Liu Xinyi felt that the atmosphere seemed a little wrong, so she quickly whispered and explained: "I know this man. He is a visitor here. He is very gentle and good. Every time he comes, he brings us snacks and invites the people in the office to dinner."

"It's reasonable to say that genius has his appointment. It's estimated that I met him by chance today, so I talked to the boss more. We all have a good relationship with him."

Her words were like pouring water into the oil pan. Huo Yanlin turned his head and said, "you have a good relationship with him?"

Obviously, he just asked calmly, but Liu Xinyi was so scared that her hair stood up all over her.

She didn't know whether to nod or shake her head, mainly because she couldn't guess the emperor's mind.

After hesitating for a moment, she said, "we treat everyone equally here, so everyone has a good relationship with her."

"What's the boss's attitude towards him? We have the same attitude towards him. Anyway, we just talk casually."

She thought it over in her mind. The boss seems to be in a bad mood. It must be a misunderstanding between the boss and this person, so all she has to do is find a way to resolve this.

If Wen Shutong had such a happy chat with him alone, it must indicate that the relationship between the two people is not ordinary. If everyone is like this, there will be no reason to jump out.

She secretly praised herself for her quick reaction. She squeezed her eyes at Wen Shutong at the end of the French window and whispered to herself: "boss, you owe me an adult this time. If you two don't quarrel over this matter, you have to invite me to dinner!"

While they were talking, the two people downstairs were still chatting, and they didn't mean to stop at all.

Wen Shutong casually put it on the other party's wheelchair grip, looking relaxed and casual.

"I didn't expect you to come back and send me back after such a big circle." Wen Shutong smiled and said, "I owe you one after another today."

"I drank some wine myself and almost forgot. I wanted to find a substitute driver, but I saw you standing at the door." he smiled. "I knew I should drive that modified car, so I wouldn't drive an ordinary car."

Speaking of Sui Jian, the man said he was curved, but the operation was terrible.

There were only two of them left. Wen Shutong had planned that she would drive Sui Jian back first, then drive the car to the company, and then Sui Jian would come and drive his own car.

Who knows, he called his own driver directly, patted Wen Shutong on the shoulder, said he wanted to continue the stall, so he took the bus and left directly, and didn't even ask her how to get back.

Taxi drivers only wait at the bar at night. There are basically no people at noon. Wen Shutong almost thought it was difficult to go back.

"Your car is so cool that I still have an impression." Wen Shutong sincerely praised, "I still have work in the afternoon, so I won't talk much. I'll go up first."

"OK." he nodded. "I ordered you a takeout on the way back. Don't be anxious to refuse. It's not very expensive. It's very simple. Remember to have a good lunch. Don't burn yourself out because of your friends."

Although Wen Shutong doesn't dislike this person very much, his consideration is too timely, which seems to have ulterior motives.

But they didn't ask for anything, so Wen Shutong couldn't even say no. It was like a lump in his throat.

"I suspect you deliberately want to take this to extend my service time to you." Wen Shutong said seriously, pretending to be joking. "What you specially emphasize is very simple and not expensive, that is, whether to pay or not. I will be sorry in my heart. Then when I consult you, I will involuntarily extend the time."

She spread her hands and pretended to be distressed. "But there are many patients waiting behind you. I can't always add time for you. Isn't this a small stove?"

The other party didn't look half embarrassed. He immediately smiled and said, "I didn't say no money this time. Just transfer me to wechat later."

"I'm afraid you'll forget to eat, so I'll help you choose first." he smiled gently. "I hope you'll be the same as today. If you have any discomfort, just say it directly. I can understand."

A mocking smile flashed in Wen Shutong's heart. When he was in the bar, he didn't seem to understand.

The other party seemed to guess what he was thinking in his heart and said directly, "I heard it when I was in the bar, but you haven't said it directly. I deliberately figured it out and pretended to be confused, just to see how long you can endure."

"You can see it now. It's almost like that two or three times."

"So remember next time. If you don't like it, you must say it directly, otherwise others think you don't mind."

A subtle feeling suddenly flashed in Wen Shutong's heart. She always taught others what to do when they met. This is the first time she heard such words from another person.

A smile flashed in her eyes. She nodded: "OK, I got it. I learned a lesson from you today."

"My class is paid. Since you have learned from me, you have to pay for it," he said cunningly. "Let's offset it with today's lunch."

I didn't expect to go around such a big circle and wait for myself here.

A particularly subtle feeling flashed in Wen Shutong's heart, and he couldn't help laughing.

"OK, since you like to beat around the bush so much, it's up to you."

The voice fell, "Si" suddenly stretched out his hand and touched her forehead.

Wen Shutong subconsciously avoided, but he whispered, "don't move first."

Then he twisted a gold paper from Wen Shutong's forehead: "it should have been accidentally touched in the bar."

With a gentle "ah", Wen Shutong quickly touched the place he touched: "I didn't pay attention."

"It's all right. I just saw it. Go up quickly. I can take a lunch break after dinner."

Wen Shutong didn't say anything more. He waved to him, turned and entered the gate.

After she got on the elevator, death turned and got on the car.

When waiting for his driver to come, he said coldly, "photos."

After the wheels of the wheelchair are removed, the whole becomes a simple version of a small robot.

Although it is far less exquisite than that at home, it uses the same chip. As long as the chip is removed, no matter where it is installed, it can be used as long as it is powered on., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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