Xia Qingchun's face is blue and white. The most important thing is that she can't think of how to fight back.

Jiang Xingwen couldn't help but say, "well, let's start today. Do you have to talk in this place?"

Wen Shutong forked his waist and turned his anger to Jiang Xingwen: "you like to be fair for others so much, why don't you be a hero in the green forest and have to do things that don't go on the table and secretly date other women?"

"I didn't date her," Jiang Xingwen said in a low voice.

"Oh, are you dating this masked man?" Wen Shutong transferred the war again. "Anyway, the more I don't like it, the closer you want to be to him?"

"You can't say that." Jiang Xingwen frowned before he could stop talking. "Can you please don't tell Sui detective about today's affairs for the time being?"

"You can do it. Why are you afraid to tell others?" Wen Shutong raised his eyelids to look at him, suddenly remembered something, and said lazily, "but don't worry, even if I tell him, he won't necessarily listen, because he doesn't want to hear your news at all now."

Since you want to pierce your heart, you can pierce it to the extreme at once.

Sure enough, the expression on Jiang Xingwen's face was stiff as soon as he said this.

Although Wen Shutong had a short time in his heart, he still deserved what he did!

Who knows that Xia Qingchun was angry at this time. She immediately raised her voice: "shut up if you can't speak. You have to pierce people's hearts in this way. Do you think you are very cow?"

"Without you, I broke up other people's marriages one by one." Wen Shutong smiled. "In these things, it has to be you."

Xia Qingchun was noisy, but her words were unreasonable. She trembled with anger and raised her hand with anger.

At the moment when she raised her hand, Huo Yanlin's face changed slightly and walked over quickly.

Before he could speak, the "God of death" next to him took Xia Qingchun's hand first and said slowly, "quarrel belongs to quarrel. It's impolite to start. Don't make yourself like a bitch."

Xia Qingchun was obviously afraid of him. She soon withdrew her hand and bit her lower lip with forbearance.

Huo Yanlin also came over and looked in the direction of Jiang Xingwen: "what's going on?"

Jiang Xingwen noticed that Huo Yanlin was also present. He looked a little embarrassed and whispered, "I can't say a word or two clearly. I have a cooperative relationship with this gentleman now."

"Recognize a thief as a father!" Wen Shutong was very angry now, so he took it in a strange way.

"The God of death" laughed with a puff: "recognize thieves as a father? Do you mean that I have the temperament to be a father? People put interests first and don't want to remember old feelings for everything. Don't you cut off other people's wealth by saying so now?"

"You think everyone is like you. Don't even want the bottom line for money?" Wen Shutong looked at him. "You'd better not talk. I've endured you for a long time."

"Death" was not angry, smiled and raised his hand: "well, I won't speak first."

"Tell me again, what's going on." Wen Shutong stared at Jiang Xingwen fiercely.

"How many times do you ask, my answer is the same. We are now in a cooperative relationship. He has a drug I really want to study. If the clinical trial is successful, there will be a major breakthrough in a rare disease that is very difficult to treat." Jiang Xingwen sighed and whispered.

At first, Wen Shutong really thought he was doing this for money. After hearing the pattern of Jiang Xingwen, he was a little stunned.

Then she whispered, "why didn't you just make complaints about it?"

"This thing hasn't been made public yet. It's not very good to say it, but I thought that if I didn't say it, Sui detective might come to our door." Jiang Xingwen whispered, "he certainly doesn't like me and..."

Half of what he said, Jiang Xingwen didn't go on, because the person in front of him was his financier after all, and he couldn't offend others with these words.

"You can rest assured that Shu Tong didn't lie just now. Jiang Xingwen doesn't care about you." Huo Yanlin opened his mouth in a flat tone.

If you want to pierce your heart, it must be him.

Wen Shutong just made a lot of noise, which can also be understood as deliberately saying these words in anger.

But Huo Yanlin said so calmly that Jiang Xingwen couldn't even comfort himself.

His expression was obvious: "what's the matter with him now?"

"I'm doing very well now. I just go out dancing and play with people every day. Don't you see his circle of friends?" Wen Shutong said.

After saying that, she realized that she seemed to have pierced Jiang Xingwen's heart again.

If he could see, would he ask others?

Xia Qingchun couldn't bear to see Jiang Xingwen's expression and stood up to protect him again: "it's almost OK. Even if you say it again, you have to repeat it so many times for fear that others won't hear it clearly, right?"

"I'm mainly afraid you can't hear clearly." Wen Shutong turned to her angrily. "Although he has broken up, Jiang Xingwen still cares about him. You think you'll have results if you stay next to him. Dream."

Wen Shutong can be said to be invincible in the aspect of heart pricking. He has made Xia Qingchun silly again and again.

"It turns out that there is such a complex relationship between you. It sounds very interesting."

As if they were afraid of forgetting him, "death" smiled and said.

"Do you have ulterior motives?" Wen Shutong looked at him warily. "Why do you like to spare no effort as a shit stirring stick? Either destroy our project or win over my friends. What's your intention?"

Wen Shutong simply stopped playing with him and asked directly.

"It's just a coincidence. I don't have any other thoughts." the other party smiled and said, "you can also try to cooperate with me and get more internal information. Don't you understand what I want to do?"

"You think I'm stupid if you want to coax me to seek skin from the tiger?" Wen Shutong opened his fire and continued to speak back to him.

Promise was stunned. He didn't expect that even if Huo Yanlin stood up in person, he was less than one ten thousandth of his wife's combat effectiveness.

This kind of unbridled courage to line up with people is a height that he can't reach for half his training life.

So he said with great admiration, "idol, your wife is a cow."

Huo Yanlin also agreed with this praise and nodded gently: "yes, I haven't seen her so energetic for a long time."

"Acrimony is also called vitality?" the promise asked cautiously.

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