Sui Jian almost couldn't help yelling a national curse. He really wanted to beat him up.

Just when he thought it was difficult to control the situation, Huo Yanlin said lightly, "I probably know the situation. Let's do it first."

After that, he hung up the phone, put down his cell phone and tightened his fingers slightly.

No. 03 knew that this method could stimulate him, so he intensified

"You're miserable enough. You've just recovered from the car accident, and your wife's whereabouts are unknown. If I were you, I wouldn't even cure my disease and die directly."

"Also, I still have to advise you that my people are everywhere. Our anti tracking system is so powerful that you can't imagine. Since your son dares to locate our position in this way, he will be anti tracked. They may be the next to lose."

"You know who I am and how much influence I have, but you dare to mobilize so many people. It seems that it's really..."

"Aren't you a substitute for death? You really treat yourself as a dish?" Bits and pieces of Yan Xiao have been holding their tongue. Now they finally find the opportunity to Tucao. "What are your company's president make complaints about?"

"Why can't I understand our piecemeal affairs?" He raised his chin and stared at Yan Xiaoling carelessly. "I'm just a conscientious CEO of the company. Because I have a little conflict with your company, you kidnapped me. Why should I become a prisoner?"

"You're on the horse..." Yan Xiaoling's dirty words blurted out, "I really want to break your big head! Do you animals have to admit what you've done when the evidence is in front of you

Obviously, he kidnapped people, but he dared to splash dirty water like this. This logical thinking ability can be a lawyer in ancient times.

Although there were four living people in the car, one was completely dizzy, and the other three were hemiplegia, so they could only move their mouths. They didn't fight strangely. At first glance, they were quite peaceful.

Huo Yanlin's time was almost the same. Soon they met Sui Jian's car.

Sui Jian took the lead in stopping the car and hurried down with a large number of people. The moment he opened the door, there was a strong smell of blood.

Then he saw the situation of Huo Yanlin and almost couldn't help taking a cold breath.

He was very glad that Wen Shutong was not here. If she saw Huo Yanlin like this, she would be distressed to death.

The moon was also nearby. At this critical time, he showed a super calm side.

Seeing Huo Yanlin's situation, he didn't even have a redundant word. He just said concisely: "take out the chip first. I want to take a car with this man."

He pointed to number 03 in the back. "Is that ok?"

Sui didn't even think about it. He refused on the spot: "no, you'll be in danger! Take it back and try again!"

Yan Xiaoling almost lost half his life when he drove for a while. The whole person is in a state of death and can't live.

He almost rolled down the driver's seat, which was forcibly picked up by two men of Sui detective: "don't worry about this little God. The real danger is the masked dog."

"It's time to clean him up. If I hadn't been hurt now, I really didn't have the energy. I really want to beat his brains out to make salted bean curd. My mouth is so fucking cheap!"

Sui Jian didn't meet Yan Xiaoling many times. He thought he was a cold little wolf dog. Unexpectedly, he spoke very essence.

But now he can't care about greeting and making friends. He can only step back: "OK, I'll let two other people accompany you to the car behind. The others get on the bus first and go to the hospital."

Huo Yanlin did not move and let one of the accompanying doctors treat his wound.

The place where the chip was implanted was very deep. When it was taken out, it was almost flesh and blood. Although the doctor had a lot of experience, he still grinned at this scene.

Huo Yanlin was calm, as if the wound grew on others. The whole person was in a very calm state.

He shook his head and rejected Sui Jian's words: "I don't go to the hospital. Where are they now? I'll probably know where Wen Shutong is."

Sui detective was so anxious that he almost jumped up and immediately refused him: "what are you crazy? Don't you know what's going on with you? Take a good look in the mirror. You're covered with blood now! You'll die if you lose blood seriously? Go to the hospital first. My people will deal with her!"

"I know my condition. I'll be fine if I deal with it. I haven't been hurt too much." Huo Yanlin continued, "is it in the studio? The accident is there. You should also take that as the origin."

After that, he took a long step, sat on the front car and had to drive away.

From the perspective of Sui detective, Huo Yanlin only felt as if he had left the ground. He had a feeling of floating and not knowing why.

He even doubted whether Huo Yanlin's thinking ability had returned to the world.

I'm used to seeing Huo Yanlin's appearance that the sky can float gently when it falls. Now seeing her look like she has no master, it makes him feel bad.

After a short hesitation, he finally chose unconditional support and whispered, "they are really there now. I'll go with you."

After taking a breath, he added again, "in fact, I just lied to you on the phone. Now the situation is not very good. We try to track, but we have no clue about the whereabouts of Wen Shutong. The other party is too cunning."

Huo Yanlin nodded to show that he understood.

Seeing him sitting in the driver's seat, Sui detective whispered, "what, you'd better sit in the back, the driver drives. Let the doctor deal with your wound again."


Huo Yanlin got out of the car and sat on the back seat, asking the doctor to continue to deal with his wounds.

The doctor's technique was also very stable. He didn't shake his hand even when driving. He simply sutured the deep wound on his body.

Without anesthetics, Sui jiannaoren was in pain, but Huo Yanlin didn't respond.

"Tell me about the cause and effect." He whispered.

Sui Jian didn't dare to delay, so he quickly relayed the situation Liu Xinyi told him to Huo Yanlin.

"In other words, the accident was the inducement that led her to fall into the trap." Huo Yanlin spoke slowly, "if she hadn't seen the video, she wouldn't have gone..."

"What are you confused about? The other party's trap is the origin of all evil!" Sui detective spoke quickly.

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