." Huo Yanlin snored a wenyueqi's hair, doting said.

Wen Yueqi reluctantly ran out with things in his arms and went to the corridor to arrange traps. I have to say that his ability to frame people is really a talent. It should be inherited from Huo Yanlin.

Twenty minutes later, a family of four sat in the room and heard a series of screams outside the door. All of them came to find someone and accidentally triggered the mechanism. They were injured by a series of concealed weapons.

Wen Yueqi sits on Wen Shutong's leg, covers his mouth, and laughs with schadenfreude.

Huo Yanlin bounced his brain and said, "don't be too happy too early. Those things can't die. At most, it's a cut and an injury. Let them slow down their pace. But it also exposes the fact that we are here."

"We must think of other ways as soon as possible, either take the opportunity to leave, or go out and be tough with them, but I have a look at the comparison of the old and the weak in our family, and I think..."

"No, it's too high here. It's very likely that the two children will fall down." Wen Shutong interrupts him.

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