Wen Shutong forcibly suppressed the thoughts in his heart, made himself look calm, lowered his voice and said, "what can I do to see Huo Yanlin? I don't care about anything else. I have only one request. I want to see him."

Liu Xinyi was distressed and helpless. She said powerlessly in the back: "boss, you can't believe what they say! They will only draw you a big cake. They won't cash the last one. Now the best way is to escape!"

No. 03 smiled contemptuously: "escape? There are endless nets here. Where can she escape? You little girl, you really have a bad brain."

Then he hooked up with Wen Shutong in a low voice: "don't believe her. You can only save Huo Yanlin if you come to me. Come on, we don't have much time. Do you want to break the rules of the game?"

Wen Shutong continued to speak coldly: "I don't know if your boss mentioned it to you before. I have a special chip installed on me."

"If I have an accident or I choose to press this chip, it will connect all kinds of networks, and everyone involved in its network will receive messages, including the police station."

"Huo Yanlin is on your side. I will agree to your proposal and go with you."

"But at the same time, since you choose to let me pass this way, you have only one way. If I can't see Huo Yanlin, we'll die together."

A look of surprise flashed across the fundus of No. 03. Unexpectedly, Wen Shutong had the courage to die.

Then he hooked his lips, smiled gently, and carelessly stretched out his hand to her: "I know. If you are not prepared, you certainly don't dare to come, just do as you say. And we will let these people go in front of you. Don't be afraid."

Liu Xinyi spat fiercely in the back and said angrily, "bah! You calves can only cheat. How did you hurt me just now?"

No. 03 ignored her and waved in the direction of Wen Shutong: "why don't you come? I said I'd let you see it with your own eyes, so you won't cheat."

Wen Shutong took a breath and rushed to him with determination.

When she stood next to No. 03, he suddenly waved to his men: "send out Miss Wen's friends. What are you doing?"

Those people heard the speech and turned their heads together. Someone clasped Liu Xinyi's shoulder and wanted to take her outside.

Liu Xinyi was probably ashamed of her heart. She was more and more reluctant to give up Wen Shutong. She stared at him directly, and even her voice trembled.

"Boss, I don't want to go back, or let them take me away too! Anyway, if you have one more person, you will have more promises, even me!"

No. 03 glanced at her impatiently: "you don't think you're really useful. You're just a tool man caught. Take her away! Not to mention whether others need you or not."

Wen Shutong frowned and shook his head at her: "go back and don't do anything stupid."

Liu Xinyi opened her mouth in a hurry and was about to say something. Wen Shutong only felt that a great force was pressed on her back. Then she was soft and unconscious.

"No!" Liu Xinyi screamed sharply.

No. 03 picked up Wen Shutong, directed at Liu Xinyi's direction, disdained to say, "I saved your life because I promised Mr. Wen Shutong to do it for her as much as possible. Otherwise, you have to die today."

"You'd better not think about calling the police, because if you call the police, it will only hurt her. Don't die."

Of course, Liu Xinyi knows that you can't call the police against this evil villain, otherwise the consequences will only be more serious.

He looked maliciously at No. 03, and then turned his head: "you wait!"

No. 03 didn't look at her anymore. He turned around with Wen Shutong and left.

The car bumped all the way and soon came to a villa.

Not the place where death stayed before, but a huge mountain villa. A huge garden was built on the road to the villa, with a spectacular fountain in the middle.

All the flowers and trees have been cut into abstract shapes. It's cold winter and December. It snowed some time ago, but it's full of spring here.

Like Alice in Wonderland, everything is beautiful but abnormal.

The car No. 03 stopped at the door of the villa. He changed his arrogant and domineering appearance in the basement, got out of the car carefully and rang the doorbell.

At the same time, in front of the huge French windows on the second floor, the God of death was sitting in a wheelchair, covered with a thin blanket on his legs, looking down at the downstairs.

"Open the door." Hearing the doorbell, he waved his hand casually, "bring people up."

The robot sweeping the floor behind him stopped, and then came the sound of the mechanical plate: "copy that."

Then the sweeping robot quickly turned its wheels, walked out of the room and went down the stairs by itself.

As he married downstairs, he stretched out like a transformer. When he reached the door, he actually stretched out four manipulators, just like a simple small support.

The door opened, and No. 03 was still respectful to the robot: "do you need me to send him?"

"No need." The sound of the robot's flat panel sounded, then passed through No. 03, opened the door by itself, and held Wen Shutong with a manipulator.

As soon as death remained motionless, his hand gently rubbed the armrest of the wheelchair.

His fingers moved lightly as like as two peas in front of the manipulator moved in the same way as he did, and then gently touched Wen Shutong's neck.

Death narrowed his eyes slightly and quietly spit out three words: "hurt."

Soon, Wen Shutong was sent upstairs by the manipulator and put on the bed.

Death got up and walked over, gently turned her body, and sure enough, she clearly saw a swollen lump on the back neck, and frowned slightly.

No. 03 watched the manipulator take the man up with his own eyes. Respectfully, he was about to turn around and leave. As a result, the thing went back like a ghost.

Its flat voice sounded after number 03: "wait a minute."

Even if there were only these two words, it still made the body of No. 03 tremble slightly. He turned his head and was about to speak. Suddenly, a manipulator stretched out domineering and broke it directly against his shoulder without saying a word!

03 issued a shrill cry, followed by the brittle sound of bones. His hand was dislocated by the manipulator!

However, the pain didn't last long. It immediately connected him with "let's go."

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