Wen Shutong rolled a white eye at him: "save it, you forget that you have a bullet in your left thigh?"

"That's OK. I'll make it for you with my right leg." Huo Yanlin whispered.

"When I'm done massaging and I'm going out, you can take more activities in it and have a good rest. Don't hold on. I'll call you when I have lunch." Wen Shutong said softly.

She wiped her hands with a towel, took medicine and water to Huo Yanlin and said, "take the medicine. When it's time, you can only drink 100ml, not more."

Huo Yanlin looked at the sweat on her forehead and nodded, feeling very uncomfortable.

It's winter. There is heating in the ward. The temperature is very high. He only wears a thin patient's uniform.

But Wen Shutong was wearing a thick sweater when he came in from the outside. Now he was sweating all over his head. He was distressed.

Wen Shutong basically doesn't let the children stay in it for too long because he is worried about the cold and fever of the child.

"You go back to dinner and have a rest. I'll call the nurse and the nurse when I have something to do." Huo Yanlin heartily pushed the hand of Wen Shutong and said.

Wen Shutong looked at the time, nodded and said, "OK. I'll go back to see the children and bring them in to see you in the afternoon

First she went into the bathroom and wiped the sweat on her face and neck. Then she came out, put on her coat and went out.

Seeing her thin back leave, Huo Yanlin is not satisfied. Although he has the money to ask a nurse to ask a cook, Wen Shutong is worried that outsiders will not take good care of her and that he is too embarrassed to ask strangers. He has always taken care of him personally.

In order to buy the freshest food every morning, she got up at six in the morning, cleaned up and went to the supermarket to select breakfast materials, and then returned to the hotel to prepare and deliver them.

After serving Huo Yanlin, it's almost nine o'clock, and she goes back to eat her cold meal.

Take care of late at night, go back to eat a meal, a casual wash, you can fall asleep.

Although she pulled the mask up very much, she could still see the thick dark circles under her eyes every time she bent down.

Huo Yanlin thinks of these, in the heart acid distension, uncomfortable tight, heartache to death.

Such a good girl, who is really lucky to meet who.

Although she was very strict with his diet and drinking water control, it was all for his good. She was so tired every day that she never complained.

Even doctors said his recovery rate was a miracle.

Huo Yanlin sighed, slowly closed his eyes, and fell into a new round of deep sleep repair.

After a while, Shutong was waiting in the corridor for a while. When he was waiting for me, he would call for more water for you

"Oh, yes." The uncle was honest and honest, nodded his head sincerely and said, "madam, you don't need to transfer so much money to me. Basically, ten yuan is enough to drink until you are discharged from hospital. There is no need to waste so much money."

Wen Shutong waved his hand carelessly and said, "it's OK. We can drink together. Besides, you have been working in the hospital all the time? You can always finish it. "

The boiling room inside is divided into ordinary hot water and pure hot water. Ordinary hot water is free of charge, but it costs about thirty or forty cents for a cup of pure water.

Wen Shutong doesn't care, but the price is very expensive in ordinary people's families. He is willing to let patients drink good water.

The uncle sighed at Wen Shutong's back as he wrapped up his scarf and left the hospital. People are so kind to him that he has to take care of his husband.

I don't know why this man came from. He spends money lavishly, but he is down-to-earth. He cooks by himself. He doesn't need to be reminded to send snacks to doctors and nurses to buy breakfast. It's very transparent.

Very strange and contradictory personality, but also wonderful combination in a person, this layer of doctors and nurses are not not interested in the men in the ward.

Wen Shutong wrapped up his coat and hurried back to the hotel. When he swiped his card in, the two children were standing in the kitchen sink on a small bench, washing dishes. Though clumsy, they were very serious.

Wen Shutong takes off his scarf and coat and hangs them on the hanger at the door. He goes to the kitchen and kisses them on the faces one by one. Then he starts to heat up the rest of the meal for himself.

"After dinner, I'll sleep. You two go to study. Don't run around. In the afternoon, we'll go shopping in the supermarket, then cook, and go to the hospital to see Dad." Wen Shutong said as he wolfed.

The two children nodded their heads cleverly and then ran to play their favorite games. Wen Shutong didn't have to worry about the children at all, which was the greatest comfort.

When shopping in the supermarket, Wen Shutong specially bought some fruit and took it to the hospital to distribute it to the nurses who took turns to take care of Huo Yanlin.

Although Huo Yanlin has only been in hospital for a week, she has already been familiar with nurses and doctors on this floor.After lunch, two children were lying on both sides of the hospital bed and talking coquettishly. The head nurse came in to see this scene and said with envy: "the two little guys are so lovely and filial. They are really happy."

Huo Yanlin nodded his head happily and touched his two children's heads. He said, "well, my wife is more lovely."

The head nurse turned around. Wen Shutong just pushed the door with his thermos cup in his hand. He solemnly walked to Huo Yanlin and gently put the quilt down. Then he said, "I don't think you want to drink water this afternoon."

"I It's not My wife... " Huo Yanlin grievance all over the face, "don't, I didn't say anything wrong?"

With a cunning crook of his head, Wen Shutong said, "there is nothing wrong. That is Just talking. So I judge you should not be thirsty

"I'm thirsty..." Huo Yanlin said in a low voice.

The head nurse put down the record board and chuckled, "you and your husband are very affectionate."

"Who is good with him?" Wen Shutong said instinctively.

The head nurse also does not care, Chong wenshutong blinks, the natural and unrestrained left.

Wen Shutong looked back helplessly at Huo Yanlin, patted two children's shoulders and said, "massage your father's legs."

Two people have always maintained a high enthusiasm for this matter. After hearing the amnesty, they immediately rolled up their sleeves and ran to the bathroom to wash their hands.

There is a special family bed in the ward, but it is very narrow and also very short. No one usually sleeps. During the day, it will be folded into a chair. Although it is a little short, it can rest.

Wen Shutong put his clothes on it, then sat down, took out his mobile phone and began to play with it.

Huo Yanlin raised his head from time to time to take a hard look, but because of a distance, can only see the colorful mobile phone screen, is not clear what is.

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