In the following days, it was basically this mode, but with the help of Liu Xinyi, he could see Wen Shutong every day.

Although it's no different from drinking poison to quench thirst, it's better than never seeing it.

In order to eliminate the feeling of emptiness in his heart, he increases his workload every day and forces these things to fill himself.

Wen Shutong leaves very late every day. He chooses to get off work when she gets off work, and then drives quietly behind her to ensure Shutong's safety.

He never wanted to follow or supervise Wen Shutong. He just wanted to know where she lived and whether it was safe around her.

This seems to have gradually become a habit, but suddenly one day, Wen Shutong didn't come to the company.

Huo Yanlin suddenly panicked and hurriedly asked Liu Xinyi to know that she went to the next city on business today.

There was a patient who couldn't come here and couldn't use a computer, so she went there herself.

Without Wen Shutong, it's really hard for Huo Yanlin. Huo Yanlin originally planned to work overtime until dawn, but when he was about to get off work in normal time, he suddenly received a call from Sui detective.

"What are you doing? I haven't been in touch for days." Sui detective said carelessly, "you don't say you miss my friend. I was kind enough to help you bring your baby."

"Speak up." Huo Yanlin didn't waste time with him and said, "I'm working."

"Brother, there's no need to fight like this. The doctor specially explained that you haven't been cured for a long time. You should have a good rest. You shouldn't be tired. You can work at home. Why do you have to go to the company? Hurry up and get off work!" Sui detective is shouting over there.

Huo Yanlin frowned impatiently: "if you have no business, hang up as soon as possible. Don't waste my time."

"Just tell me whether you get off work or not." Sui Jian gave an ultimatum, "if you don't get off work obediently, I'll take Shao Weiyan and them to block you downstairs, and then everyone holds a banner to let Ruihe, a unscrupulous company, hand it over quickly."

"Did the president of the unscrupulous company agree?" Huo Yanlin snorted and smiled and asked.

"Oh, forget this. In that case, you're going too far. The president takes the lead in working overtime. Where do you want to put the employees? No! I have to release you today and give the employees a clear day!"

Huo Yanlin frowned and silently turned his eyes: "if you really have nothing to do, slap each other in the face with Jiang Xingwen. Don't bother me."

"I'll be downstairs of your company soon. Come down quickly and don't waste my time." Sui Jian didn't eat him, "if you really don't come down, I'll shout downstairs."

Huo Yanlin didn't bother to pay attention to him, so he hung up the phone directly. Who knows, before long, the security guard dialed the internal phone and said anxiously, "president, sorry to disturb you. Are you busy now? There is a man driving at the door of the company, who has been wandering around all the time. He also holds up an LED display board from time to time, which says to let you go downstairs. What should I do?"

Huo Yanlin thought it would be over if he ignored him, but he didn't expect Sui detective to come to him crazy.

He simply dropped his pen, took his coat and went downstairs.

Sure enough, as the security guard said, Sui Jian's car was parked at the door, and a sign came out of it, which said carelessly: "hand over Huo Yanlin, President of your company quickly, or I will launch a loudspeaker attack!"

He frowned fiercely and walked quickly over. Without saying a word, he took the led directly: "did you forget to take the rabies vaccine? Are you sick now? What's crazy? Jiang Xingwen? Why didn't you tie you up?"

When two people are together, there is always a reliable one. Jiang Xingwen is the reliable one. Huo Yanlin still has a little hope for him.

However, his voice fell. He stretched out a hand from the co pilot and shook it at him. Jiang Xingwen's voice came out: "I'm here. What's the matter with us?"

Huo Lingshen: "..." wanted to strangle both of them.

Sui detective poked out half his head from inside and said with a smile: "it seems that this method is still useful. At least you are willing to move the car. Get in the car and let's have dinner together."

After that, he didn't wait for Huo Yanlin to respond, so he pulled him over with extremely rude means and forcibly detained him in the car.

Then Jiang Xingwen in front cooperated with him and locked the door directly without giving Huo Yanlin a chance to escape.

"You've been tossing your body all day. Isn't it death? I suggest you'd better relax and have a coffee with us."

Sui Jian patted him on the shoulder. "You can't hurt yourself so much because your wife ignores you now, can you?"

"I didn't hurt myself. Are you sick?" Huo Yanlin put one hand on the edge of the window. Although he didn't mean to escape, he was full of resistance.

It's like Sui detective has a virus for fear of infecting him.

Sui detective saw his intention to avoid himself at a glance, so he was particularly unreasonable and had to get close to him and rub around him.

"Oh, you still want to avoid me. It's impossible! You broke the glass of this car today, and I won't let you out!"

"Well, I'm not going out. Tell me, what's your sudden madness?" He changed a relatively comfortable position, narrowed his eyes slightly, leaned against the window, and looked at the person in front of him with a somewhat questioning look.

"Ho, it's mainly because of Wen Shu..." Jiang Xingwen is not good at lying and takes a shortcut.

"Cough!" Sui Jian abruptly interrupted him, "we just can't bear the way you may die for the company anytime, anywhere. Isn't it good to live freely?"

"You can't make enough money. Even if you can't accomplish anything in the second half of your life, you can't spend all your food, drink and fun. Why do you still fight so hard?"

"Don't comfort me because of Wen Shutong. I'm much better now." He pondered a little, but said against his heart, "in fact, there's nothing wrong with keeping it like this. He devoted himself to his work and didn't need to be affected by these foreign things."

"With a selfless look on his mouth, he secretly refers to how many times he has cried." Sui Jian looked disgusted and said, "when everyone breaks up, they all think they can stand it, but in fact?"

Now he seems to have become a past person, because he also divorced Jiang Xingwen at the beginning. The torture during that time is unspeakable, so he can feel it too much.

Huo Yanlin corrected him with a serious face: "we didn't break up or divorce."

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