On the corridor outside the door, several people holding rifles fired at the wooden door, and the sawdust and wood thorns on the door flew all over the sky, raising a burst of dust and smoke.

"What's the matter?" Wen Shutong's face changed. He stepped forward and stood side by side with Huo Yanlin.

When Huo Yanlin heard the voice, he instinctively reached back for a fish, blocked her with his body, took the people to one side, away from the door, and said in a low voice: "they should be something happened, speed up the pace, we should be ready."

Huo Xinghui raised his head, closed the computer, held it in his arms, stretched out his right hand to hold the kitchen knife, motioned to Wen Yueqi to bind himself again, and then they held the knife together and focused on the door.

Huo Yanlin glanced around and said, "according to the plan, we hide first, and then give them a surprise."

With that, Huo Yanlin took out the gun that had been searched from those two people before. One of them left it and the other gave it to Wen Yueqi. He told him, "the bullets are full. Pay attention to protect your brother and protect yourself."

Wen Yueqi clenched the gun, pursed his lips and nodded solemnly.

Before long, the wooden door was forcibly destroyed, and those people kicked one foot, kicked out the remaining wooden thorn of the wooden door and drilled in.

Huo Yanlin hid in the dark, holding the knife and gun in his hand, and was ready to confront those people at any time. However, he did not expect that those people turned around in the room and walked in the direction of Wen Shutong.

Huo Yanlin's eyes were fixed on those people's backs. Wen Shutong was nervous and almost did not dare to breathe. He firmly grasped the watermelon knife in his hand.

The room was wide and bright, and there was no place for Tibetans. The four of them scattered to hide in order to facilitate the attack and fight.

Just as the man reached for the cupboard where Wen Shutong was hiding, the battle began.

Huo Yanlin suddenly stood up and fired a shot from behind. The other party returned to the head. Taking advantage of this Kung Fu, Wen Shutong raised his hand and gave the front man a knife. Without looking, he ran in the opposite direction after cutting.

When the other party turned his head back, Wen Yueqi fired a shot from the side. Unexpectedly, these people would be attacked in the back and belly of the suite. So they hid and called for help with the pager.

Wen Shutong left the cabinet door, there was no place to protect his body, so he could only run around the room.

The purpose of these people is to destroy her innocence, not to kill people, Wen Linlang also dare not kill.

Although no one else shot Wen Shutong, as more and more people came, Wen Shutong was caught by two men by the wrist.

She screamed, instinctively forced to break away, those people did not notice, actually let go.

Wen Shutong immediately seized the opportunity to wield the kitchen knife in his hand and cut at random. He made a protective ring for himself. For a while, no one dared to get close to her, but she was surrounded by the window.

For a moment and a half she couldn't help herself, and it was obvious that those people were waiting for her strength to run out and seize her easily.

Although Wen Shutong understood, he did not dare to relax.

Huo Yanlin was besieged and attacked by more people. He couldn't help himself for a moment. Although he could feel that these people were just trying to catch people and didn't dare to kill people, he still felt the danger.

Huo Xinghuang hid in the safest place inside the cabinet, staring at the outside through the hollow pattern.

Wen Yueqi moved around him, throwing darts for long-range attacks, and small knives for close combat. He was very skillful in the battlefield, even more natural than Huo Yanlin.

But this does not rule out the reason that he is so young that no one takes him seriously.

"Star, it's time." Wen Yueqi stares at Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin tightly and says in a low voice.

Huo Xinghui quietly moved to the door of the cabinet, quickly knocked the right hand of the keyboard to stop, transferred to the Enter key above, whispered: "OK."

Then, the little finger down, the cruise ship instantly into a dark.

The lights in the banquet hall disappeared overnight, and people squatting on the ground with their heads in their arms fell into panic, thinking that they would carry out indiscriminate killing next.

All the people were panicked and scurrying around, and the people in charge of the guard didn't pay attention to it for a while, and the scene gradually became chaotic and more and more uncontrollable.

Like many people, Su took the opportunity to run out and tried to hide.

"Boss, it's not good. The cruise ship suddenly lost power, and many people took advantage of the chaos to escape." A man is holding the communicator tightly in the chaos and reports to Han yiyangda.

Han Yiyang's face changed, holding the whip's hand a force, did not hold it, Wen Linlang couldn't help but breathe out the pain, tears and hatred sprang up under his eyes.

Today's Han Yiyang is very excited and excited. He knows clearly that she is going to catch up with the announcement tomorrow, or she has to drag her to play all night and record a video to watch it.

Wen Linlang did not dare to resist Han Yiyang at all. He could not show any displeasure at all, but also pretended to be addicted to it. He was willing and even thirsty.Over the past few days, Wen Linlang practiced acting skills around Han Yiyang, more than he had learned in school.

"Let people find a way to restore the power supply system. In addition, we should seize the time to arrest those people. Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong are not good at fighting against each other. They are easy to do bad things, so they should be taken care of strictly after they are arrested."

Han Yiyang's eyes flashed over the meaning of obliteration, but he did not open his mouth to order the death of the Huo Yanlin family.

Wen Linlang touched Han Yiyang's cool eyes and shivered with fright and pulled out a flattering and humble smile.

The cruise ship fell into darkness for a moment. Huo Yanlin took the opportunity to fire several shots in front of him, forced them back, and then went to rescue Wen Shutong.

Wen Yueqi turns around and pulls Huo Xingqi out of the cupboard and runs to the door regardless of pulling people.

Because most of the people came in to arrest people, there were not many people guarding the door.

Four people gathered at the door, Huo Yanlin bent down and picked up Wen Yueqi and threw it on his back. Then he held Huo Xinghui in his arms and put his hand around Wen Shutong's shoulder and said, "pay attention to the sneak attack. Be careful."

With that, Huo Yanlin raised his gun and knocked down several people in the corridor. The people in the room were sluggish for a moment. Four people had already run out of the door.

Obviously, it's calculated.

Four of them were scurrying through the corridor, running as planned, followed by a group of people who were either lame or had their arms pierced.

The scene is magnificent.

As soon as they ran to the stairway, they met many people who wanted to come up. Wen Shutong immediately called out: "everyone go to the deck, there are pursuers behind."

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