God knows when he said this sentence, he seemed calm. In fact, he was suffering from what kind of torture.

The stars and the moon were stunned, and soon recovered their normal look.

After a calm analysis, the moon whispered, "so in the final analysis, it has something to do with that man, but he has been taken away now. Do we need to find him back?"

The difference between them and other children is that other children may cry and be helpless in this situation, but they can react in a short time and start looking for solutions.

Huo Yanlin nodded: "well, that's almost what it means. Is there anything else to ask?"

The moon shook her head, but the star said tentatively, "in fact, we are not children who can't help. If we encounter such a situation next time, we can tell us."

"I see. But I hope this kind of thing will never happen again." Huo Yanlin nodded, "if you want to go, choose yourself."

"We're not going anywhere. We're going home." The two children spoke neatly again, "otherwise there would be only dad left at home."

Huo Yanlin frowned and was about to speak, but Sui Jian interrupted: "yes, I think the two little guys are right. It's a little better to have them with you. In case of any emergency, you can also discuss how boring it is to stay alone."

"I won't be alone. I have a lot to deal with." Huo Yanlin lowered his voice.

"Then we can also accompany you." The two little guys have a small voice, but they are firm.

"OK. Don't think they're accompanying you, but you're accompanying the children." Sui detective continued to make peace next to him.

Having said this, Huo Yanlin naturally had no need to shirk it, so he remained silent and didn't say anything more.

"By the way, what exactly should Shu Tong do?" Jiang Xingwen said, "she just left so directly. It's not very good. His mental state is not very stable now. What if there is danger?"

"Her mental condition is technically no problem." Huo Yanlin said calmly, "and I've been followed by her secretly. There will be a itinerary report wherever I go."

"Difficult, too difficult." Shao Weiyan really couldn't react to the brain burning plot. "My sister's contact with him was so short. How did he change a person?"

No one could answer his question, and the air was quiet for a while.

Or Jiang Xingwen took the initiative to say, "although we don't know for a while, we don't waste our brains here. We all go back first and let Yan Lin have a good rest."

The others seemed to react. After they responded one after another, they went back to their homes.

Huo Yanlin worked hard all day. He was seriously overdrawn and turned back to the ward.

The stars and the moon also went back with him. Just like that, Ann sat on the rest chair in the room and didn't bother.

Although the three were in the same room, two of them were typical silent patients. The room was so quiet that the needles could be heard.

The star has been checking the information on the Internet to see what can explain the current situation of Wen Shutong. The moon holds his chin with one hand and looks at the sky outside in a daze.

After being quiet for a while, he suddenly choked his nose and said with some cautious grievances, "Dad, will I have no mother in the future?"

Originally, the atmosphere in the room was unspeakable, and his words suddenly broke the whitewashed peace.

Huo Yanlin had been looking at the company's documents in order to calm himself down.

Smell speech but involuntarily clenched his fist, his eyes crossed a complex look.

He could not determine how long the loss of wenshutong would last until the cause was uncertain.

More than anyone else, he hopes that she can be well and that she can be safe and happy for the rest of her life. This is also his birthday wish.

But now it seems that birthday wishes are really unreliable and useless.

Before he could answer, his mobile phone suddenly rang. It was the man in charge of tracking Wen Shutong.

Huo Yanlin never took over the phone so quickly. He almost didn't finish the first sound. He had already connected. Before he opened his mouth across the street, he asked, "what's the matter?"

The first man obviously realized this treatment for the first time, and was a little stunned, but soon said, "madam, she is now looking for Miss Zhang at the police station. The two are now communicating inside. I'm not sure what happened."

Huo Yanlin's heart jerked: "what I said to let you track is that you should observe her movements at any time without disturbing her. Now you tell me you're not sure what happened!"

"I can't help it. Miss Zhang came out to pick it up herself. There are too many police on her side. I'm afraid my wife will be suspicious after being found." His voice trembled with fear and he quickly opened his mouth to explain.

Realizing that his reaction was too big, Huo Yanlin slightly propped up the lower corner of his forehead and lowered his voice: "OK, you watch over there first, observe her trend, and explain the situation to Zhang Yingying when necessary, so that their people don't hurt her. I'll go right now."

As long as Wen Shutong's situation is unstable, he can't have a quiet rest for a moment.

Huo Yanlin quickly got up, put on a coat, left the two little guys in the ward and hurried there.

He was very worried and wanted to call Zhang Yingying. He was afraid that Wen Shutong would find himself watching her. His heart was like a hundred claws scratching his heart. He couldn't be stable for a long time.

When Huo Yanlin was in the car, he even began to think. When the time passed, should he meet Wen Shutong directly?

Thinking, his car had stopped at the door of the police station.

But it happened that Wen Shutong had come out of it.

He quickly hid the turning direction of the car to a less obvious place and watched Wen Shutong out of the police station.

Wen Shutong's expression was very ordinary, and he didn't face his indifference. He even smiled and said goodbye when he went out.

Soon, she took a taxi, got in and left directly.

His men gestured with Huo Yanlin from a distance, so they didn't dare to delay time and caught up with him.

Huo Yanlin did not hesitate and went directly into the police station to find Zhang Yingying.

She opened the door of the office. Zhang Yingying was writing something on her desk. Without raising her head, she said, "what's the matter? I didn't make it clear just now. There are other things?"

"It's me."

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