Huo Yanlin didn't mention it. Wen Shutong almost forgot the name.

Yan Xiaoling seemed to be everywhere before. She would always appear wherever she was. Recently, she has really kept quiet. She almost forgot that there is such a person.

Before, Wen Shutong thought he was reporting to the blood wolf. Now he was suddenly mentioned by Huo Yanlin. For a moment, he was a little strange to hear this name.

But now, of course, it's not the time to talk about this. Wen Shutong didn't continue to ask questions.

Suddenly, such a thing happened. She must have no way to stay in the studio, so she was ready to let the people in the studio have a rest today.

During this time, the studio moved to a new place, sorted out the files and made some messy things. Everyone hasn't had much rest. Today is also an opportunity.

Wen Shutong dialed Liu Xinyi's internal telephone and said bluntly, "please inform everyone that everyone has a rest. I'll inform you of the specific working hours."

This matter may not be able to be solved tomorrow. Instead of making everyone uneasy and random guess, just take a holiday.

Liu Xinyi thought she was going to have another date, so she asked, "boss, is there any emergency? It sounds like it's still in a hurry. Can I help you?"

That's what she asked. In fact, she didn't think about it.

Wen Shutong subconsciously wanted to say it was okay, but on second thought, she was one of the participants in yesterday's incident in a strict sense.

So he simply didn't hide it from her and said, "yesterday was the girl with us. You should have seen her too. She had an accident and was taken away today. Now I don't know where she went. We're going to find her."

"So when you are not sure whether the other person is good or bad, you must be careful when dealing with people, whether boys or girls. Understand?"

Liu Xinyi frowned impatiently. She said that she began to educate herself again, so she said lazily: "in fact, it's not important to communicate with anyone. What she's afraid of is that there are too many and miscellaneous people to distinguish between good and bad."

"Yes." Wen Shutong didn't think so much at this time, and was even more reluctant to think of her as a little girl in other aspects. He answered perfunctorily, "don't talk about this nonsense. The situation here is more urgent. You are responsible for notifying me in place."

"Well, although it's good for us to have a holiday, your friend's accident must be very unhappy for you. I wish you find friends as soon as possible." Liu Xinyi's sweet mouth.

She has never been disappointed in her sweet mouth.

Wen Shutong was not in the mood to say so much and hung up the internal phone.

After Liu Xinyi informed, everyone began to pack up their things. At this time, her mobile phone suddenly rang.

Still the familiar avatar, her heart moved slightly, and she picked it up with a girl's unique shame on her face: "didn't you say no chatting before? Why do you suddenly think of it now?"

The people over there seemed to be in a good mood. Wen Sheng said, "I'm just busy. I've always wanted to know what you're doing."

"I was a little busy just now, but I'm not busy now. I heard from the boss that a friend of hers was taken away, so we all had a holiday." Liu Xinyi leaned leisurely against her seat. "Do you say it's funny? Now it's clearly a society ruled by law. Unexpectedly, someone was taken away for no reason. I'm afraid he went on a date secretly."

"That's not necessarily true. Even in a legal society, there are many swindlers and bad people." Death smiled, because he was the bad man. "What did she say specifically? Can I help you?"

Seeing Liu Xinyi smiling, the colleague who was about to leave smiled at her with deep meaning: "why does Xinyi have a spring breeze on her face? It shouldn't be secretly falling in love behind our backs. It's dishonest."

Liu Xinyi also likes to hear others describe it, which makes her feel that she is really in love with him secretly.

She smiled shyly, pushed her colleagues, stood up and prepared to leave: "as long as you are not a bad person. I don't know where to go this afternoon. Suddenly I got a holiday and was a little confused."

"I'll tell you a fun one." The voice of the person on the other side of the phone was somewhat bewitched and said, "come to the first floor of your company to see if there is any surprise."

A kind of joy rose in her heart immediately, but she desperately suppressed her joy and whispered, "what are you selling? How mysterious?"

"I'll know when I get down. I'll wait for you." He said softly, "by the way, be careful this time."

The last time, it was because she accidentally chose the wrong place that Wen Shutong found that she messed up the date between the two people. Liu Xinyi still has a fresh memory.

She doesn't want to make such a low-level mistake again today. She just wants to stay alone with s for a while.

So she deliberately lingered and left in no hurry until she saw her colleagues almost finished walking, and then slowly prepared to go downstairs.

When I went down, there was no one downstairs, only the traffic on the street came and went.

Liu Xinyi flashed a lost look in her heart. She wandered around at a loss and was preparing to send a message.

"What are you looking at?" Suddenly a voice came from behind.

Liu Xinyi turned her head and came face to face with a strange man with a mask on his face and a slight arc in the corners of her mouth.

She remembered the man who had been to the studio before the studio changed its address. This should be the God of death that their boss said at that time.

He staggered back a step. Liu Xinyi's face wore a look of vigilance: "who are you? I don't know you at all."

"It doesn't matter. I'll meet you sooner or later. Aren't you waiting for someone? He asked me to pick you up and come with me." The other party reached out directly to pull her.

Liu Xinyi suddenly felt bad. Her hair was about to stand up. She hurried back a step and almost screamed.

How does this person know she knows "Si" and who she is waiting for here?

Or do they really have something to do with each other?!

Liu Xinyi hurriedly took out her mobile phone and dialed the number to Wen Shutong in confusion.

Wen Shutong had just connected the phone. Before he could speak, he heard her scream, and then the cell phone suddenly cut off the signal.

This phone call scared Wen Shutong to a sudden excitement. He quickly dialed back again, but no one answered.

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